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Part 4. Solar Energy

Читайте также:
  1. Electromagnetic portion of the solar radiation
  2. Energy efficiency
  3. High Energy Automatic Systems Engineering
  4. Law of conservation of energy.
  5. Part 3. Alternative Sources of Energy
  6. Population stability, Reforestation, Recycling, Energy efficiency, Renewable energy technologies
  7. Remote gamma-therapy. Radiotherapy by the sources of high energy.
  8. Task 17. Read what people say about different fuels and energy sources. Match the following statements with the speech bubbles.
  9. Task 17. Read what people say about different fuels and energy sources. Match the following statements with the speech bubbles.

Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher:


glowing gases [’gləuiŋ gæsiz] – светящиеся газы

furnace [’fə:nis] – горн, очаг, печь, топка

to bombard [tə bɔm’ba:d] – бомбардировать

trace [treis] – незначительное количество, остатки, след, знак

to transmit [tə trænz’mit] – передавать, отдавать, посылать, отправлять

to reach [tə ri:t∫] – достигать

to reflect [tə ri’flekt] – отражать

eclipse [i’klips] – затмение

quarter [’kwɔ:tə] – четверть

shadow [’∫æduə] – тень

light [lait] – свет

equal [’i:kw(ə)l] – равный, одинаковый


Exercise 1. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:

A. Nouns:

1. furnace a. one of four equal parts of something

2. trace b. dark shape cast of any object on a surface when it stands against a light

3. shadow c. enclosed chamber containing a very hot fire

4. eclipse d. electromagnetic radiation by which things are visible

5. quarter e. a very small quantity; track left by something

6. light f. temporary hiding of one object behind another

B. Verbs:

1. to bombard a. to remain in the same place or condition

2. to transmit b. to attack with heavy gunfire or bombs; attack with questions

3. to reach c. to send out by radio waves; to pass from one person to another

4. to reflect d. to arrive at; to get to a place

5. to hit e. to throw back rays of light

6. to stay f. to strike forcefully; to come into violent contact with

Exercise 2. Read the following text and fill in the gaps with the words given below:

The Sun’s Energy

The 1 …, source of most of the earth’s heat, is a ball of 2 … gases, 93 million miles away. This gigantic atomic furnace bombards the 3 … with 126 trillion horsepower every second. Yet this vast energy is but a half of one 4 … of the sun’s total output. Most of this solar energy is lost in 5 …; traces reach other planets. The sun’s energy is transmitted as 6 … that are similar to radio waves. Some of these are 7 … light waves; others are invisible. Some, although not heat waves, change to heat when absorbed by 8 … such as soil or our bodies. About 43 per cent of the 9 … reaching our planet hits the earth’s surface and is changed to heat. The rest stays in the 10 … or is reflected into space.



  1. – visible
  2. – billionth
  3. – radiation
  4. – waves
  5. – glowing
  6. – objects
  7. – atmosphere
  8. – sun
  9. – space
  10. – earth


Exercise 3. Look through the text above once again and answer the following questions:


  1. How far is the sun from the earth?
  2. The sun bombards the earth with 126 trillion horsepower every second, doesn’t it?
  3. Does the earth receive one billionth of the sun’s total output or only a half of it?
  4. Does most of solar energy reach the earth?
  5. How is sun’s energy transmitted?
  6. Are all of waves visible?
  7. When do some waves change to heat?
  8. What per cent of radiation is changed to heat hitting the earth’s surface?
  9. What per cent of radiation is reflected into space?

Exercise 4. Discuss vocabulary of exercise 1 and information of exercise 2 using the following dialogue model:


A. – May I interrupt you for a moment?

B. – Yes, what is it?

A. – Does the word furnace mean one of four equal parts of something or enclosed chamber containing a very hot fire?

B. – If I am not mistaken it means enclosed chamber containing a very hot fire.

A. – Are you sure?

B. – I am not definitely sure but let us find this word in the context.

A. – The sun, source of most of the earth’s heat, is a ball of glowing gases, 93 million miles away. This gigantic atomic furnace bombards the earth with 126 trillion horsepower every second.

B. – This time I am sure it means enclosed chamber containing a very hot fire.

Exercise 5. Listen to the text “Mexico 1992” twice and draw the pictures of the events starting with picture 1.:

Yucatan Mexico 5.10

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 117 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Part 1. Waste Recycling | Waste Recycling | Part 2. Recycling in the USA | Recycling in the USA | Recyclable materials | New Ideas | Part 3. Alternative Sources of Energy | The Sun | Hot News from Our Stormy Star |

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