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Grounded theory

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Research Glossary

Action research

Action research centres on researching a change intervention to evaluate its effectiveness or otherwise. It is a cyclical process that involves identifying a problem, thinking about changes that could be made to overcome the problem, and clarifying the action part of the problem under scrutiny. It involves working with and not on others and requires good quality feedback at important points in the research process.

Evidence is collected and data is analysed as it is gathered. The evidence is critically evaluated to assess the usefulness of changes that have been made and further research questions can be identified. It is a formative approach, involving reflection, and is a methodology that does not privilege a particular method.



A deductive process involves the collection of evidence in order to prove or disprove a hypothesis. It involves testing the null hypothesis, thereby attempting to establish that there is no relationship between two variables. If it fails to do so, then the hypothesis is supported.



Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of knowledge. It is a concern with the nature, sources and limits of knowledge. Epistemology is to do with characteristics of the knower but is more than just a collection of individual or collective beliefs, it is concerned with what must be added to beliefs to convert them into knowledge. Our own epistemological commitments underpin how we make sense of the world and our epistemological commitments influence the approach we take to research



This is often concerned with issues of culture, power and sometimes conflict, and is developed from cultural anthropology with a focus on small scale societies. The focus of an ethnographic study is the everyday thinking of the subjects and the meanings and processes through which members of groups make sense of their world. It Involves prolonged direct contact with group members in their natural settings in an effort to look for explanations.


Grounded theory

The outcome of an inductive research process, where theory is derived from real-world observations. Grounded theory is theory grounded in data that has been systematically gathered and analysed. The theory that evolves through the research process is a product of the interplay between analysis and data collection. It requires recognition that enquiry is context bound and facts' need to be viewed as theory laden and value laden. Knowledge is constructed through meanings of existence derived from an experiential world. The focus is on how people behave in both an individual and social context. The methodology aims to generate theory where either little is already known or to provide a fresh take on existing knowledge. The researcher must work in the actual environments where the actions are taking place, in natural situations, in order to be able to analyse participants’ perspectives to the environments from which they emerge.


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