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A full toolbox

No matter whether graduates become university professors, national laboratory researchers, Wall Street analysts, or product managers, they are all physicists. That's true whether they do physics, or use physics, or simply think like physicists. All students – undergraduates through postdocs – should have a full toolbox to forge a successful career: an awareness of rudiments of other disciplines, the ability to write and speak effectively, experience in teamwork, a working knowledge of instruments, an ability to focus on an objective, and an understanding of budgets and the bottom line.

Each department must choose its own path to train students, while considering the department's strengths. There is no one-size-fits-all "best-practice."

Of course, students are ultimately responsible for their own futures. Independent of what a department may or may not offer, students need to dig for their own information and take measures throughout their academic tenure to strengthen their position.

Comprehension Check

Answer the questions:

When were physicists and students caught in the pipeline?

What can you say about the demand for physicists in industry right now?

Why have the students been drawn to physics traditionally?

Why do many fail to see the relevance of physics?

What opens up a wide array of career options?

What is the best way to find out how well we are serving our students?

What are postdocs being worried about?

How many respondents were satisfied with their overall education?

What is currently a high demand for?

When are trained physicists hired?

What must be changed if the departments are to attract good students?

How many “big gainers” and “big losers” did the survey identify?

5. Mark the following statements as true or false:

a) There is “one-size-fits-all” best practice.

b) All our students-undergraduates should have a full toolbox to forge a successful career.

c) Departments are not inviting physicists who work in diverse areas to give departmental seminars.

d) The survey did not uncover a startling level of anxiety among respondents about their long-term career prospects.

e) A few programs are unabashedly oriented toward business.

f) Faculties usually choose program specializations consistent with the strengths of their department and the needs of local industry.

g) We should make physics truly the “liberal arts” of technology.

h) More than 80% of respondents were satisfied with their overall education; most were content with their advisers; and most would recommend their program to others.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 77 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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