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Exercise 2. Answer the following questions in groups of three to four students.

Читайте также:
  2. A. Listen to the description of the drilling process and fill in the missing words (no more than THREE words). The first word is given as an example.
  3. A. Work in groups of four.
  4. ACT 1. Preview (with sound on). Watch the preview to complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the Word Box. Write the correct word on each blank line.
  5. Add your sentence and your questions, please (5 questions at least)
  8. Answer the following questions and do the given assignment.
  9. Answer the following questions.
  10. Answer the following questions.

1. Kyiv has not always been the capital of Ukraine. What do you know about this fact?

2. What do you know about «Kyiv Rus»?

3. How is Kyiv different from your native place?

4. There is a popular opinion that Kyiv offers many opportunities to young ambitious people? Do you agree or disagree?

5. What, in your opinion, are the greatest tourist attractions in Kyiv which are worth seeing?


Exercise 3. Work in pairs.

Compare Kyiv to your native city or town. Would you like to live and work in capital of Ukraine? Why? Why not?


Exercise 4. Work in pairs. Do the task in turn.

You are a student who has just come back from a sightseeing tour in Kyiv. One day you went to do the sights with your fellow-tourists and fell behind them. You didn’t want to come back to the hotel so early that’s why you went sightseeing alone. You returned to the hotel at the same time with the other tourists tired but happy. But what were you doing all this time and what did you see? The beginning and the end of the story are given to you.

We left our hotel at 9 a.m. and went to the nearest park. It seemed to be very beautiful! I admired it greatly and since I had a camera I decided to take some photos and I managed to take them. But when I looked round I understood that you had already left and I made up my mind to do the sights alone. So, …

... When I looked at my watch, it was 6 p.m. that’s why I went to the hotel.


Exercise 5. Work in pairs.

Make up a dialogue using the idioms from exercise 7 (vocabulary exercises) and act it out.


Exercise 6. Work in groups of four students.

Unlike other Ukrainian cities Kyiv has changed immensely recently. Isn’t there a controversy in this statement? What is it? Express your opinion on the matter?






1. Is your home town famous for anything? What is it?

2. Would you like to live in your home town after you graduate? Why? Why not?

3. Has your home town changed a lot since the time you were a kid? Have the changes been for the better or for the worse?

4. What is special about your home town? If you could live anywhere, where would you like to live?

5. Does anyone famous come from your home town?



Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 100 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Ukrainian Cities | Tourism in Lviv | ODESSA, UKRAINE : TOURISM | Problems of city and country life | READING | Exercise 3. Fill in the words or word combinations from the text. | Exercise 4. Work in pairs. | COMPREHENSION CHECK | Exercise 7. Study the idiom and its explanation. Then match the idiom to its example and translate the example into Ukrainian. | GLOSSARY |

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