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Task strategy (all parts)
• Listen to the examiner's instructions carefully so you know what you have to do.
• Don't be afraid to ask him/her to repeat the question if necessary.
• Use a wide range of structures and vocabulary. This is your chance to show your command of spoken English.
• Avoid repeating yourself.
• Speak clearly so the examiners can hear.
• Give yourself thinking time by using expressions such as Let me think or I haven't given this much thought before, but I suppose...
• Paraphrase if you can't think of a word.
• In Parts 1, 3 and 4, participate fully but don't dominate - encourage your partner to speak as well.
Part 1: social interaction (three-way conversation) (3 minutes)
This part is a three-way conversation between the candidates and interlocutor in which you have to answer the examiner's questions about yourself, find out personal information about your partner based on prompts given by the interlocutor, and answer your partner's questions. The focus is on social interaction.
Task strategy
When asking questions:
• Keep your tone friendly and sound interested!
• Encourage your partner to expand his/her answers.
• When asking questions from prompts, avoid repeating the same words.
When answering questions:
• React naturally - don't use prepared answers.
• Answer as fully as you can - don't be monosyllabic.
• Keep talking - don't pause too long.
Part 2: individual long turn (4 minutes)
In this task, you have to talk for about one minute without interruption, commenting on or reacting to a visual prompt, usually a set of pictures around a particular theme. Tasks involve the language of comparing and contrasting, describing, speculating or hypothesising. You and your partner may each have a completely different task. In this case, you are each asked to comment briefly after your partner has spoken (about 20 seconds). Alternatively, you may have a 'shared task', i.e. the same task as your partner (with a different set of pictures). At the end of the shared task, you and your partner look at both sets of pictures and answer a question together (up to a minute).
Task strategy
• Make sure you don't simply describe the pictures - your response should include hypothesis or speculation from the start.
• Keep talking, but try to finish within the time limit.
• Organise your ideas and express yourself coherently.
• When your partner is speaking, listen but don't interrupt.
Part 3: collaborative task (two-way interaction) (4 minutes)
In this section, you and a partner are given visual prompts, usually a set of pictures on a theme, and asked to collaborate on making a decision or solving a problem. There is no one correct answer, but you are expected to discuss the prompts (the first part of the task) and work towards a conclusion (the second part of the task). You don't have to agree. At the end, you are asked to report on and justify the outcome of your discussion. This task requires a range of linguistic skills to keep the conversation going, such as paraphrasing, asking for clarification and using conversational 'fillers' rather than leaving long pauses. It also tests a range of communication strategies: an ability to invite the opinions of your partner, discuss, evaluate, collaborate, negotiate and reach some kind of agreement.
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