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Give a general survey of the main 8 economic regions of the U.K., the main cities of each region

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The South industrial and Agricultural region, Central England or the Midlands, Lancashire, Yorkshire and North England. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are also regarded as independent economic regions of the UK. The whole country consists of 8 economic regions.

The South industrial and Agricultural region:

It’s the most important region in the country in terms of industry, agriculture and population. The region includes all the South of England, both the South East and the South West.

The South is a region of various industries and of intensive agriculture. At the centre of everything is the city of London. Today about 6.7 million people live in Greater London. The great advantage is the port, that’s why people living in Greater London and its surrounding area provide a market for many imported goods, especially foodstuffs. The oldest industrial areas are near the city centre. Here industries such as clothing, furniture making and jewellery have tended to cluster in small distinct areas. The building of the docks led to the development of such typical port industries, as oil refining, steel-making. paper-making, etc., London’s industries are extremely varied, among them electrical engineering, instrument production, radio engineering, the motor car industry.

The other towns and cities, situated to the north of the Thames and connected with the capital in industrial specialization are Oxford, Cambridge and Luton. Oxford is a leading educational centre. Cambridge is also best known for its ancient university,which has an international reputation for scientific research, facilities for high technology research and highly trained labour. Luton became famous for industry.Luton became the country’s leading hat-making town, straw from the local crops furnishing the raw material.

Bristol is a major centre of non-ferrous metallurgy, aircraft and automobile industry, military hardware

The south is a major agricultural region of Great Britain. Agricultural specialization is different in the South West and South East and East. There is farming. Hence, dairying is the main farming activity here. Oats and barley make up the principal cereal. In the south-west-growing vegetables and flowers, in the east-farming, more than 90 per cent of farmland is occupied with wheat and barley,in the south-market gardening and fruit farming.

The Midlands:

is situated in the centre of GB between the South Industrial and Agricultural region in the south and Lancashire and Yorkshire in the north. It is one of Britain’s leading industrial regions. West Midlands includes Birmingham(known as Black Country, there are iron industry, engineering and the finishing metals, hardware, the motor industry,jewellery manufacture. It’s the industrial capital of the Midlands, the city is a major producer of consumer goods.),Coventry(trading in wool, making woolen cloths, the metal working and engineering industry, the silk industry,it’s the centre of the British motor industry),Wolverhampton(heavy engineering, matal founding, tyre production).

A great deal of the region Midlands is under grass, the principal crops are wheat, along with potatoes and sugar beet, and a great variety of vegetables is produced

Lancashire and Yorkshire:

Are situated to the north of the Midlands.

Lancashire is a historic centre of British industry.2 major centres in this region: Merseyside(cotton industry, there is a leading port, chemical industry, the motor car industry, shipbuilding and ship repairing, glass manufacture) and Greater Manchester(txtile industry, it’a a commercial city, clothing manufacture, engineering, agriculture.

The economy of Yorkshire was always closely connected with wool. North Yorkshire is mainly a rural farming region. Barley and wheat are major crops. In Yorkshire there are 3 main industrial centres: the south Yorkshire, the north Y.,the west Y.

North England:

2 main centres of industrial activity: one situated in the north-east and the other in the north-west.(the most important, which includes Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Sunderland and Teesside. There are iron industry, finishing industry,s hipbuilding, electrical engineering, coal mining, the chemical industry, agriculture)


South Wales is the main area of industrial activity, it’s coalfield region. Also there are iron and steel industry, manufacture of non-ferrous metals. Cardiff is the largest city in South Wales, the national capital and business centre, there are coal mining and iron industries. In general, Wales, faces serious social and economis problems, caused by the depression of its traditional industries.


Divided into 3 parts: the Scottish Highlands, the Southern Uplands,(there is rainfall, sheep, beef cattle),the Central Lowlands(the Glasgow is in the centre of industrial activity, there are manufacturing, textile and clothing production, there is farming)

New Towns(electronics)

Edinburgh(heavy industry, paper manufacture, because it’ a a university city)

The region Scotland is beset by the decline of the traditional industries which has led to high unemployment. The main activities are coal mining, steel production and shipbuilding.

Northern Ireland:

Farming, shipbuilding and the manufacture of textiles(in the 1050s)

The textile industry came to depend almost entirely on linen which was made from flax grown in the province.NI has one of the largest concentrations of man-made fibre production in Western Europe. The engineering industry has been dominated by shipbuilding. With the introduction of iron ships, the industry was forced to import from Britain most of its rawmaterials, including coal, iron and steel.

Belfast-a major centre of textile manufacture, shipbuilding, aircraft production, electrical engineering and food processing.

Londondery-besides its textile and clothing industries, flour milling and bacon curing are also developing.


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