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Countable nouns modified by numerals

Читайте также:
  1. Articles with countable nouns. General rules.
  3. Before Proper Nouns
  6. Exercise 1. Change the nouns into the plural. Use some (any) where necessary and make the other necessary changes.
  7. Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with the pronouns many, much, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a good deal of, a great deal of.
  8. Grammatical categories of nouns
  9. Morphological classification of nouns. Declensions

Cardinal numerals serve as descriptive attributes. E.g.I have already declined three invitations. The two men didn’t break step.

Ordinal ones are limiting attr-tes. The second week in October.

However, when an ordinal numeral doesn’t denote order but acquire the meaning of “one more” the indef. art. is used. He asked for a second cup of tea.

The third chapter but chapter 5.

Countable nouns modified by participles

Participle phrases may serve as either descriptive or limiting attributes according to the context:

e.g. He took a medicine prescribed by the doctor.

I adopted the tone used by my uncle Henry.

He sent a telegram saying he needed some work done urgently.

He couldn’t bear the thought of leaving her in such a state.

Countable nouns modified by infinitives

Attributes expressed with infinitives tend to be descriptive:

e.g. I made an attempt to smile/felt an impulse to laugh.

Yet, sometimes depending on the context, the infinitive may become a limiting attribute.

They didn’t have the money to buy the house.

Countable nouns modified by clauses

Clauses can be attributive and appositive. Attributive clauses qualify the noun. The can be either descriptive or limiting:

e.g. He took the cigarette that Robert offered him.

It’s not a story I could tell anyone else.

She expected a husband who would give her love and position.

She stared at me with an expression that made me uncomfortable.

Appositive clauses disclose the meaning of a noun. They can modify only certain abstract nouns, such as idea, feeling, hope, thought, impression, sense and the like. Appositive causes are usually introduced with the conjunction that (что). Appositive clauses are usually limiting attributes:

e.g. He had the feeling that all his efforts were futile.

The idea that he can be of use made him happy.

I had the impression that she meant it.


The Use of the Definite Article with Countable Nouns

There are certain uses of the definite article which are to be regarded as a matter of tradition: 1) used by reason of locality, with reference to objects that surround the speaker (or things described by him). This usually refers to objects either indoors (the corner, the window…) or outdoors (the stars, the street, the flowers, he houses, the birds…)

e.g. As I approached our house I saw my mum waving from the window.

A bee buzzed in the flowers.

The trees swayed to and fro under the grey sky.

2) with nouns denoting objects that are usually found in a particular place (the attendant in the cinema, the waiter, the receptionist, the kettle (at home) etc.)

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