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Exercise III. Put the words in the box into the correct sentences. Use each word once only and make the necessary changes in their tense-form:
distinguish scrutinize glance peer | recognize watch stare peep | gaze notice catch someone’s eye observe | eye catch a glimpse of glare look at |
1. He had changed so much since I last saw him that I hardly…him.
2. The young girl … lovingly at the photograph of her boyfriend.
3. I only … him so I can’t really remember whether he was wearing a hat or not.
4. As my brother is colour-blind he finds it difficult to … between green and blue.
5. “… the board, please!” said the teacher.
6. She … out of the window for a moment then carried on working.
7. The old man … through the drawn curtains at his new neighbours.
8. The teacher … (angrily) at the class. “ I'm asking you for the last time, who has broken the window?” she roared.
9. He … the figures very carefully before making any comment.
10. In Britain it is considered rude to … at people.
11. The constable … the young man suspiciously.
12. He … through the thick fog trying to make out the number of the approaching bus.
13. I waved my hand to attract her attention, but she walked away without … me.
14. Are you going to … the film they advertised on TV tonight?
15. I wanted to order coffee, but the waiter was so busy that it was very difficult to …
16. When I was a student in Italy, I used to spend a lot of time sitting in cafes. … the way people used their hands when they spoke to one another.
Exercise IV. Match the words in the left-hand column with the definitions in the right-hand one. Make up your own sentences with these words.
1. To look | A. to give one’s approval to smth. |
2. To stare | B. to ease the grief or trouble of smth. |
3. To gaze | C. suited to a particular situation |
4. to differ | D. smth. That gives comfort or advantage |
5. to agree | E. to fix the eyes in a steady intent look |
6. different | F. to into the company of |
7. to rest | G. to be unlike |
8. rest | H. to rely for support |
9. comfortable | I. not the same |
10. comfort | J. to refrain from work or activity |
11. convenient | K. to go faster than a walk |
12. convenience | L. freedom of outside control |
13. to run | M. something that is left over or behind |
14. to join | N. to exercise the power of vision upon |
15. to unite | O. free from pain, anxiety |
16. to depend | P. to look fixedly with wide-open eyes |
17. independence | Q. to put together to form a single unit |
Exercise V. Translate the following sentences into Russian/Ukrainian, commenting on the usage of words from Vocabulary Notes (p. 13-18):
1.But really, dear, you do look great tonight! 2. She gave me that peculiar quiet look of hers and smiled timidly. 3. “I don’t want to look big,” I said, “but I am not afraid of Steelgrave, not even of a dozen guys like him.” 4. “It looks like we’re going to have a real trouble this time,” said March and sighed heavily. 5. The house itself looked very, very old – much older than one could have expected. 6. Miss Gonzales looked back at her slowly, levelly, and with a knife in her eyes. 7. “I only ask one thing. Who was the black sheep in your family?” She jerked away from me like a startled fawn and stared at me stony-faced. 8. “A neat piece of painting, that one, isn’t it?” Mr. Oppenheimer looked at the picture lovingly, then cast a glance at me. “Can gaze at it for hours on end. Never bothers me. It certainly has what I call fascination.” 9. “Look here, Pal! You’ve got to be reasonable. We aren’t going to talk of any ten grand. She hasn’t got it yet. But she has every reason in the world to look forward to getting really big money.” 10. “A reasonable being, you say, but looks like a centipede? You know, I’ve been around – in our Galaxy, and in some others, too. Strange looks have long stopped embarrassing me.” 11. “Of course, they differ from us,” he went on impatiently. “They differ from us in thousand ways. But we have got to take that for granted and find the way to understand them and make them understand us. This is at least one point we must agree upon.” 12. “I don’t agree that Peter is strange or that his behaviour is beyond the accepted limits. I would rather say he is different. Is he to blame for that?” Miss Donovan clearly accentuated the question. 13. Hope still lived in me. There must be a different way to get what I wanted so desperately, I thought. 14. “It’s simple,” Captain Hardy said at last. “We get there and take them by surprise. Or they get here some day and start ordering us about. Maybe, there isn’t any real difference either way.”
15. “I feel I must have some rest. You don’t want me to collapse on the set, do you?” she smiled. “This happens only to Hollywood stars,” I said. 16. She is obviously obsessed with that horrid idea. Who but you can set her mind at rest? 17. Once Percy Foreman, a well-known American lawyer, got his two clients acquitted of murder in Florida after speaking in their defense for five and a half hours without a rest. 18. My grandfather has been working for forty-four years and now he is going to get the earned rest. 19. The sick man’s condition remained rather doubtful and the doctor prescribed him bed rest. 20. “What you have on your mind is very unpleasant,” he said mildly. “I think you’d better let the matter rest.” – “Well, you may be right just for once,” I said reluctantly. “Let the sleeping dog lie.” 21. “I don’t think I want the treasure,” he said after a while. “I’ll take what belongs to me, you can take the rest and go to hell with it.” 22. I believe he deserves spending the rest of his days peacefully and in comfort. 23. Annie seemed to feel quite uncomfortable after what she had told me the day before. 24. Mrs. Graham’s life was never easy or comfortable. The only comfort she had was her eldest son who was said to be making a career in the capital. Not that he helped her in any way – in fact, she seldom heard from him, but the very thought of his success was a great comfort to her. 25. I can’t say it was painful – at first, anyway. But little by little a feeling of discomfort grew stronger until I was almost losing my wits with fear, inexplicable and uncontrollable. And up to this day I have failed to account for it. 26. The day was full of hard work and merciless sunshine and constant danger of another attack. But the night brought us neither relief nor comfort. We did not have any regular rest as every now and then some terrible noise made us start and added inconvenience to the already unbearable strain. 27. Why, she never said she loved Alec! It was a marriage of convenience from the very start. 28. Dear Sir! I would be very much obliged if you found it proper to answer this letter at your earliest convenience.
29. From the hilltop he could see fields of corn and wheat, and a path running through them towards a forest about two miles away. 30. “Do you know, Baxter, that Edward Coke is on the run? You must find and arrest him!” – “I think, it’s my duty to take care of runaway prisoners, sir”. 31. This is but a small station, sir. Trains run pretty seldom here. 32. They say there is no cure for love as well as for running nose. You can get over such things with time. 33. Our house has all modern conveniences, including central heating, hot and cold running water, gas, elevators etc. 34. Ted was the winner in the one- hundred-and-ten event, with Bob and Allan as runners-up. 35. The Nile runs into the Mediterranean. The Thames runs into the North Sea. Where does the Dnieper run? 36. This time, he thought, it was no joke. He was running for his life and he had to reach the border before it was too late. 37. My brother-in-law is far too busy now: he runs for Mayor’s office and has to spend most of his time delivering speeches and shaking hands with a lot of people. 38. In the 19th -century US practically every hired worker had to join one of the trade unions. Today their influence has considerably deteriorated. 39. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the highest position in the US Armed Forces. He is also the main military adviser to the President of the USA. 40. It was a typically provincial small town situated just where the waters of the Missouri join those of the Mississippi. 41. Normally human arm has three joints (the shoulder joint, the elbow and the wrist) which provide for the most complex movements. 42. The United Nations emerged in 1942 as the coalition of countries fighting back the aggression of Hitlerite Germany and its allies. 43. “What is your fee?” she asked humbly. Philip gave her a glance and said: “It depends on the nature of investigation. The usual fee is forty dollars a day plus expenses.” 44. The Declaration of Independence was the first official document of American Revolution, further improved and amplified in the Constitution of the United States. 45. “I am very independent. I tried to teach my children the importance of independence,” Grandpa said to Mrs. Elsa Tobin.
Exercise VI. Paraphrase the following sentences using words from Essential Vocabulary (p.18):
1. After the performance had been over all the spectators stood up as one man and cried “Bravo!” all at once. 2. The Viriovka Ukrainian National Folk Songs Ensemble has toured with great success a number of the CIS member-countries. 3. A five-star hotel provided for every possible way of satisfying the guests’ demands. It was expensive and staying there gave you a pleasure almost every minute. 4. When he came in, Mary was seated nicely in a good armchair by the fire. 5. The house I live in has all the modern utilities that help to spare time and effort of the tenants. 6. Please come and see me as soon as you can. 7. Everyone was staring at him and Ned felt rather awkward. 8. My brother and I left home when we were 18, as we didn’t want to keep living at our parents’ expense and to have to listen to them. 9. We may go fishing tomorrow if the weather is fine - or may not if it rains and the wind is too strong. 10. Tastes of people sometimes do not coincide. 11. Let’s agree that every one of us has the right to stand his own ground. 12. Do we treat the words “comfortable” and “convenient” as having the same meaning or not? Why not? 13. Molly isn’t quite like the rest of her group. 14. Leonard Vole was sitting on a stool, looking steadily in front of him without actually seeing anything. 15. My fiancé is an astronomer, he spends time looking at the stars for hours. 16. Mr. Endicott’s aunt headed a school in Middlesex, and that made him humble and obedient for the rest of his life. 17. Her brother did his PGCE and qualified as a schoolteacher. 18. We’re going swimming tomorrow morning, Jack. Do you want to go with us? 19. “Good morning, Mrs. Andrews,” said he cheerfully. “You’re so beautiful today in this new dress of yours.” 20. “What are you doing, Jim?” – “I’m trying to find the keys I put somewhere around.” 21. She’s been working since the early morning. She obviously needs some repose. 22. Amy was sitting quite close to Mr. Benjamen, with her head on his shoulder. 23. Charley is an excellent athlete. His favourite event is marathon. 24. I saw him walk very fast, then move even quicker as if he were trying to escape some great danger. 25. “I’ve never heard of you being there,” he said angrily. She gave him a look of surprise. “Oh, haven’t you?” 26. We can certainly do it well, if we work together. 27. England and Scotland have been considered as one country since 1707.
Exercise VII. Translate into English using Vocabulary Notes (p.p. 13-18) and Essential Vocabulary (p. 18):
1. Молоді вчителі завжди почуваються безпорадними, коли вони зустрічаються з класом уперше. 2. Як вам пощастило мати міс Сміт за директора школи! 3. «Боже! Ото вже препогані новини!», - сказала вона з жалюгідною посмішкою. 4. Енні вимовила це речення з таким наголосом, що всі розсміялися. 5. Мушу зауважити, що цей голос зовсім не схожий на ваш. 6. На вашому місці я б спершу позначила відсутніх, а вже потім роздала папір і кольорові олівці. 7. Маленький хлопчик, до якого я звернулась, зніяковів і почувався досить незручно. 8. На його янгольському личку відобразилася цілковита зневага до школи. 9. Діти дивилися на нову вчительку дещо збентежено. 10. Посмішка була винагородою дівчинці з ластовинням, яка відчинила двері. 11. Директриса стріпнулася й швидко пішла до дверей. 12. Коли двері за нею зачинилися, весь клас зітхнув із полегшенням. 13. Присутність містера Бідла не мала для нас ніякого значення. 14. Почувайтеся як удома, влаштовуйтесь зручніше! 15. Вчитель читав вірш, і клас разом повторював за ним. 16. Коли я ввійшла до вчительської, мої нові колеги щось обговорювали, і я помітила, що їхня розмова була досить жвавою. 17. Ендрю розсміявся останнім, коли всі навкруг нього вже заходилися від реготу. 18. Навколо молодої актриси зібрався захоплений натовп. І вона з приємним подивом зрозуміла, що прекрасно зіграла свою роль у цьому спектаклі. 19. Серед наростаючого хаосу юна міс Нікольсон одна залишалася спокійною. 20. Я абсолютно впевнений, що ви здобудете успіх і ваша самоповага повернеться до вас. 21. Пожвавлені під час перерви, діти заходились весело базікати. 22. На сходах якийсь хлопчик упав і зойкнув від болю. 23. Прямуючи додому, я випадково зустрів свого ліпшого друга, якого не бачив уже кілька місяців.
24.Джоні - тепер пан голова ради директорів - був зовсім не схожий на того хлопчика з рожевими щічками, з яким ми колись разом ходили до школи. 25. Залишіть йому, будь ласка, записку, щоб він мені подзвонив. 26. Дівчинка з веснянками на обличчі, яка зручно влаштувалась у моєму кріслі, засоромилась, коли я увійшов не постукавши. 27. З приємним подивом Марі збагнула, що П’єрові байдуже, який у неї вигляд. Він просто кохає її, ось і все. 28. Коли свекруха захотіла вийти, Елен швиденько попрямувала до дверей, щоб їх відчинити. 29. Вона була єдиною, кому подякували посмішкою. 30. Француз вимовив слово "parachute" з наголосом на останньому складі, тому всі розсміялися. 31. Я слухняно закивав головою, хоча й не зрозумів, про що він вів. 32. Схоже на дощ. Було б тобі краще взяти парасольку. 33. Пригляньте за дитиною, будь ласка, поки я піду по крамницях. 34. Я нетерпляче чекав на цю зустріч, але виявилося, що тепер ми з Седі стали зовсім різними людьми, й нам не було навіть про що поговорити. 35. «Подивіться на дошку», - сказав учитель тоном наказу. 36. Молоденька дівчина з любов’ю дивилась на фото свого нареченого. 37. Вона здавалася хворою на вигляд, але все одно була вочевидь задоволена зустріччю. 38. Дайте мені іншу чашку, у цій чай вже охолов. 39. Володіння Дейтона простягалися на багато миль уздовж ріки Арканзас. 40. Хоча цей потяг і вельми зручний, він мені не підходить. Він відправляється о другій по обіді, а мені потрібно бути вдома о половині на другу. 41. Якби у мене не було стільки невідкладних справ, я б до вас залюбки приєднався. 42. Це дві різні особи, але в них однакові прізвища й імена. 43. У нас залишилось тільки 5 гривень. 44. Джек, облиш витріщувати баньки на всі боки. Дивись у свій зошит.
Exercise VIII. Translate into English using Word Combinations (p. 19):
1. Лейтенант медленно поднялся со стула, не сводя глаз с подозреваемого. 2 - 4. «И чем ты объяснишь свое опоздание на этот раз?» - спросил директор, пристально глядя на меня. Сказать мне было, собственно, нечего, и я почувствовал себя совершенно беспомощным. Директор холодно улыбнулся и жестом отпустил меня. 5. «Если не ошибаюсь, мистер Стилгрейв?» - «Да, сенатор». Он сдержанно кивнул и указал мне рукой на кресло. 6. C фотографии на меня смотрел молодой человек, поразительно похожий на Майкла, каким он был 25 лет назад. 7. Я пристально смотрел на портрет, но не мог уловить ни малейшего сходства между изображенным на нем подростком и остальными представителями этой известной семьи. 8. Приближались выборы. На улицах молодые люди раздавали прохожим листовки и плакаты с портретами кандидатов. 9. «Сейчас мы сделаем перекличку», - сказала учительница, - «а затем я раздам вам карточки для контрольной работы». 10. «К сожалению, мы пока не можем взять вас на ставку. Следите внимательно за нашими объявлениями в газете», - сказал мистер Гринвуд, глядя на меня с сочувствием. 11. Учитель истории повернулся и пристально посмотрел на коллегу: «Я вам советую не спускать глаз с этого мальчика за последней партой. Под хорошим руководством он далеко пойдёт». 12. Если ты будешь уходить, когда меня еще не будет дома, оставь мне записку. 13. «Миссис Спрингфилд нет дома», - раздался в трубке приятный молодой голос. - «Если хотите, скажите, что ей передать». 14. «Мы летим к звездам, чтобы отыскать братьев по разуму. Если поиск увенчается успехом, мы должны передать им послание людей Земли – послание мира, дружбы и взаимовыгодного сотрудничества», - эти слова Председателя были встречены, как и ожидалось, восторженным хором голосов. 15. Это выражение много раз встречалось мне в книгах, но я тогда не обращал на него внимания. 16. Вчера я чисто случайно встретился с Ником на улице недалеко от академии. Чуть не сбил его с ног от неожиданности. 17. Родерик не справился с управлением. Машина врезалась в ограждение и полетела в реку. 18. Среди морских пехотинцев послышался глухой ропот, но сержант тут же наорал на них, и они вынуждены были подчиниться. 19. Полли ищет работу уже полгода – и безуспешно. Она совсем потеряла надежду. 20. Помощь пришла неожиданно и, как всегда, в последний момент, когда рейнджеры потеряли уже всякую надежду.
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