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Ex.1. Read the words correctly, practise your sounds. Learn the words.

Читайте также:
  2. A look through the descriptions of things you can do with music and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type.
  3. A. Listen to the description of the drilling process and fill in the missing words (no more than THREE words). The first word is given as an example.
  4. A. Read the paragraph below and choose the most appropriate words/ phrases in bold. Where could you read this extract?
  5. Abstract and Keywords
  6. Abstract and Keywords
  7. Abstract and Keywords
  8. Abstract and Keywords
  9. Abstract and Keywords
  10. Abstract and Keywords
academic academic year [,æk¶`demik] академический учебный год
accomodation [,¶kÉm¶`deiòn] жилье
admit [¶d`mit] принимать
approach [¶`proutò] подход
chance [`tòa:ns] шанс
choose (chose, chosen) [tòu:z] выбирать
confer [k¶n`f¶:] даровать, совещаться
correspondence education by correspondence [,kÉris`pÉnd¶ns] корреспонденция заочное обучение
course [kÉ:s] курс (учебный)
curriculum extra-curricular [k¶`rikjul¶m] учебный план внеаудиторный
degree Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree Doctor’s degree [di`gri:] [bætò¶l¶z] [`ma:st¶z] [`dÉkt¶z] ученая степень, звание степень бакалавра степень магистра степень доктора наук
diploma [dip`loum¶] диплом
education higher education secondary education [,edju`keiòn] образование высшее образование среднее образование
enter to enter the university [`ent¶] поступать (в) поступать в университет
exam (examination) to take exams to pass exams [ig`zæm] экзамен сдавать экзамены выдержать экзамены
faculty [`fæk¶lti] факультет
fail [feil] потерпеть неудачу, (разг.) провалить
follow [`fÉlou] следовать
gain [`gein] достигать
graduate n graduate (from) v [`grædjuit] [`grædjueit] выпускник заканчивать
grant [gra:nt] стипендия; представлять
the humanities [hju`mænitiz] гуманитарные науки
independent [,indi`pend¶nt] независимый
job [d Éb] работа
junior [`d u:nj¶] младший
lecture [`lektò¶] лекция
lecturer [`lektò¶r¶] лектор
lodging [`lÉd ih] жилье
obtain [¶b`tein] получать, достигать
philosophy [fi`lÉs¶fi] философия
postgraduate postgraduate (student) [`poust`grædjuit] аспирантский аспирант
private [`praivit] частный
provide [pr¶`vaid] обеспечивать
qualification [,kwÉlifi`keiòn] квалификация, подготов- ленность
reach [ri:tò] достигать
recreation [,rekri`eiòn] отдых
research [ri`s¶:tò] научно-исследовательская работа
scientist [`sai¶ntist] учебный
scientific [,sai¶n`tifik] научный
self-governing [`self`gLv¶nih] самоуправляющийся
senior [`si:nj¶] старший
session [`seòn] сессия; учебный год
settle to settle problems [`setl] решать решать проблемы
society [s¶`sai¶ti] общество
specialize (in) [`speò¶laiz] специализироваться (на)
subject [`sLbd ikt] предмет
success [s¶k`ses] успех
successful [s¶k`sesful] успешный
support [s¶`pÉ:t] поддерживать
theology [Qi`Él¶d i] теология
thesis [`Qi:sis] диссертация
train [trein] обучать
tutor tutorial system [`tju:t¶] [tju`tÉri¶l] преподаватель система прикрепления студентов к преподавателю

Ex. 2. Match English and Russian equivalents:

1. higher education а) получать стипендию
2. private institution b) местные власти
3. university curriculum с) учебный семестр
4. to receive grants d) сдать экзамены
5. local authority e) учебный план университета
6. academic session f) высшее образование
7. to pass exams g) научно-исследовательский центр
8. research centre h) частные заведения


Ex. 3. Transform as in the models. Name the parts of speach.

Model 1: the Department of Education – Education Department.

The sentres of research, the colleges of the University, the history of Oxford, the faculty of law.


Model 2: a degree of a Bachelor – Bachelor’s degree.

A degree of Master, life of the students, the report of the scientists.


Model 3: to educate people – the education of people.

To found the University, to regulate the students, to examine students, to appoint the tutors.


Ex. 4. In the following groups of words pick out the word which is the most general in meaning and explain your choice.

1) school, university, educational establishment, college; 2) engineer, doctor, teacher, specialist, librarian; 3) history, geography, philosophy, subject; 4) year, time, month, day, week; 5) peasants, workers, population, people.


Ex. 5. In each group of words find the word the translation of which is given.

1) профессиональный – incomplete, primary, vocational, higher; 2) получать – to support, to receive, to provide, to require; 3) семестр – stage, classes, term, curriculum; 4) способность – ability, quality, facility, requirement; 5) посещать (занятия) – to divide, to fail, to receive, to attend; 6) заканчивать, завершать – to start, to complete, to leave, to continue.


Ex. 6. Combine the verbs with the suitable nouns and make up sentences using these word combinations:

to pass, to attend, to receive, to provide, to leave, to fail in, to adopt, to start, to train, to take, to create;

facilities, a subject, specialists, one’s career, a programme, State grants, lectures, classes, seminars, time, an examination, a plan, an education.


Ex. 7. Arrange a) and b) in pairs of synonyms.


full, to continue, an education, an institute, to build, to receive, to provide smb. with smth., complete, to begin, conditions, various.

to start, different, facilities, complete, to last, a training, a college, to finish, to get, to give smb. smth., to construct.


Ex. 8. Complete the sentences choosing the right word combination from the list below.

1. Applicants for places at various departments of different colleges and universities must …. 2. Most students in our country receive financial support in the form of …. 3. After the students finish the institutes they go to work as specialists in various spheres of … 4. How many terms are there in …? 5. Students must attend …. 6. He is a good student, he will …. 7. At the institutes and universities students get …. 8. Education at state educational establishment in our country is ….9. Admission to institution of higher education is …. 10. He has passed all entrance examinations successfully and has become ….


lectures of different subjects, a higher education, free of charge, state grants, by examination, a first-year student, pass all the examinations, national economy, the academic year, take examinations.


Ex. 9. Guess the name of the italicized words and phrases.

1. The library was founded in 1980. 2. The commitee consists of 9 members, that is it has 9 members. 3. These two students have the same characters, abilities and interests, so they have much in common. Tom and his brother have nothing in common: their characters, abilities and interests are very different. 4. Our institute was established only 7 years ago, so it is a relatively new institute in the city in contrast to all other institutes which were build 20 and more years ago. 5. Art schools train painters, sculptors, etc., drama schools train actors and other specialists for the theatre, ballet schools train dancers for ballet and dance companies. 6. As a rule he comes home from work at 6 o’clock, but sometimes he comes later. 7. Applicants for places at institutes and universities in our country are admitted on the basis of their results in the entrance examinations.

Ex. 10. Using the guide words and phrases given below, say what you usually do:

a) at the lecture: to listen to the lecture, to take notes, to ask questions, to write, to put down;

b) at the seminar: to speak on the subject, to make a report, to take part in a discussion (of), to ask questions, to add what was said by the previous, speaker, to ask the teacher to explain;

c) at the library: to take and read books recommended by the teacher on various subjects, to look through newspapers and magazines, to make notes, to prepare for ….

d) in the foreign language laboratory: to listen to the tape recordings, to work with a tape recorder, to repeat after the speaker, to imitate, to do oral exercises.


Ex. 11. Say what you are doing at the English lesson today.


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