Читайте также:
1. London is the (1) __________ of (2) _____ England and the United Kingdom.
2. An important (3) __________ for two (4) ___________, London’s history goes back to its founding by the Romans.
3. The city continued to grow and develop to what we see today, always (5) ___________ the past with the present.
4. The city’s core, the (6) ___________ City of London, still (7) __________its limited (8) ____________ (9) ______________.
5. Central London is the (10) ______________ of more than half of the UK’s top 100 listed companies.
6. The city is a major (11) _____________ (12) ______________ for both (13) ______________ and (14) ____________ visitors.
7. The City has its own (15) ______________ and boundaries, giving it a status as the only completely (15) ______________ local authority in London.
8. This park contains London Zoo, the world’s oldest scientific zoo, and (16) _____________ near the (17) _____________ (18) _________ of Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum.
9. London is (19) ______ to many museums, galleries, and other institutions which are major tourist attractions.
10. The Natural History Museum, Science Museum and Victoria and Albert Museum (20) ____________ in South Kensington’s “museum quarter”.
Exercise 4. Choose a word or a word combination which completes each sentence best.
1. London is the ________ of Great Britain.
A. area B. capital C.district D.town
2. The City is the ________ part of London.
A. biggest B. hottest C. most important D. oldest
3. The East End includes the ________ of London.
A. air B. airport C. port D. rail
4. The most important gallery in London is the ________.
A. British Museum C. Post Office Tower
B. National Gallery D. St Paul`s Cathedral
5. Some workers can only afford homes outside ____________ areas.
A. ancient B. metropolitan C. global D. autonomous
6. The university has a large number of _______ students.
A. important B. expensive C. overseas D. residential
7. Several companies have their ___________ in the area.
A. headquarters B. boroughs C. residential areas D. districts
8. Reporters ___________ around the palace gates for news.
A. went back to B. clustered C. combined D. contained
9. The President’s speech covered a range of foreign and _________ issues.
A. domestic B. present C. limited D. medieval
10. The Romans built a defensive wall ___________ the city.
A. alongside C. around C. closest to D. at the western edge
Exercise 5. Find in the text English equivalents for the following.
Столиця; Євросоюз; брати початок; сполучати минуле з теперішнім; стародавнє лондонське Сіті; приписувати ім’я; Сполучене Королівство; вплив на політичне життя; освіта; інформаційні засоби; робити внесок; штаб-квартира; місцеві та закордонні туристи; Великий Лондон; мати самоврядування та кордони; автономний місцевий орган влади; головний торгівельний район; фешенебельні та дорогі житлові райони; музей природознавства; музей історії науки; галерея воскових фігур мадам Тюссо; Британський музей; місто, яке є найбільшим за площею і найважливішим центром у країні (2).
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