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Sightseeing in Washington, D.C.

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  1. Sightseeing tour of St. Petersburg
  2. The Washington Monument is the most visible in a city. It is not only the tallest structure in Washington, D.C., but is the tallest stone monument in the world.

1. Almost every public building, art gallery or government office you may want to see is in the North West quadrant; the other quadrants are largely residential.

2. The Capitol. Seat of the USA Congress. The buildings got its name from the temple in Rome. The word is also applied now in some states to the state houses. Building of the Capitol in Washington, D.C., was begun in 1793. The Capitol consists of a central building crowned by a great dome and connected at each end by galleries with a large wing, one of which contains the Senate Chamber, and the other – the Hall of Representatives. Beneath the dome is a monumental hall called the Rotunda, adorned with works of art relating to American history. Washington is generally rather flat, but the Capitol Building sits on a modest hill, looking down over the Mall, a long expanse of green stretching to the Washington Monument and beyond, bordered by a number of museums and art galleries.

3. Major monument area. This is a diamond-shaped area that contains many federal government buildings plus the most important tourists’ attractions. If you look at a map, you will see that the northern point of this area is the White House; the eastern point – the Capitol Building, the southern point – the Jefferson Memorial, and the western point – the Lincoln Memorial.

4. Pennsylvania Avenue connects the Capitol with the White House. The broad thoroughfare has been undergoing renovations in recent years. This is the route of the President’s inauguration procession every four years, of official funerals and of parades to mark state visits. (Hence its nickname – the “Processional Street of America”.)

5. The Washington Monument. From miles around can be seen this tall structure on the hill behind the White House. The Monument is 500 feet (about 152 m.) high and from this level the whole panorama of the District of Columbia and even parts of Maryland and Virginia can be seen. Its shape is that of an obelisk, a white marble shaft with an aluminium tip. (Hence its nickname – the “Pencil”.)

6. The Thomas Jefferson Memorial. This is a memorial to the third President of the United States. Thomas Jefferson (1743 – 1826) is considered the founder of the Democratic Party, and Jefferson’s birthday, April 13, is a legal holiday in Alabama, Missouri and Virginia, and is occasionally celebrated elsewhere, especially by Democratic Party groups. Principles held by Thomas Jefferson (“Jeffersonian democracy”) were based on private enterprise (“equality of opportunity”), minimum interference by government with business (“no government interference with individual affairs”) and local self-government. Jefferson feared the effects of urban growth ant thought “the best hope for democracy was in a literate population composed mainly of small farmers”.

7. The Smithsonian Institute. It is almost everything: scientific institutes, art galleries, zoos – all the result of a capricious gift from an Englishman who never saw America in his life – a man named James Smithson who died in 1829 and left all his fortune (half a million dollars – a very large sum in those days) to the United States to found “an institution for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men”.

8. The Pentagon. Headquarters of the Department of Defense (“the world’s largest office building”). Its shape is five-sided (hence the name Pentagon). The Pentagon is often used as a symbolic reference for the armed forces high command.

9. Georgetown. A residential section of the City of Washington, D.C. It contains the homes of many government officials. Here early 19th century houses, shady trees and cobble-stone of brick side-walks preserve the air of a bygone day. In Georgetown is located Georgetown University, the oldest Catholic college in the US, known for its foreign service school.

10. Mount Vernon. No visit to Washington, D.C., is complete without an excursion to the home of George Washington at Mount Vernon. The estate is on the Virginia shore of the Potomac River, fifteen miles south of the capital. Mount Vernon is important to see because it has been preserved and restored as a typical 18th century plantation home.


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