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Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher:
glowing gases [’gləuiŋ gæsiz] – светящиеся газы
furnace [’fə:nis] – горн, очаг, печь, топка
to bombard [tə bɔm’ba:d] – бомбардировать
trace [treis] – незначительное количество, остатки, след, знак
to transmit [tə trænz’mit] – передавать, отдавать, посылать, отправлять
to reach [tə ri:t∫] – достигать
to reflect [tə ri’flekt] – отражать
eclipse [i’klips] – затмение
quarter [’kwɔ:tə] – четверть
shadow [’∫æduə] – тень
light [lait] – свет
equal [’i:kw(ə)l] – равный, одинаковый
Exercise 1. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:
A. Nouns:
1. furnace a. one of four equal parts of something
2. trace b. dark shape cast of any object on a surface when it stands against a light
3. shadow c. enclosed chamber containing a very hot fire
4. eclipse d. electromagnetic radiation by which things are visible
5. quarter e. a very small quantity; track left by something
6. light f. temporary hiding of one object behind another
B. Verbs:
1. to bombard a. to remain in the same place or condition
2. to transmit b. to attack with heavy gunfire or bombs; attack with questions
3. to reach c. to send out by radio waves; to pass from one person to another
4. to reflect d. to arrive at; to get to a place
5. to hit e. to throw back rays of light
6. to stay f. to strike forcefully; to come into violent contact with
Exercise 2. Read the following text and fill in the gaps with the words given below:
The Sun’s Energy
The 1 …, source of most of the earth’s heat, is a ball of 2 … gases, 93 million miles away. This gigantic atomic furnace bombards the 3 … with 126 trillion horsepower every second. Yet this vast energy is but a half of one 4 … of the sun’s total output. Most of this solar energy is lost in 5 …; traces reach other planets. The sun’s energy is transmitted as 6 … that are similar to radio waves. Some of these are 7 … light waves; others are invisible. Some, although not heat waves, change to heat when absorbed by 8 … such as soil or our bodies. About 43 per cent of the 9 … reaching our planet hits the earth’s surface and is changed to heat. The rest stays in the 10 … or is reflected into space.
Exercise 3. Look through the text above once again and answer the following questions:
Exercise 4. Discuss vocabulary of exercise 1 and information of exercise 2 using the following dialogue model:
A. – May I interrupt you for a moment?
B. – Yes, what is it?
A. – Does the word furnace mean one of four equal parts of something or enclosed chamber containing a very hot fire?
B. – If I am not mistaken it means enclosed chamber containing a very hot fire.
A. – Are you sure?
B. – I am not definitely sure but let us find this word in the context.
A. – The sun, source of most of the earth’s heat, is a ball of glowing gases, 93 million miles away. This gigantic atomic furnace bombards the earth with 126 trillion horsepower every second.
B. – This time I am sure it means enclosed chamber containing a very hot fire.
Exercise 5. Listen to the text “Mexico 1992” twice and draw the pictures of the events starting with picture 1.:
Yucatan Mexico 5.10
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