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  1. Legal personality of national liberation movements
  2. Personality tests.
  3. Personality – Характер человека
  4. The problem of personality


  1. Types of personalities


Psychologists've always been interested in studying one's character and personality, and I've heard that there is a theory on personality types, developed by famous psychiatrist Carl Jung, which had a deep and lasting influense on psycology. As far as I know, according to this theory, there are two basic personality types which are called extroverts and introverts.


As regards the first, extroverts are people who find meaning ouside themselves, in the surrounding world. They seem to like people and it's easy for them to form close relationships. In general, extroverts tend to be energetic, assertive, talkative, adventurous and sociable. So, such people are great communicators, they can be brilliant politicians, actors and probably teachers.


By contrast, introverts are introspective, as they look into themselves and find meaning in themselves. They feel comfortable alone and prefer to avoid large crowds. It can be said that introverts are often quiet, cautious and thoughtful, as they usually reflect before they act. In addition, such people often have good imagination and creative ideas, so many favous artists, writers and musicians were introverts. They can always be outstanding inventors, as the ability to think in a different way is essential for that. Besides, introverts tend to have good powers of concentration, so they make great computer programmers, I suppose.


  1. Personality & career. Advantages and disadvantages of having a strong personality.


I belive that charisma helps people to build an extremely successful career. This quality is a kind of a magic and it is relatively rare and, what's more, unlike the ame, charisma doesn't fade and dissapear over time. Charismatic personalities are able to draw people's attantion to them, and people fell happy in their company.

A great example of this is Oprah Winfrey, who is a higly-successful businesswoman and is best known as a presenter of a very populer talk show. She is able to relate to audiences at her shows and they respond well to her. Her charismatic personality has made her one of the richest women in the world.

A women who had extraordinary charisma was the film star Marilyn Monroe. A beautiful women and a talanted but underrated actress, she was always the center of attention whereever she went. But this ruined her life, as her husband was overshadowed by her. However, nearly 50 years after her death, we see her films and her charisma seems as fresh and powerful as ever.


They say that one has a strong personality if he is strong-willed, well-organised and hard-working person, and theese qualities certainly may help everyone to build a successful career, because they mean a person is able to work long hours under pressure in appaling conditions. In general, people who have strong personality usually are really self-confident and are never afraid of telling what they really think, as they are extremely honest. However, having such a srtong character also has its disadvantages. First of all, such people may not be able to accept criticism, which is essential for a good employee. Moreover, there can be a personality clash, as people whith strong personalities tend to overshadow others. So, they are great leaders, but bad team-players, I believe.



  1. Are women better … than men? Why?


It will always be claimed that men and women have completely different personalities. For example, women are believed to stay calm in stressful situations, take fewer risks and be more patient, polite, and responsible, while men are said to have more power, but at the same time be more competetive and agressive. Because of that, they say that women can perform better in certain fields than men.


There are certainly absolutely different views on this controvertial question, and from my point of view, the idea that there are some female professions is just a stereotype, and it probably came from the time when women used to get no education and their responsibility was to stay home and bring up children. For instance, software engeneering, which requires both creativity as well as sufficient knowledge of Maths, is considered to be a male professionbut this is simply not true. I was surprised a lot, but the first world's programmer was the daughter of famous British poet J. Byron! In fact, the statistics show that women are as good problem-solvers as men.


At the same time, it is often said that women make better teachers then men, as they are more careful and have their natural motherhood which can help them. However, Anton Makarenko was the greatest example of an outstanding teacher, whose system helped young criminals to become better and to start a new life.


So, to my mind, success in any field has nothing to do with gender, and the main thing is inspiration, because it is vital to love your job and being interested in satisfaction you get from doing it well.


  1. What tells me more about one's personality?


Altough there is a common saying 'never judje a book by its cover', I cannot deny that for me person's appearance is rather important. I mean I usually pay attention to the way a person looks, whether he wears smart clothes and whether his appearance is neat, because all that reflect a person's manners.

But of course if I want to make friends with a person, his people and communication skills and, perhaps, level of education are far more important for me, and I can find out all that by having a short conversation and asking about person's hobbies and interests.


  1. A person that I admire


Most of my friends admire movie stars and popular singers, but the person that I'm really interested in is a famous Russian poet of the XX century Alexandr Tvardovsky. Even though his portry isn't so popular among young generation nowadays, I've read lots of his book and know many facts from his life, as I studied at school named after him.


I like his poems very much, but I've always looked up at this person not only because of his outstanding talant, but because of his character, as he had a really strong personality.


From the childhood, he was extremelly strong-willed. He was so-called 'self-made' person, as he worked a lot at his education himself. The nearer school was 10 km away from his house, and there used to be no cars, so he had to walk this distance every day. In spite of that, he has never missed a single lesson. That means he was a self-disciplined, well-organized and hard-working person.


Besides, this poet had his own opinion about everything and he wasn't afraid of telling what he really thinks, as he was extremely honest. He was very assertive in his job as a chief editor of the “Novii Mir” magazine, and wanted to publish that novels and short stories, which reflected the Soviet reality, as he wanted people to know the truth. He suffered a lot because of that, but he has never changed his mind about things and asked for a help, as it was a symbol of a weakness for him.


To my mind, this poet was a very talented and individualistic person who realized the great responsibility for his actions and who wanted to make the world better. He was brave and assertive, and that's why I think he is a great example for everybody and I'll always looked up at him.




  1. Means of traveling + deserts


Traveling is actually an old-age phenomenon. They say that our world is a book, and those who don't travel read only a page. People travel the globe to see other countries and continents, to visit modern cities and the ruins of old towns and to enjoy the picturesque landscapes. Besides, travelling can be a source of relief, the way to get away from it all and to find the meaning.


Tourism, which is a relatively recent invention, has become a rapidly growing trend nowadays. Being a tourist means being a holidaymaker. Tourists stay in holiday resorts, which are usually situated in the popular tourist areas, so that they can easily visit some places of interests nearby, or take a guided tour to the nearer cities.


However, some people tend to go off the beaten track and try to avoid tourist traps, as they are extremely overcrowded, and discover new places. Such travelers go for experience and their journeys are much longer and more challenging. Some people go so far as to visit a desert, as this is one of the places where they can satisfy an urge to go where others haven't been. They say that travelers enjoy the sense of space, the silence and the crisp clearness of vast, waterless deserts, and it is a place where they can find peace and friendship. Many travelers wrote books about their journeys to the dunes, and they are really fascinating and interesting to read.


By contrast, it is claimed by some people that going overseas can be too expensive and sometimes even dangerous, while TV documentaries have made our world a small place, so today people can visit the distant corners of our planet without even leaving their living room! Perhaps, soon people will use interactive computer programmes and virtual traveling will become common. Enthusiasts say that doing this we can have all the benefits of traveling without the inconveniences.


  1. Tips for tourists


Tourism involves not only relaxation, but also delays and hold ups, and you should be ready to deal with unexpected things. Besides, going to some popular tourist destination can be very dangerous, as the crime rate's increased for the lat few years. So, a tourist certainly can face some difficulties.


It goes without saying that tourists should respect local traditions and dress code. Because of that, I believe that it's essential to read about the laws, customs and traditions of the country you are going to visit, as well as about local tricks used on tourists. With the availability of the Internet, it is very easy to find out all this information online a mere mouse click away.


Besides, it seems vital for me to obtain comprehensive travel insurance and check what inoculations and healthcare you need. In addition, they say it is safer to stay in locally owned hotels and eat in locally owned restaurants.

It is also important not to forget to make many copies of documents, such as passport, tickets and so on.


Doing this, tourists can get all the benefits of traveling, without the inconveniences.



  1. Great traveler


Traveling is actually an old-age phenomenon. From the very ancient times people have being exploring the world around them in order to broaden their horizons, experience new cultures and satisfy an urge to go where others haven't been.


I believe that Marco Polo, who lived in Italy in the 13th century, was one of the greatest travelers in history, as he was one of the first Europeans to travel on the Silk road, and his journey lasted 24 years. To be honest, it's impossible for me to imagine how difficult, dangerous and challenging it was, and I guess Marco Polo felt really homesick.


As far as I remember, he set out with his father and uncle, who were both merchants, at the age of 17, sailed South from the Italy and set off at the Middle East. Than, they carried on overland to Persia, through the Gobi Desert, before they got to Beijing in China.


In that time, China was more advanced than Europe. For instance, they already had paper.


Because of that, after he got back, he talked about his experience in China and all the technological advancements the Chinese had, and even wrote a book describing the riches of Asia. His written account was in fact the first Western record of coal, gunpowder, printing and silk. Unfortunately, not so many people believed Polo's stories and he became known as 'a man of a thousand lies' and died at the age of 70.

Fiction or not, his book has captured readers through the centuries.


  1. Natural world


Natural world is a fascinating one. They say, that nature is probably the most beautiful thing in the world, it can be a source of relief and inspiration, it can lift our spirit, so to use the nature solely fo economic reasons is to miss the point. However, even though many years ago used to live in harmony with the natural world, in recent years the number of different environmental problems has increased dramatically.


Whenever we read about the natural world nowadays, it's generally to be given dire predictions of its imminent destruction. While some people don't believe such prophets of doom, as they claim climate changes to be inevitable, some scientists go so far as to assert that the world can no longer be called natural, as the processes of whether and climate can no longer carry on their time-honored way, but affected by humans.


Changes to the climate has led to the so-called ‘greenhouse effect', which makes most climates warmer. It has already affected several areas of the world with unusual weather, causing droughts and storms. That means, that environmental protection is essential nowadays, and it's everyone's responsibility.


They say, that cutting down exhaust fumes from vehicles, which are harmful for our health and have a very bad influence on the environment, may help to solve the problem of a global warming. I also believe that it's vital to protect trees. On a global scale, they may help to slow down the effects of global warming, and urban trees are important as they provide home for birds, insects and small animals.



  1. My future career


To build a successful career in a large company is very important for almost everyone nowadays. It seems to me that it's prestigious to be a finance director, who prepares budgets and develops new market opportunities, or to design and coordinate large advertising campaigns.


To be honest, I haven't thought about my future career yet. I personally haven't any work experience, but, even though I'm really busy with my studies nowadays, I'm thinking about doing a part-time job in order to satisfy an urge to start earning money and become more or less independent.


If the hours are flexible, I’ll have an opportunity to attend classes, which is very important for me. As I don't have any past experience, I'm afraid I’ll not manage to find a well-paid job. I'm going to find a company which is interested in young, dynamic, energetic and hard-working candidates, who are able to work under pressure and alone. But I hope that this job will help me to develop some important skills, which will be important in my future career, so it will be an excellent experience.


However, I can say that my dream job is a rewarding job, which provides rather high competitive salary, as well as regular bonus and other perks, which are desirable, but not essential. Besides, it's vital for me to have a pleasant working environment and friendly colleagues. In addition, it will be great if I have a lot of foreign traveling and an opportunity to spend time at the company's overseas branches, as it is interesting for me to meet people from other countries and to communicate with them. Sure, excellent prospects for rapid career progress are extremely important, too. But probably the most important thing is that I should love this job, because only in this case I can do it well.


At the same time, I realize that to be able to accept position which is challenging enough and well-paid, I should be both flexible and ambitious, be able to deal with lots of problems and unexpected things every day. Besides, it also pays to be ready to work long hours and under pressure. And fluency in English is a great advantage.


To my mind, to do any job perfectly, it's essential to be a good specialist, to gain sufficient knowledge and develop some important skills here at the University and be able to apply them.


  1. Working from home


Working from home has become a rapidly growing trend nowadays.


The main reason for that is technological, I suppose, as easy access to broadband and the availability of phone and video conferencing enable people to use their home as an office in an efficient and cost-effective way. Besides, the office place is usually costly, so if organization can reduce its workstations, it may be able to move to a smaller site. Moreover, employees usually work better from home, as they don't need to commute, which is often time-consuming and tiring, and therefore they save a lot of time, start the day fresher and do their work more efficiently. In general, I believe that people prefer to work from home because they can spend much time with their families and have a better work-life balance and more comfortable lifestyle. For example, parents with small children appreciate the flexibility home working allows and are more relaxed.


However, it's argued that if you can work from home full-day, you have a pointless job. Furthermore, home working requires special skills as self-discipline and time management. Finally, you can miss out on the gossip and on the social side of work, so it's vital to keep in touch with your friends and to have a regular contact with your colleagues, at least, by phone or e-mail.


To sum up, even though there're a lot of benefits for both employers and employees, many people would still prefer to work at the office.


  1. Interview + killer questions


I haven't had any work experience yet, but I've heard that all candidates should pass through interview before they are employed, which is always stressfull even for such job seekers who have gone to countless interviews. Certainly, the best way to reduce stress and to make a good impression on your future boss, is to be prepared.


They say, that when it comes to an interview questions, it pays to expect the unexpected, as many employers have turned to so-called 'shock tactics'. Killer questions are often said to come early in the interview and be aimed at trowing the candidate off guard. I guess, by surprising the candidate with an original or difficult question, interviewers can get an honest reaction and unplanned response. It seems to me that they also want to see how the candidate react under pressure. That means they are mainly interested in the way you respond, so it's important just to stay calm and buy some time.


Moreover, as far as I know, some interviewers prefer candidates to talk about their qualifications and past experience as well. It's important to write about that in an application letter and your CV.


Besides, even though there is a common saying 'never judge a book by its cover', in our modern world appearance is just too important to be ignored. It is said that you'll never have the second chance to make the first impression, so during the interview you should wear smart clothes and your appearance should be neat and tidy, as it is claimed that good-looking people are more likely to be employed, even though sometimes it can be unfair.


So, I believe that if a person follows all these tips and he is self-confident enough, job interview will be a piece of cake for him.


  1. Looking for a job


To build a successful career in a large company is very important for almost everyone nowadays. It seems to me that it's prestigious to be a finance director, who prepares budgets and develops new market opportunities, or to design and coordinate large advertising campaigns. Anyway, we all need to have a job, some kind of work that brings in enough money to manage living and support your family.


High unemployment rate has become a very serious issue nowadays; many people have been trying to find a suitable job for months or even years. In general, there are many ways of looking for a job today.


First of all, you can just ask people around you – family, friends, neighbors. Someone might have heard of a free position, or know someone who needs employees.


I guess the best way of notifying all of your friends at once of the fact that you are looking for a job is to post on social networks, which are extremely popular nowadays.


Besides, today there are lots of job advertisements online, so you just need to search the Internet. This is probably the easiest way of finding a job, as it doesn't take much afford. However, you should be aware of web sites looking suspiciously.


Furthermore, many employees post ads in the paper, so it's necessary to l ook them in the local newspapers. You might find something suitable in there.


Besides, today you can g o to an employment bureau, where they will try to help you to find a job you are interested in, or visit a job fair, which are also very common.


But the best way of finding the job, from my point of view, is to go to the places you would like to work at and simply ask whether they need employees. Sure, you can just make a phone call, as it would be quicker and cheaper.


The more places you check, the higher you chances to be employed will be.


  1. Why do people work?


For many people today the reason thy work is just a question of money. That means that they are ready to do any jobs as long as they have earned enough, even if it involves working for long hours in appalling conditions.


By contrast, some people are interested in the satisfaction they get when they are good at their job. This is vital for me, as I believe the job should be rewarding. Nevertheless, I suppose many employees would feel their work was more worthwhile if they received more praise from their employers.


I personally haven't any work experience yet, but, even though I'm really busy with my studies nowadays, I'm thinking about doing a part-time job in order to satisfy an urge to start earning money and become more or less independent.

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