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Exercise 1. Translate into Ukrainian and comment on the words in bold type.

Читайте также:
  2. A look through the descriptions of things you can do with music and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type.
  3. A) Read and translate the text.
  4. A. Listen to the description of the drilling process and fill in the missing words (no more than THREE words). The first word is given as an example.
  5. A. Read the paragraph below and choose the most appropriate words/ phrases in bold. Where could you read this extract?
  6. Abstract and Keywords
  7. Abstract and Keywords
  8. Abstract and Keywords
  9. Abstract and Keywords
  10. Abstract and Keywords


We use must in formal rules, in warnings. Children must attend school between the ages of 5 and 16. Діти повинні відвідувати шкільні заняття у віці з п’яти до шістнадцяти років. You mustn’t take photographs in here. It's forbidden. Тут у приміщенні не можна фотографувати. Це заборонено.
We use must to impose an obligation on oneself. I must dash. I’ve got to be at home by 7 pm. Мені вже треба бігти. Я повинен бути вдома до сьомої години. We must stop these rumours; the firm’s reputation is at risk. Ми повинні припинити розповсюдження цих чуток, оскільки репутація фірми під загрозою.
We use must to impose an obligation on others.   We use mustnot for prohibition.     All assignments must be given in to your teacher by Friday. Усі завдання повинні бути здані вчителю до п’ятниці. The general commanded, ‘You must seize that fortress until sunset.’ Генерал скомандував: «Ви повинні взяти фортецю до заходу сонця». You must not go out without your parents’ consent. Вам заборонено виходити з дому без згоди батьків.
  We use must to give somebody strong advice.     You must come and see my new dress. Ти обов’язково маєш прийти та подивитись на мою нову сукню. You mustn’t let her know I’m coming.Не кажи їй, що я збираюсь приїхати.
Must + simple infinitive is used to express a strong probability about the present.   Must + continuous infinitive is used to express a strong probability about something happening at or around the time of speaking. Must + perfect infinitive is used to express a strong probability about the past.   NB We don’t use must in this meaning in negative and interrogative sentences. Sophia drives a Ferrari. She must be very wealthy. Софія їздить на Феррарі. Напевно вона дуже заможна. ‘Where is Simon?’ ‘He must be sleeping.’ «Де Саймон?» «Напевно він спить». I think I must have caught this cold from you. Напевно це я від тебе підчепила застуду.   ‘Who can that be at this part of the nignt?’ ‘It can/could only be Steve. He is the only one with the key.’ «Хто це може бути у такий пізній час?» «Це може бути тільки Стів. Тільки у нього є ключі». This can’t be the right road. Не може бути, щоб це була та дорога. It couldn’t be true. Це не може бути правдою.  

Exercise 1. Translate into Ukrainian and comment on the words in bold type.

1. I must go to the bank and get some money. 2. Children over the age of 12 must pay full fare. 3. We must get together soon for lunch and discuss the current matters. 4. You must not turn the power on until the mechanic comes and looks at the equipment. 5. I must have slept in an awkward position – I’m aching all over. 6. You must blow up this bridge when you see the tanks approaching. 7. She must love him or she wouldn’t have stayed with him all these years. 8. Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times. 9. Sam must be tired – he’s been dancing all night! 10. You must parachute when the plane reaches 2,000 meters. 11. You mustn’t show this letter to anyone else. 12. The bottle must have leaked because the bag’s all wet. 13. By law, seatbelts must be worn by all passengers. 14. The thieves must have disabled the alarm system because nobody heard anything in the night. 15. Your calculations must be wrong. 16. I must get some sleep. I’m very tired.17. Working hours must not exceed 42 hours a week. 18. I must answer his letter immediately. 19. If you hear the fire alarm, you must leave the building immediately. 20. If the pain persists, you must see a doctor. 21. It must be hard to study with all this noise. 22. You mustn’t let yourself get depressed. 23. I guessed from her accent that she must be French. 24. Let’s hurry up. They must be waiting for us. 25. You must learn to accept criticism.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 66 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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