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Lesson B

Читайте также:
  1. A Good Lesson
  2. Dear student, you missed this lesson!
  3. Ex 48 Answer the following questions, using the vocabulary of the lesson. Sum up the answers (orally, or in writing).
  4. Ex 53 Answer the following questions, using the vocabulary of the lesson. Sum up your answers (orally, or in writing).
  5. Lesson , Ex.1
  6. Lesson 1, Ex. 2 b
  7. Lesson 1, Ex.2
  8. Lesson 1, Ex.2a
  9. Lesson 1, Ex.3a
  10. LESSON 1-1 1 страница

Looking for a job. Parts 1, 2


Call 1

Melanie = M

Trudy = T

M And have you ever worked in a computer company?

T Yes, I have, actually, in the job before my present one.

M How long ago was it?

T Well, I left it three years ago.

M What computer company were you working for then?

T For Timble. That’s a software company. It was interesting but I like languages and with Timble I never got the chance to practise.

M And how long have you been working in your present job?

T Three years. Ever since I left Timble.

M And what sort of company are you working for now?

T It’s an import-export company, actually. So I get the chance to use my languages a lot.

M What languages do you speak then?

T French and Spanish, and I’ve been studying German for about a year, but it’s still not very good, I’m afraid.

M Have you ever lived in a Spanish-speaking or a French-speaking country?

Not just visited, I mean.

T No, I haven’t, but I’ve visited France and Spain several times, and I’ve had a penfriend in Argentina for years.

M And have you ever worked with computers?

T With word-processors, yes. In the secretarial course, and since then I’ve been using them in both jobs.

Call 2

Ruth = R

M Have you ever worked in a computer company before?

R No, I’m afraid I haven’t. I’ve just finished my secretarial course.

M But have you ever had any experience with computers?

R Well, in secretarial college we had training with word-processors, of course. And at home my sister’s had her own micro-computer for a year or two, and I’ve used it a bit... but I haven’t tried to program it.

M I see. And what about languages?

R Well, the secretarial course was bilingual: in English and French... I’ve got A level in French... and I’ve been studying German and Spanish.

M Oh... how long have you been studying them?

T Since last year, I began them last year in college.

M And have you ever been to a Spanish-speaking or French-speaking country?

T Yes, on holiday. Twice to France and twice to Spain. But I went to Spain before I started learning Spanish.


Call 3

Stanley = S

M And have you ever worked in a computer company before?

S Oh yes, that’s my profession, you see.

M I’m sorry?

S It’s my profession. I’m a programmer, you see.

M Ah, I see. And which company have you been working for?

S You mean ‘which company did I work for? I’ve been out of a job for... some time, I used to work for IQL.

M Oh yes? And how long did you work for them?

S I was with them for four years.

M How long ago did you leave them?

S About eighteen months ago, I’ve been out of work ever since.

M Have you ever had any secretarial training?

S No, but I’ve been working in offices and with word-processors ever since I left university, so I’d pick it up very quickly.

M Have you ever worked abroad? In French or Spanish-speaking countries?

S Yes, I was in Algeria for six months. IQL sent me to help with a system in a bank. And I had three months in Peru once for IQL, installing an office system. My French is good, but my Spanish is a bit rusty.

M When were you in Peru and Algeria?

S Peru? Four years ago. And Algeria... That was... two years go.


Call 4

Ursula = U

M Have you ever worked in a computer company?

U No, I’m a language teacher, as a matter of fact. I’ve been teaching in Sweden for the last three years - teaching English. Actually, I’m just home on holiday at the moment.

M Uhuh... and what languages do you speak?

U Well. Swedish and some German.. and a little Russian, but that’s a bit rusty.

M I see. And have you ever studied French or Spanish?

U No, I got my degree in maths, in fact.

M And secretarial training? Have you ever taken a secretarial course?

U Yes, I have.

M When was that? How long ago?

U Oh, after my degree. Four years ago.

M Have you ever had any experience with computers? With word-processors, for example?

U Oh yes, in secretarial college, and in Sweden I’ve been teaching English in a computer software company, and I’ve been using word-processors in teaching how to write letters...



Kate = K

Trudy = T

K... and how long have you been looking for a new job?

T Well, I’ve been looking for most of this year.

K Why exactly do you want to leave Mercury, then?

T Well, I enjoyed working for Timble - that was my first job - because it was a nice modern company with modern offices, and the people were friendly...

K So why did you leave Timble?

T First, the money, I suppose. I mean, Mercury pays much better salaries. And secondly, in Timble I was just a typist really, and in Mercury I’ve had a bit of responsibility, as a secretary.

K But in Mercury you haven’t been so happy.

T No, that’s it. The work isn’t very varied. It’s all the same day after day, and the atmosphere’s a bit... old-fashioned.

K Have you heard much about this company? Pineapple, I mean.

T Well, I’ve seen your advertisements on TV and in the papers, of course, and I’ve seen the computers in the shops.

K Have you ever actually used a Pineapple computer?

T No, I haven’t used one. In Mercury there’s a big one which does everything, accounts, word-processing... it’s an IQL system, I think... and at home we’ve got an Amstrad.

K If you get this job, how long do you expect to work here?

T If the work’s interesting and the salary’s good, I’d like to stay.

K But are you prepared to do the same work, year after year?

T I suppose, I’m quite ambitious, but I know this company is growing and when a company grows, the work grows and changes with it.

K Trudy, if I say to you “What is your main defect?”..., do you think that’s an unfair question? What’s your answer to that?

T No, but it’s difficult. I’m sure I’ve got several. Maybe the main one is that I get a bit impatient sometimes. I mean, I really like to do things well, and in every company there are some people who are not so keen and, well, I find it difficult not to get impatient.

K I see. Well, you’ve got a lot of interests here. Travel and your languages, computing, er... what about rambling, then?

T Oh, about one weekend a month, actually. I’ve been doing that for three or four years now. With a ramblers’ group. We go off to the Peak District, or to Wales... it’s very nice to get away and get some fresh air...


(from Synthesis by W.Fowler, J.Pidcock. Units 4.1., 4.4)



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