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Tourism in Lviv

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  2. The Tourism Services
  3. Tourism

Lviv urban culture has been formed in the course of centuries and became one of Ukraine’s trademarks. Traditions of many nations have intersected here. Ukrainians, Poles, Jews, Armenians, Germans, Russians, Austrians and others created a unique Lviv flavour.

Lviv is well-known as the centre of artistic, music, literature and theatrical life. Numerous museums and galleries, theatres, concert halls, art groups and many cultural events held in the city support its status. Lviv inhabitants and guests have many opportunities to leave their everyday life behind and immerse themselves in the world of beauty.

Churches, frescoes, painting, traditions, holidays, festivals are both inherited from the past and created by the contemporary genius, which can be felt only in Lviv.

On the 28th of April 2009, Lviv has been recognized as the cultural capital of Ukraine. This status award was given based on expert research of The State service of tourism and resorts and “The Council on tourism and resorts issues”. The main reasons of such obtaining is the conducting of more than 100 festivals annually, 60 museums, 100 churches of different confessions, and the big tourist interest in Lviv.

For the past 2 years the tourist stream to the city increased by 40 %, and now it is more than a million people per year.

Among the foreigners, the biggest amount of tourists come from Poland, Germany, Austria, Belarus, the USA and Russia.

The city is known as a center of art, literature, music and theatre. Nowadays, the indisputable evidences of the city cultural richness is a big number of theaters, concert halls, creative unions, and also high number of many artistic activities. Temples, frescos, paintings, traditions, feasts, festivals – all these are the heirdom of the past and the product of the present geniuses, which can be felt only in Lviv.

Due to the rich cultural programme, developed infrastructure (now Lviv has more than 8 000 hotel rooms, over 700 cafes and restaurants, free Wi-Fi zones in the city center, good connection with many countries of the world) Lviv has the biggest tourist potential in Ukraine.

Lviv is also a huge educational center with 23 educational institutions, 7 of which prepares support staff for tourism infrastructure.

According to the statics, more than 10 thousand tourists come to each city festival.

Lviv has established many city-feasts, such as Coffee and Chocolate feasts, the feast of pampukh, The Day of Batyar, such festivals as “Ethnovyr”, “Krayina Mriy”, international theatrical festival “Golden Lion”.

Lviv is the city, where festivals and concerts are being held every week.

Proof of the great potential for the development is the research of an international consulting firm Monitor Group, which develops strategy for the competitiveness of the city. According to their research, tourism and IT-sector are the two most attractive cluster for the development of Lviv.

Website Global Services, known in the industry of outsourcing as the site of latest news and the latest research on IT and business services, on December 2011 published an article that notes Lviv, as one of the most promising cities for outsourcing.

FDI Intelligence (branch of Financial Times Ltd) placed Lviv in top ten of European cities and regions of the future for 2012/2013 in the following categories: "The best economic efficiency for doing business" and "The best strategy for attracting foreign direct investment" among major European cities. To claim that Lviv is a tourist capital of Ukraine is not an overstatement. Everyday thousands of tourists from different parts of the world visit the city. Numerous guests are attracted by history and magnificent architecture, but not only by that. Unique spirit of the city, its Genius Loci is made of its intense artistic and cultural life, patriotism of the inhabitants and magic scent of coffee filling narrow Lviv streets from the cozy coffeehouses.

Today tourism becomes a strategic direction for city's development. Experts maintain that it has to become a priority for our city. The fact that Ukraine together with Poland was hosts of Euro Cup 2012 only enhances the meaning of tourism to our city.

There are many tourist firms in the city which are eager and able to render their services to everyone willing to spend good time in Lviv and vicinity. Tourists are offered different thematic guided tours, visits to numerous museums, theatres, churches and other tourist sights. They can spend their time in parks, swimming pools and Aqua Park. Many restaurants and coffeehouses welcome tourists as well.



Odessa is Ukraine’s 5th largest city. Its architecture has been strongly influenced by French and Italian styles and visitors can be forgiven for feeling that the town looks a bit odd in the midst of Ukraine. Coupled with the architecture are warm beaches, great weather and well shaded streets and squares. Odessa enjoys a thriving economy and is a centre for industry, science and culture. It has unlimited opportunities for the average tourist and is a great place to spend a holiday.

Odessa city being the administrative center of the region of the same name with its over 1 mln. inhabitants and satellite cities of Illyichevsk and Yuzhny is an important industrial and trading complex.

The city is situated on the Black sea north-western seashore on the trading routes from the Central and Northern Europe to the Close East and Asia crossing. Developed highways network, city location near Danube, Dnestr, Southern Bug, and Dnepr rivers, as well as large seaports of Odessa, Illyichevsk and Yuzhny with Odessa international airport and railway create the unique favorable conditions for loads accepting, processing, saving and transporting and the powerful passenger flows processing.

Odessa economics is dominated by the establishments dealing with the sea business, and also the food and processing establishments of light industry. Odessa government offers its priority support to the industry branches aimed at different customers’ needs satisfaction. We also administrate the spheres of healthcare, education, housing building, city transport, culture, communal services, municipal property ground areas and realty sales. The City administration also deals with the business activity licensing.

Thanks to the beautiful sanatoriums, beaches and recreation complexes, Odessa attracts a lot of tourists, especially in summer. Tourist business is attractive and profitable.

Since Odessa has got a lot of educational establishments, theaters, museums, libraries and other cultural and educational profile establishments, the city is known all over the world and is considered to be both the economical and the cultural center of Ukraine.

But the city’s main treasure is its inhabitants. They have always been known for their business astuteness, initiative and tolerance. Odessa is the only city in Ukraine which has so many nations living in it and having really great relationships with each other. From their very childhood, the Odessites are being brought up in the atmosphere of hospitality, warm-heartiness and wicked humor, that’s why no feuds have ever happened and will ever happen here.

Odessa’s doors are always open for cultural and business cooperation!


Clearly there are a large number of great destinations in Ukraine to enjoy. Why not navigate your way to some of our other pages on Ukrainian cities and find out more about this fabulous country!

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 80 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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