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In a democratic society men and women are treated as equally.
Комментарий: говорить о дискриминации, естьона или нет
Under many international instruments the international community ensure the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all civil and political and others rights
In accordance with our cons particularly art 19 men and women have equal rights and freedoms and also equal possibilities for these rights realization.
And that’s’ is the problem issue since practically speaking men have some advantages over women so called female discrimination
The most obvious infringement of women rights occurs in the sphere of politics and education or work sphere.
There re only few female representatives in the politics. I mean the significant official post. Women are considered too be less clever than men, a bit narrow-minded. Many men assume that women are only able to deal with the household tasks. Hence lots of prejudices in respect of women traditional solitaryrole cause many obstacles to climb to the professional olimpus.
The similar problem exists with an ordinary job. Women permanently confront with the would be employee refusal to offer a job. WOMEN are regarded to be not effective, reliable employer since they are or will be on the family way. Therefore the myth | reality is that a women will spend more time with her children, husband. Another fear of the employee is to pay maternal leave and others payments for pregnant women.
As the result the Career ladder can be illusive for many women just due to the female nature.
And the last but not the least is ed.sphere. ridiculous nonissue – that ЕГЭ helps to escape visual discrimination during the entering exams. However this problem till now takes place entering (post)graduate course.
In order to save men from service in the russian army men are in priority. (mom story)
But I don’t want to finish with the bitter statement that female discrimination exists everywhere. Awe should admit that positive discrimination is the award for women instead of flagrdiscr.
- Army
- Benefits for the child birth
- Are excluded from some harmful work
Therefore we should appreciate our advantages that we are given and try to stand for our infringed rights
Human rights violations are just a pretext for the intervention of one state onto the territory of another.
Под предлогом гум. помощи вторгаются и завоевывают территорию.
I’ d like to begin with the theory.
Firstly, In accordance with IL there is no certain term in respect of inter-n. However distinguished publicists point out economic, democratic, humanitarian intervention.
Secondly, there is a difference between humanitarian aid, "humanitarian assistance and hum int-n.
An essential feature of truly humanitarian aid is that it is given "without discrimination" of any kind.
Thirdly, The principle of non-intervention involves the right of every sovereign State to conduct its affairs without outside interference
Under international law a State may not intervene in another State to protect the later State's population from grave human rights violations if the Security Council failed to authorize such intervention.
Intervention is wrongful when it uses, in regard to such choices (political, social), methods of coercion
Thus, the humanitarian int-n is a very dangerous thing. And unfortunately, int community often resort to this measure to intervene in the internal affairs.
UN never authorized humanitarian int-n, however sometimes it keeps silence after so-called human. Actions.
Former Yug, Sierra Leone, chad, Iran, Libya, Liberia - all these countries faced with intervention.
Countries declared that they want to protect HR. but virtually they intervened and violated state sovereign, territorial integrity and human rights.
It seems to me that sometimes forces destroy the State or deprive it of sovereign rights. And it’ s really awful.
Humanitarian intervention as the dangerous machine
All we can do is just waiting for int community decisions of this problem to avoid real human rights and sovereign of state violation in future/
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ЖЮРИ КОНКУРСА | | | The individuals should have the right what they want to do with their lives. |