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Types of university degrees

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In England, Wales and Northern Ireland the most usual titles for a first degree are Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) and those for a second degree – Master of Arts (MA), Master of Sci­ence (MSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). After a course of studies lasting from three to four years which must be pursued at one and the same university the undergraduate student sits for a final examination which, if he passes it, entitles him to a first degree. The present three-year degree course in Britain is one of the shortest in the world (it’s 4 in Scotland and many subjects take more than 3 years in England too, eg. modern languages).

The present first-degree system varies both in length and nomen­clature. First-degree courses in Arts and Science are of two main kinds: those which allow the student to spread his/her studies over a wider field but less intensively and degrees in which the student specializes in a specific field and studies it in depth. Universities use different names to describe the degrees to which these two types of course lead. The degree obtained at the end of a specialised course in a single subject is usually called a degree with honours, although in some universities it may be called a Special degree.

After taking a first degree those graduates who are interested in research work follow postgraduate or advanced studies. Postgraduate studies lead to higher degrees most of which are Master’s or Doctor’s degrees. Postgraduate students are granted the Master’s degree by the­sis or examination after a minimum of one or two years of advanced studies. The Doctorate (Doctoral /Doctor’s degree) generally requires outstanding proficiency in some specialized branch of research. It is regarded as the highest degree.

Master’s Degree

All universities in the United Kingdom provide courses beyond first degree level leading to postgraduate awards. They lead to a degree at master’s or doctoral level, or to diploma or certificate.

Applications for postgraduate courses are welcome from stu­dents with a first degree in an appropriate subject. The type and quality of Master’s courses available vary considerably. The title of the Mas­ter’s degree is usually determined by the subject studied.

MA – Master of Arts

MSc – Master of Science

MEng – Master of Engineering

MTech – Master of Technology

MBA – Master of Business Administration

There are no grades of master’s degrees although some universi­ties may award a distinction for outstanding performance.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 101 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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