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Looking for a job. Parts 1, 2
Call 1
Melanie = M
Trudy = T
M And have you ever worked in a computer company?
T Yes, I have, actually, in the job before my present one.
M How long ago was it?
T Well, I left it three years ago.
M What computer company were you working for then?
T For Timble. That’s a software company. It was interesting but I like languages and with Timble I never got the chance to practise.
M And how long have you been working in your present job?
T Three years. Ever since I left Timble.
M And what sort of company are you working for now?
T It’s an import-export company, actually. So I get the chance to use my languages a lot.
M What languages do you speak then?
T French and Spanish, and I’ve been studying German for about a year, but it’s still not very good, I’m afraid.
M Have you ever lived in a Spanish-speaking or a French-speaking country?
Not just visited, I mean.
T No, I haven’t, but I’ve visited France and Spain several times, and I’ve had a penfriend in Argentina for years.
M And have you ever worked with computers?
T With word-processors, yes. In the secretarial course, and since then I’ve been using them in both jobs.
Call 2
Ruth = R
M Have you ever worked in a computer company before?
R No, I’m afraid I haven’t. I’ve just finished my secretarial course.
M But have you ever had any experience with computers?
R Well, in secretarial college we had training with word-processors, of course. And at home my sister’s had her own micro-computer for a year or two, and I’ve used it a bit... but I haven’t tried to program it.
M I see. And what about languages?
R Well, the secretarial course was bilingual: in English and French... I’ve got A level in French... and I’ve been studying German and Spanish.
M Oh... how long have you been studying them?
T Since last year, I began them last year in college.
M And have you ever been to a Spanish-speaking or French-speaking country?
T Yes, on holiday. Twice to France and twice to Spain. But I went to Spain before I started learning Spanish.
Call 3
Stanley = S
M And have you ever worked in a computer company before?
S Oh yes, that’s my profession, you see.
M I’m sorry?
S It’s my profession. I’m a programmer, you see.
M Ah, I see. And which company have you been working for?
S You mean ‘which company did I work for? I’ve been out of a job for... some time, I used to work for IQL.
M Oh yes? And how long did you work for them?
S I was with them for four years.
M How long ago did you leave them?
S About eighteen months ago, I’ve been out of work ever since.
M Have you ever had any secretarial training?
S No, but I’ve been working in offices and with word-processors ever since I left university, so I’d pick it up very quickly.
M Have you ever worked abroad? In French or Spanish-speaking countries?
S Yes, I was in Algeria for six months. IQL sent me to help with a system in a bank. And I had three months in Peru once for IQL, installing an office system. My French is good, but my Spanish is a bit rusty.
M When were you in Peru and Algeria?
S Peru? Four years ago. And Algeria... That was... two years go.
Call 4
Ursula = U
M Have you ever worked in a computer company?
U No, I’m a language teacher, as a matter of fact. I’ve been teaching in Sweden for the last three years - teaching English. Actually, I’m just home on holiday at the moment.
M Uhuh... and what languages do you speak?
U Well. Swedish and some German.. and a little Russian, but that’s a bit rusty.
M I see. And have you ever studied French or Spanish?
U No, I got my degree in maths, in fact.
M And secretarial training? Have you ever taken a secretarial course?
U Yes, I have.
M When was that? How long ago?
U Oh, after my degree. Four years ago.
M Have you ever had any experience with computers? With word-processors, for example?
U Oh yes, in secretarial college, and in Sweden I’ve been teaching English in a computer software company, and I’ve been using word-processors in teaching how to write letters...
Kate = K
Trudy = T
K... and how long have you been looking for a new job?
T Well, I’ve been looking for most of this year.
K Why exactly do you want to leave Mercury, then?
T Well, I enjoyed working for Timble - that was my first job - because it was a nice modern company with modern offices, and the people were friendly...
K So why did you leave Timble?
T First, the money, I suppose. I mean, Mercury pays much better salaries. And secondly, in Timble I was just a typist really, and in Mercury I’ve had a bit of responsibility, as a secretary.
K But in Mercury you haven’t been so happy.
T No, that’s it. The work isn’t very varied. It’s all the same day after day, and the atmosphere’s a bit... old-fashioned.
K Have you heard much about this company? Pineapple, I mean.
T Well, I’ve seen your advertisements on TV and in the papers, of course, and I’ve seen the computers in the shops.
K Have you ever actually used a Pineapple computer?
T No, I haven’t used one. In Mercury there’s a big one which does everything, accounts, word-processing... it’s an IQL system, I think... and at home we’ve got an Amstrad.
K If you get this job, how long do you expect to work here?
T If the work’s interesting and the salary’s good, I’d like to stay.
K But are you prepared to do the same work, year after year?
T I suppose, I’m quite ambitious, but I know this company is growing and when a company grows, the work grows and changes with it.
K Trudy, if I say to you “What is your main defect?”..., do you think that’s an unfair question? What’s your answer to that?
T No, but it’s difficult. I’m sure I’ve got several. Maybe the main one is that I get a bit impatient sometimes. I mean, I really like to do things well, and in every company there are some people who are not so keen and, well, I find it difficult not to get impatient.
K I see. Well, you’ve got a lot of interests here. Travel and your languages, computing, er... what about rambling, then?
T Oh, about one weekend a month, actually. I’ve been doing that for three or four years now. With a ramblers’ group. We go off to the Peak District, or to Wales... it’s very nice to get away and get some fresh air...
(from Synthesis by W.Fowler, J.Pidcock. Units 4.1., 4.4)
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