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What distinctive oppositions illustrate classificatory groups of rounded and unrounded vowels?

Читайте также:
  1. Division of Utterances into Intonation-Groups
  2. Reduction of grammatical oppositions.
  3. Reduction of grammatical oppositions.
  4. Theory of oppositions. Types of oppositions. Oppositions in morphology
  5. Topic 10. Groups and Teams.
  6. Which of the given examples illustrate (a) high, mid, open and (b) front, mixed, back oppositions?

4. What distinctive oppositions illustrate classificatory groups of the following vowel phonemes according to the:

a) horizontal (front – back, front – mixed, mixed – back, front-retracted – back-advanced) movements of the tongue;

b) vertical (high – mid, high – low, mid – low) movements of the tongue?

5. Underline the interchanging vowels and consonants in the corresponding parts of speech:

nation – national

grave – gravity

provoke – provocative

zeal – zealous

supreme – supremacy

occur – occurrence

advice – to advise

use – to use

a house – to house

an excuse – to excuse

a device – to devise

loose – to lose

close – to close

6. Translate the words. Prove that phonetics is connected with lexicology through accent:

redbreast - red breast

bluebell - blue bell

bluestone - blue stone

blue-lines - blue lines

bluebottle - blue bottle

blackshirt - black shirt

black-face - black face

bird’s-eye - bird’s eye

bread-and-butter - bread and butter

break-promise- break promise

heavy-weight - heavy weight

red-book - red book

blue-stocking - blue stocking

blue-nose - blue nose

blue-coat - blue coat

blue-bonnet - blue bonnet

black-hole - black hole

black mass - black mass


7. Read and translate these pairs of words. Single out the sounds that differentiate the meaning of the words:

still - steel

Polish - polish

pool - pull

guard - guide

ship - sheep

worth - worse

sit - seat

truth - truce

fill - feel

but - bath

live - leave

breath - breadth

ill - eel

diary - dairy

slip - sleep

suit - suite

sell - sale

patrol - petrol

model - modal

mayor - major

saw - so

rout - route


8. Read these pairs of words. State to what parts of speech they belong. Single out the sounds that interchange. Translate the words into Russian:

deep - depth

brief - brevity

sagacious - sagacity

strong - strength

precise - precision

broad - breadth

flower - flourish

assume - assumption

presume - presumption

confess - confession

depress - depression

deceive - deception

antique - antiquity

coal - collier

mead - meadow

nature - natural

beast - bestial

brass - brazen

admit - admission

correct - correction

conclude - conclusion

divide - division

collide - collision

intent - intention

know - knowledge

please - pleasure

perceive - perception

describe - description

abound - abundance

mode - modify

pretend - pretention

precise - precision

object - objection

neglect - negligent

complete - competition

rector - rectorial


9. Single out pairs of sounds the interchange of which makes the words different parts of speech:

clothe v - cloth n

glaze v - glass n

loathe v - loath n

lose v - loss n

halve v - half n

live v - life n

prove v - roof n

serve v - serf n


10. Accent and transcribe these words. Translate them into Russian:

insult - to insult

object - to object

outgo - to outgo

produce - to produce

subject - to subject

outgrowth - to outgrow

outlay - to outlay

outthrow - to outthrow

present - to present

protest - to protest


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