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Other Holidays in the UK

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  6. Public Holidays in the UK

There are, of course, more celebrations and special occasions than just bank holidays in the UK.

Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes Night)

It is one of the most unique holidays in the UK.

Instead of celebrating something that happened, it celebrates something that didn’t happen: the Gunpowder Plot in 1605. Guy Fawkes and other passionate Roman Catholics were involved in a conspiracy to blow up parliament and to kill King James I. Instead of celebrating a national hero, Guy Fawkes Night condemns a national villain and, by today’s standards, a political terrorist.

Brits mark the 5th of November by making bonfires, setting off fireworks, and burning effigies of Guy Fawkes. Guy Fawkes Night is not celebrated in Northern Ireland at all. It is very much a British holiday/

Remembrance Day in the UK

Remembrance Day marks the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918 when the Great War was finally over. It was first commemorated in 1919, and every November it is celebrated to pay tribute to the men and women who have lost their lives in war.

In the United Kingdom, Remembrance Sunday is celebrated on the second Sunday in November, in addition to the actual Remembrance Day. On November 11, there are two minutes of silence across the UK. However, the main ceremony always occurs on Remembrance Sunday. In London, leading politicians, religious leaders and, of course, the Royal Family gather for a service at the Cenotaph. It is common practice to lay a wreath in commemoration.

As Remembrance Day approaches, you might notice people with felt poppies pinned to their autumn coats. The poppy is symbolic of Remembrance Day.

Royal Holidays in the UK

Although there isn’t a specific bank holiday that celebrates the royal family, there are certainly celebrations. Even though her actual birthday is in April, the Queen officially celebrates her birthday on a Saturday in June. The Trooping the Colour Parade celebrates her majesty’s birthday, and although it is a grand spectacle, a public holiday is not part of the deal.





Orangemen’s Day -День оранжистов (проводится с 1807 года в память о победе короля-протестанта в битве у реки Бойн 12 июля 1690 года, которая ознаменовала закрепление протестантского господства в Ирландии).

Good Friday -страстная пятница (посвящена воспоминанию крестной смерти Иисуса Христа, снятию с креста Его тела и погребения).

Easter Monday -пасхальный понедельник.

Battle of Boyne -Битва при реке Бойн.

Сommemorate - recall and show respect for (someone or something) in a ceremony. (чтить память, праздновать годовщину, отмечать годовщину, служить напоминанием).

Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes Night) - Ночь Костра (Ночь Гая Фокса)

Gunpowder Plot - Пороховой заговор в 1605 году.

blow up -взорвать

condemn -осуждать

villain -злодей

bonfire -костер

effigies -чучело

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