1. What do you think of the alliance between art and technology?
What are the convincing arguments for viewing computer games as a work of art (based on the reading)?
Do you think a computer game could be considered as a work of art? Why/Why not?
What aspects of computer games would you view as a) artistic, b) technical?
How have our ideas about what is art been changed by technology?
2. Outdoor art exhibitions charitable auction sales: pros and cons.
Compile a list comprising works of art that are suitable for an auction sale benefiting charities. What makes them suitable? Should they be of much artistic value? Why/Why not?
Should works of art be displayed in the open air across cities? Why/Why not?
3. Traditional and temporary forms of art: their value.
Make a list of traditional forms of art in other cultures. Describe a few examples that have impressed you most.
Do you think they lose anything when they are borrowed into a different culture?
Make a list of temporary forms of art. Describe the most amazing and beautiful examples.
Do you think that anything temporary has any real value?
Would you like to have henna art on your body? Why/Why not?
4. Collections: a hobby or a madness?
Why do people collect things?
What kind of things do you collect, have you ever collected or would you like to collect in the future?
What makes a collection of anything valuable?
5. My room. My mess. My business.
Do you have a roomful of clutter, or are you tidy?
What do you think of the advice the writer gives at the end of the text ‘Reject, recycle or retain?’?
Do you think that collecting souvenirs could be a good way of making money?
6. Is all art art?
Rate the value of art in the following cases:
animal art
children art
art involving unconventional techniques or materials
7. What are the pros and cons of pop bands becoming a product? Use 10 words from the following list of in your answer.
8. Can lip-synching be justified?
Is there any musician to whom it would be acceptable to lip-synch?
What disappointed the author of the article most about the inauguration performance?
What arguments for the lip-synched performance do you find reasonable?
9. Give your arguments for and against illegally downloading music from the Internet.
10. In what cases are comebacks in music business justified?
11. As part of the annual local festival which takes place in your area, your school/college theatre is going to be able to put on one of the following shows:
• A tragedy by William Shakespeare
• A classical music concert
• A jazz concert
• A modern art exhibition
• A stand-up comedy show
• A rock concert
In groups, decide which show would be most appropriate. Consider the following:
• Which show would attract the most sizeable audience in your area?
• Which show would promote your school's image as a place where art is appreciated?
12. Match the keywords to the paintings, add at least two keywords to describe each painting.
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