Читайте также:
The foundation of the United Nations was laid at the Dumberton Oaks* Conference in Washington, August 21 – September 28, 1944 when World War II was coming to its final stage.
The Charter of the United Nations signed in San Francisco on June 26, 1945 by 51 states came into force on October 2, 1945 after it has been ratified by the five Great powers – the USSR, the USA, the United Kingdom, France and China – and by the majority of the founder-states. October 24 is now commemorated each year as United Nations Day.
The democratic principles of international relations – the principles of equality, sovereignty and self-determination of peoples were put into the United Nations Charter and they were and are being widely supported by all those who are interested in peace.
Under the UN Charter member states are piedged to promote and encourage respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion. These rights and freedoms are listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948.
In 1966 the General Assembly adopted two international covenants which place legal obligations on those states ratifying or acceding to them. State parties to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Political Rights are bound to promote the full realization of these rights, including the right to work, social security, education, an adequate standart of living and so on.
Task 2: Write down Russian equivalents for the words and expressions in bold type.
Task 3: Answer the following questions using information from the text:
1. When and where was the foundation of the United Nations laid?
2. When did the UN Charter come in force?
3. What democratic principles were put into the UN Charter?
4. By whom was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted?
5. When do we commemorate the United Nations Day?
*Dumberton Oaks – название части города Вашингтона
Task 4: Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:
Гонка вооружения, устав ООН, разрядка, суверенитет, вступить в силу, международные отношения, Генеральная Ассамблея, ратифицировать, самоопределение наций, предпринимать неоднократные инициативы.
Task 5: Find in the text the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:
United Nations, Charter, came in force, equality, sovereignty, to support, founder-states, international security, General Assembly, to struggle for, to promote, urgent problem, fundamental freedom, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, covenant, social security, language, religion, to adopt.
Task 6: Put the verbs in the correct form:
1. The United Nations (to be born) as a result of the victory of the anti-Hitler coalition in World War II.
2. The Charter of the United Nations (to sign) in San-Francisco on June 26, 1945.
3. These rights and freedoms (to list) in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948.
Task 7: Insert the articles if necessary:
1. … Charter of the United Nations signed in San-Francisco on June 26, 1945.
2. It has been ratified by the five Great powers – … USSR, … USA, … United Kingdom, France and China – and by the majority of the founder-states.
3. These rights and freedoms are listed in … Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by … UN General Assembly in 1948.
Task 8: Render the following passage into English paying special attention to the words and expressions in bold type:
Организация Объединенных Наций работает во многих различных областях. Чтобы выполнять свои задачи, ООН имеет большой отдел международных гражданских служащих (Секретариат), в котором работают более 9000 человек. Это подразделение ООН возглавляет Генеральный Секретарь, ответственный за ежедневную успешную работу ООН и многих ее проектов.
Генеральный Секретарь ООН является также символом Объединенных Наций, представителем народов мира, имеет возможность просить о помощи.
Генеральный Секретарь также выбирает Посланников мира, которые популяризируют деятельность ООН. Посланцами мира выбирали Лучано Паваротти, Мохаммеда Али.
Вариант 2
Task 1: Translate the following text into Russian paying special attention to the words and expressions in bold type:.
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