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Court Circular

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  1. Criminal procedure provide for the participation in the court trial of a prosecutor, a defence counsel, a judge, a court-secretary, witnesses and some experts.

Buckingham Palace
May 25th

The Princess Royal this morning opened Kemble Hall, Kemble Road, Tottenham, London №17, and was received by Miss Rosemary Warne (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London).

Her Royal Highness, President, Riding for the Disabled Association, later visited The Diamond Center for Handicapped Riders to mark its Thirtieth Anniversary at Woodmansterne Road, Carshalton, Surry, and was received by Air Vice-Marshal Clive Evans (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London).


SAUNDERS.Patrick William (Pat), on 22nd May, 2004, in his 80th year.
Beloved husband of Maureen and dearly loved father of Linda and Michael, Grandfather of Ian, Alison, Emma and Laura. Private family funeral.


HARSAS. ON 5th May, 2004, to Amanda and Patrick, a beautiful daughter, Scarlett Anne, an adored sister for Alexander and Callum.


3. headlines (information and elements of appraisal)

- short and catching

- sometimes 2 or 3 headlines to one article

- emotionally coloured words

- SDs and EMs (e.g. Cakes and Bitter Ale, And What about Watt?)



Crazy Waste of Youth (Reynolds News)

No Wonder Housewives are Pleading: HELP (Daily Mirror)

Riding a Tiger in North Korea (Newsweek)

A Faint Silver Lining To An Otherwise Tragic Story (Newsweek)


4. editorials

- use of emotionally coloured language elements (e.g.“The long-suffering British housewife needs a bottomless purse to cope with this scale of inflation”)

- different strata of vocabulary

- trite, traditional stylistic means (e.g. price explosion)



The Government has temporarily banned the export of an $8.1 million Old Master bought by a Dutch museum. The ban gives British buyers two months to raise the money for the Burgher of Delft and His Daughter by the 17th-century Dutch painter Jan Steen.

The painting, which hung in a Welsh castle for 150 years, was bought by the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. It is believed to be the most expensive purchase the Dutch museum has ever made.




The aim is to prove a hypothesis, to create new concepts, to disclose relations between phenomena, etc.=>

objective, precise, unemotional language means



- developed system of connectives and conjunctions

- terms

- no words with contextual meanings

- specific sentence-patterns

- use of quotations and references, foot-notes

- impersonality (1 person plural, passive constructions)

- *exchange of terms between various branches*


We measured the regional CBF (cerebral blood flow) during each of the experimental conditions, on the same day, with a 60-75 min interval between measurements. The CBF was assessed using a single photon tomograph (TOMOMATIC 64, Medimatic, Copenhagen) and intravenous injection of Xenon 133 (2200 Mbeq).


Nearly all the mass of an atom is concentrated in its nucleus which is positively charged. The charge of a nucleus is determined by the number of protons it contains. This number is called the atomic number of the element and is denoted by Z. Z coincides with the number of the place the element occupies in the Periodic Table. When in the normal state, the atom is neutral; this means that the number of its positively charged particles is equal to the number of electrons. For example, the nuclear charge of lithium (Z = 3) is equal to three positive charge units, hence the atom contains three electrons. Iron occupies the 26th place in the Periodic Table and has 26 electrons and a positive charge of 26 elementary charges. Attractive forces act between the positively charged nucleus and negatively charged electrons. The electrons are able to keep their orbit, if they do not receive additional energy.



substyles - the language of

1. business documents

2. legal documents

3. diplomacy

4. military documents

The aim is to state the conditions binding two parties, to reach agreement between them.

. These parties may be:

a) the state and the citizen, or citizen and citizen (jurisdiction);
b) a society and its members (statute or ordinance);
c) two or more enterprises or bodies (business correspondence or contracts);
d) two or more governments (pacts, treaties);
e) a person in authority and a subordinate (orders, regulations, authoritative directions);
f) the board or presidium and the assembly or general meeting (procedures acts, minutes), etc.


- a special system of clichés, terms, set expressions used in each substyle

(e.g. extra revenue, to ratify the agreement, a body of judges)

- abbreviations, conventional symbols, contractions (e.g. MP, Ltd, $, atk)

- no contextual meaning

- no words with emotional meanings except conventional phrases (e.g. Dear Sir …)

- specific compositional patterns => the form of the document itself is informative (sometimes the whole document is 1 sentence)

An official document usually consists of a preamble, main text body and a finalizing (concluding) part

The usual parts of a business paper are:

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