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I. Pre-listening task.

Читайте также:
  1. Pre-Listening Exercises
  2. Pre-listening task.
  3. Pre-Listening Vocabulary
  4. Pre-Listening Vocabulary
  5. Pre-Listening Vocabulary

• What diseases do you know? How arethey generally treated?

• In what cases would people need replacement of parts of their body or organs? What do we call this procedure? What are the possible outcomes (=consequences)?

• Take a dental case, for instance. A person has somehow lost a tooth. What can be suggested as a treatment? Why do you think such operation is quite expensive? Are there any possible side effects?

• If a person needs a new bone, what can be done?


The first part of the lecture (5 minutes)

II. Match these words with their Russian equivalents (can be done in pairs):

  canopy печень
  cartilage челюсть
  nick неблагоприятный
  liver трещина, надрез
  shard фонарь кабины экипажа
  Mayans хрящ
  tissue индейцы племени майя
  adverse ткань
  jaw осколок

III. Match the words with their definitions (can be done in pairs):

  1. Application 2. Chemistry 3. Dissolve 4. Durable 5. Fracture 6. Hard 7. Inert 8. Inflammatory 9. Integrate 10. Interact 11. only so much 12. Prevent 13. Property 14. Regenerative 15. Response 16. Sophisticated a) very firm or solid: not easy to bend, cut, etc b) to incorporate into a larger unit c) there are limits d) the structure and properties of a substance e) stop (something) from happening f) staying strong and in good condition over a long period of time g) reaction h) putting to use i) not chemically reactive j) highly developed and complex k) end or disappear (in liquid) l) a crack/ a break (in a bone) m) causing some part of the body to become red n) causing renewal or restoration of a body or part of a body o) act together p) a special quality or characteristic of something

IV. Listen to the first 5 min of Ms Stevens’ talk. Which of these issues did she mention? Put a check


1. tissue generation

2. bone repair

3. stem cells

4. artificial tooth replacement

5. intraocular lenses

6. heart stents

V. Listen and answer the following questions.

1. Listen to the first part of talk and write down the medical cases mentioned.


2. Listen to a bigger part of talk and find out what the Mayans found unique about blue nacre shells (pearly shells).

3. Why did people use such materials as nacre shells? What was the reason behind their choice?

4. What are intraocular lenses used for? Do you know how they work?

5. What is happening in regenerative medicine nowadays?

6. What is a typical tissue-engineering approach?

7. Why does the woman refer to Prometheus? What organ is mentioned in this respect? What substance of a human body is, as she mentions, difficult to regenerate?



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