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Konovalova Maria min 00.00-2.53: I’m Mike Young and you’re listening to the 2009 Cambridge Festival of Ideas. In this studio we ask “How can we best encourage social mobility in the UK?” “How can we counter the vested interest among the middle and upper classes in protecting their status quo?” “What’s holding us back: is it the education system, family aspirations or just prejudice?” On the panel is Brenda King, Chief Executive of AC Diversity, an organization dedicated to the advancement of African and Caribbean students, Professor Diane Reay, from the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge, Joe Baden, manager of the Open Book programme at Goldsmiths, University of London, and Anastasia de Waal, head of family and education at think-tank Civitas. So, let’s go inside the Mill Lane Lecture Room here at Cambridge and here our first speaker, Professor Diane Reay.
Social mobility has a powerful symbolic residents in English society but in reality its largely a fallacy much desired in sort after particularly in a VIRTUALLY politicians but really realized. For example, LESS THEN 12 percent can’t be GRADUETS come for working CLASS back TO US. One thing is become clear inspired OF ALL THE WIDDENING …access import dissipation initiatives is a yet more initiatives …across …problem is not the best way to encourage social ability. More FUNDAMENTAL things needs to change about English society...argued about in early work create a level …to the quality AND WIDE the society a key to more effective social MOility. The class po… in English society and a growing gap between the rich and the poor contribute to undermining processes of social mobility making the m between social classes difficult and painful EVEN because we are living such a hierarchical society, differences between people in different society –economics groupings are wide and make movement more difficult than …more..societies,such as for example Japan and Sweden. We need to RECHOSE the investment in stay ….working undemiddle classes and …when stay an economic differentials between the classes of… also in an intensely competitive …society such as OUR OWN that’s more territorialism individual …and depend social space. So, social mobility is a bowl of relational we count of …of even middle class …
Klyausova Natalia min 02.53 – 04.49: In a society with more graduates than graduate jobs in order to have movement up there has to be corresponding movement down. Can’t initiatives to encourage social mobility for … or no working classes … relational aspects of social mobility and conveniently overlooking of bad, that we middle classes work to finale to defend social reproduction. So, whenever working classes attainment improves which has been doing steadily over long period, the middle classes also advance and relative attainments remain unchanged. In... reason article Tony Gidance goes so fast to say working class social mobility would depend on happing middle class progress. Boosting working class children’s educational attainments would not result in a crest upward mobility if the middle classes going on maintaining their lead. If policy concentrate on the working classes alone it has very limited chances of success, because of middle an upper classes … ways of keeping ahead. So, I do argue that the first stage in encouraging social mobility is to open up the debate for the primarily position social mobility simplistically … techniques terms to recognizing it as a complex psychosocial process that always involves losses as well as gains, that those on the way up as well as those on the way down, there is painfulness in a time to live one sort of life behind in psychological risks in trying to establish another, we need to understand social processes, if all we can change them
Ilyushin Vyacheslav min 04.50 – 06.58: Currently, policy makers and politicians are focusing on getting the unemployed into work and more students, particularly working class ones, into higher education. …
Mukhina Ekaterina min 06.58 – 08.53: And I would also try to show that early years’ initiatives actually reach those who they are supposed to target. Current research on Sure Start indicates that many working class mothers. And I would also try to show that early years’ initiatives actually reach those who they are supposed to target. Current research on Sure Start indicates that many working class mothers wiil able impactionise (I’m not sure that it’s right) by the schemeliving middleclass mothers To rich the benefits of extra prevision and founding (?). But it’s not just working class schools but working class neighbourhoods and communities that need to be revitalized and reinfigurated. And hear to, an important state (?) is improving resoursing. But I would argue, the first of all we have to look beyond the myths of social mobility (....) We are (suring?) cross midle classes and misleading working classes to focus on the problem of economic inequality that remains the biggest prior to social mobility. As long as we have a society where people can pay to maintain priviledge and high social states, social mobility will always be low.If we are serious as (...) about social mobility than is the society we’re going to need to recognize the huge injustice the economic inequality in English society constitutes. And makes it realy (...) attempt to abolish poverty but also to get rid of misquoting Peter Mandelson (?) on to feel the rich the falsity for too long is the superrich of all the (...) schould be aiming for or wrong models. When increasingly the evidence shows that they were the main stooping blocks(???) to more socialy mobile society....
Nepsha Anastasia min 09.01 – 11.00: Presenter: We now move to Anastasia. Anastasia de Waal: Thank you very much. I think in many ways I want to focus on two, what I consider, to be key policy areas which need focusing on and are very practical. Presenter: We now move to Anastasia. Anastasia de Waal: thank you very much. I think in many ways I want to focus on two, what I consider, to be key policy areas which need focusing on and are very practical. And one I would see is a more short temperature, and the other is a more long temperature. Start with a long temperature is education, the short temperature is getting people into work. But it is not just about getting people into work, it is also about underemployment and under-paid employment. Preparing issues around low income and work. Now keily both those ideas within the social mobility debate are not remote radical and know have they been ignored by this government at least a little bit said by governments in the past. Nevertheless, I feel passionate at least that there are areas within both education policy and within work employment welfare policy which is not as effective as that might be. And these particular policies which we need to focus on in order to propagate, in order to promote and foster more social mobility. So, starting with education, and I think this is terribly important and I agree absolutely that it is not a panacea, yet there is more that can be done, and one of the very important interfaces at the moment between income and a quality and witness within the education system is the achievement gap that we see in schools. And that is for this reason a particular as we know that the achievement gap increases as children get older that two thinks I think are particular important. One is early years provision that is really good quality not tokenistic at quality, not invested at in half that percent that is invested in the node countries but attempts to be in order ex-tile. But where professionals your well-training increasing is well-paid are pretend in early years and where it is taken really seriously because that make an enormous deference in times that the achievement gap and then intends of later lave chance and the, of course, social mobility.
Bakeev Kirill min 11.01 – 13.13: The other very important area that I really want to focus on is primary education. I think there has been a boost to primary education under this government, yet in many ways it isn’t seen quite as significant as it is and, in my view, if you don’t get it right in primary education it’s going to be very difficult and not nearly as effective using redemptive strategies to get it right in terms of life chances in secondary school. …
Dyuleva Milena min 13.14 – 14.54: For me in a way the bottom line, the recurring theme in terms of the lack of responsiveness that’s allowed in schools is that not enough professionalism is allowed to teachers, that it is too much about seeing teachers as automatons who disseminate, rather than professionals who respond in a professional way to those people who are sitting in front of them. And I thing the current emphasis on leadership at the moment worth welcome again seems to be repeating that mistake it is about heads but the culturing teacher seems to be much less relevant than clearly they are. Now unless we tackle wiser shoes in primary school we are gain to continue seeing the achievement gap which we're seeing today, the goaf which we're seeing today. I am not saying that that goaf could ever be closed to education but at least it could be narrowed because by the time you get to secondary school and you are not able to act at your secondary curriculum you've got much less scope of being able to catch up and that where life chance is in social movement in team particular a likely to slip away. And that leads me on the needs. The so young people who are not in education, not in training, not in employment are one of the big disappointment, I think under the lay become away has seeing, has being the increase in a number of needs not now but at a time when there were more jobs when we went in an economic … where we are now yet there wasn't an emphasis and that is particular disappointing because it expose not just a weaknesses within education system but also the weaknesses within the world … system and the emphasis or lack of emphasis on work.
Chistyakova Nicole min 14.55 – 17.55: And in terms of income inequality clearly there is a very strong case for looking at the top incomes in terms of narrowing the gap as well as the bottom. And I think to do that we do need to look at much better regulation as we’ve seen spectacularly in the banking world but also much higher taxation so we are taxing the richest. …
Yarakhmedov Yarakhmed min 17.56 – 21.07: Presenter: We are listening to the 2009 Cambridge Festival of Ideas. We’re discussing how can we best encourage social mobility in the UK. Next to speak is Brenda King. Brenda King: Thank you very much for that. So can we best encourage social mobility? When I was asked and asked by Cambridge University to It was a very (dontin) because I know this is where the most socialy mobile come to. And I do quite a lot of work with children who are (underrepresented) in institution social issue. And(underrepresented) in the high-pay jobs that was in (ludder) too earlier. Now, we all know that (underrepresented) children - young people - come from working class background, low-income background abd they tend to perform work in school they stay (attend) school fior shorter space of time. And as Anastasia say join the economic boom past ten years when the families were excluded from a lot of (fruits) of the economic boom. So, they out of work if the world in world they were in low in jobs. So the dificulty with social mobility is how do you enthuse a child who is a household who either no one works for the generation or the generation before. Or they watch as the family struggle to male and made meal day to day. How do you get those families involved to take advantage of a number of distinct that (earby) in pleath. Abd quite right the government have produced quite a number of (skimps) that Ann had skilled it seemed to be the middle classes who have benefited from a lot of skills and that because the team tend to have the knowledge and the time to act this. So how is this thing..Do we need schools with similar resources? And schools with common curricular? I don't think so. I think what we should focus on is outcome from the educational process. I think this is what Anastasial was (looding) to and ability of schools to develop young people to their further potential no matter their talents and that should be personal and appropriate and beneficial and in order to do that we need resources in schools, the right type of resources and the right type of information.
Kovaleva Olesya min 21.08 – 24.05: What I find amazing with the students on our programme is the sheer lack of information. Not that they don’t aspire – many want to be engineers, many want to come to the top research universities but the information they get to get there is quite frankly appalling.. They do not get the information they need and a lot of the tunings they push down into courses which would not only to get them into these sorts of places but would not get them the jobs that they are looking for in this highly competitive environment. now we run a programme where we have mentors from firms met with our students who come from state schools which are in disadvantage areas. and I have to say it is not just about education it is about social skills as well. there are things that we know because through are parents or are social background do we expect the easy young people to know: the importance of being punctual, the importance to be dressed appropriately and the right time the importance of sitting ////// and looking interested. all of these little social skills that they do not have so if we are going to bridge the social mobility gap it is not just efficient that they do the right courses, that they get the right grade and that is very important but they have to get through the interview process here or at the six form colleges etc. so there is quit a lot of resources that are needed. and it is quit paradoxical that in this country the students who get most of the resources because their parents can afford to pay are the wants to have their access to these social skills as well as the information that is required. so what I want to say that if we are going to remove these inequalities and inequities in the social economic spheres to revert to try to encourage social mobility. I think we need to step back and think about the types of resources that we needed in terms of not in terms of the type of T-shirts that we have in schools in type of the information provided to this students. so we are talking about more resources and not less. thank you.
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