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Речь об эвтаназии.
This statement leads us to the quest of Euthanasia. The right to live is enshrined in many legal documents and declared everywhere. in comparison with it, the right to death is silent satellite of this right. And it’s quite problematic. How could we deprive the person of his life? How is it possible to regulate this process?
The right to die is the ethical or institutional entitlement of the individual to commit suicide or to undergo voluntary euthanasia
Specially, if we live in the RF, where the level of human rights violation is pretty high..
In Europe euthanasia is widely recognized
Voluntary euthanasia is legal in some countries and U.S. states. Non-voluntary euthanasia is illegal in all countries.
I think E should be permitted for those people who wish to undertake it, If the indiv. Suffering from a terminal illness and wishes to restrict the pain so he has the right to put an end.
5. Can you think of any cases in your country, where HR have been infringed?
Перечислить, какие права вообще есть у человека.и посмотреть, как они соблюдаются: право на медицину, образование, свободу выражения
Human rights are protected and ensured by many legal instruments, but in practice HR violations are widespread, especially in Asia, South Africa and unfortunately, in our country. The reason may be the Asian mentality or unperfected legislature. All in all, there are many cases of HRI.
Specially in freedom of expression | freedom of mass media
Medical sphere,
No gross HRI, but we don’t feel safety sometimes. WE don’t possess basic instruments to control the government + are not granted with guarantees…
6. Should all immigrants of the country learn their new countries language?Should they try and preserve their own language?
Должно ли оставаться право у них на свой язык.Надорассматрваить с точки зрения мигрантов, надо им учить/ не надо
It’s difficult to answer since it depends on the kind of immigrants. If the immigrants are illegal or “provisional” they do not need to learn their new countries language.
But if the immigrant wishes to be the part of our population – he ought to. And it’s not the obligation. It’s the most convenient way for them to exist in our country
Language is our heritage, a “cultural” heritage they should try and preserve their own language as the memory of their roots.
7. Should the host country try and protect its own language against those of its immigrants?
Рассматривать с точки зрения законов, надо что-то регулировать или нет.
We have the official and native language – Russian language. It’s one of the difficult and beautiful lang. all over the world. Also in Russia there are many cultural represent-s| minorities - who speak the particular territory language
But in day to day life in the streets of our city we can listen asian language, Chinese or Tajik or something like this.
we should try to protect these languages for cultural reasons. A language is a major aspect of the culture that speaks that language. When the language dies, a major part of the culture dies.
But nowadays I don’t see the threat from Russian immigrants. They do not play a major role
And the real danger is the new generation’ slang that step by step is destroying and killing our culture.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 69 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав |
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