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The places which I want to visit

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Why is it worth to visit London?

There is so much interesting in this city, which is also the financial, tourist and cultural capital of the one and the most successful country of the world.

Among other things this city is the heart of conservative England. It is growing and developing. Here are reconstructed and modernized traditional buildings and structures, as well as new monuments of architecture and art. Thus, the history of London developing, and traditions are multiplying. The Inhabitants of London honor them, maintain and transmit descendants with such care and love, that those, of course endeavour to recreate their new traditions, left his trace in the history.


Along with the incredible, invaluable cultural heritage, London has fantastic contrasting features that make it even more popular and favorite among the many millions of people of the city. Here is one of the largest financial centers of Europe and the world. There are plenty of bars, restaurants, clubs, popular all over the world, where people come to have fun and relax from all around the globe. Here lived and lives of the people involved in the history and culture of a single country.


For those who go on an excursion to London, it will be useful to have an opportunity to travel by car, which you can take for hire (permanently hire the cab can be too expensive if you plan to visit as many attractions of the capital of Great Britain). In that case, if You are travelling with children, not to carry with them too much, but not to worry about the safety of your kids, You can buy a car seat baby b/a. The Regents park, the area of which makes more than 160 hectares, its territory is able to kill even the most highly trained of the pedestrians. The historical part of London occupies a fairly large, if not to say a huge territory and, if you are limited in time, then it is better to have an opportunity to travel on wheels.


Each of us has his own city, which you want to visit the most. Someone not one. It`s because there are very many interesting and unique cities in the world. However, the fact is that London is included in most of these lists, not causes the big doubts.

The places which I want to visit

Modern, St. Paul's cathedral - the fifth under the account of the cathedral, which had stood there since the first of the exaltation of the 604 year.It was built in the period from 1675 to 1710, after his predecessor was destroyed by fire. It was the first cathedral built in the 16th century, after the English reformation, when king Henry VII brought the church of England from under the subordination and took the life of the church into his jurisdiction.


View of the Big Ben from the southern coast of the Thames is the most well known part of the design of the Westminster palace - elegant clock tower. Initially it was called the tower of St. Stephen's, but after received the name on behalf of its biggest bell. During the evening sessions of the Parliament of the top of the tower is lit up.



Tower bridge is one of the most recognizable bridges in the world. The Victorian gothic style is due to the fact that it leads to the London Tower - fortress on the northern bank of the Thames and the historic city centre. Photo Tower bridge are included in the obligatory program of all the tourists of London, but in addition, you can also visit an exhibition, within the bridge, which talks about its history, as well as to make photo with the platform between the two bridge towers and get a unique view of London.


Black cabs are the only taxis are permitted in London. These vehicles, as their drivers, have the reputation of being the best taxi in the world. Each driver prior to licensing must meet a strict test of knowledge about the capital of Great Britain, which can take up to four years. In addition, potential drivers test of character and even revealed the existence of previous convictions



Since its opening, the "Eye of London" - a giant wheel review has become the symbol of new Britain. About 3.5 million people annually visit him. Path opens up a view of the 40 kilometers around. One of its turnover takes about half an hour and is able to simultaneously satisfy the desire to explore London from a height of 135 metres from 800 visitors.


Leadenhall Market- appeared in London back to the 14th century and is considered the best place to buy meat, game, poultry and fish. In 1666 he was destroyed during the fire, but in the next few years was built on the original site. Today it is the largest indoor shopping centre in the City of London. The last large-scale reconstruction were carried out in 1991. Charm Leadenhall was used and revealed to the world in 2001, when it was used in the filming of "Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone" as DiagonAlley


One of the Royal parks - Regents Park covers 166 hectares of land and is famous for mainly the rich collection of roses. The Park is more than 30 000 of magnificent roses 400 different species. In addition, about hectares of the area of the park gives excellent opportunities for sports activities and it is right in the central part of London.

View of the Parliament Building, better known as Westminster from the opposite bank of the river Thames. Destroyed fire in 1834, it was reconstructed by the project of Sir Charles Barry and his assistant Augustus Welby Pugin. Palace of Westminster has 1200 rooms, 100 staircases and 5 miles of corridors. He is also included in the UNESCO World heritage list.


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