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История зарубежной фотографии.

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  3. I. Ранняя история Британии
  4. I.) История возникновения и развития компьютерных вирусов.
  5. I.) История возникновения и развития компьютерных вирусов.
  6. I.-история феодализма в России (IV-XVIIIвв.)

When talking about the British painters' contribution to the world of cultural heritage, we usually recall such artists as Hogarth, Gainsborough, Reynolds, Constable, and Turner. These are the painters of truly international standing.

William Hogarth (1697—1764) was one of the greatest English artists and a man of remarkably individual character and thought. He was the first artist to reject foreign influence and raised British pictorial art to a high level of importance. In his pictures he reflected social life and in many of them the beauty of his painting was accompanied by satire.

Unlike his contemporaries William Hogarth portrayed not only representatives of the upper classes but also common people. Among his favourite works are six pictures united under the title "Marriage a la Mode" and “The Election Entertainment” which show the life very satirically.

In 1742 Hogarth painted “The Graham Children” where he brilliantly used his delicate colours to show the charm of childhood.

Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723 - 1792) was the most outstanding portraitist of the period. He created a whole gallery of portraits of the most famous of his contemporaries. He usually painted his characters in heroic style and showed them as the best people of the nation. He was the first president of the Royal Academy and the principal painter of the King.

Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788), one of the greatest masters of the English school, was a portraitist and a landscape painter. He successfully connected man and nature. His portraits are painted in clear tones. Blue and green are predominant colours.

Gainsborough is acknowledged as an excellent women painter. “The Portrait of Duchess de Beaufort”, “Mrs. Siddons”, “Two Daughters” are among his best paintings.

William Joseph Turner (1774 - 1851) was the greatest English romantic, landscape and marine painter whose most favourite topic was sea ("The Shipwreck"). He painted waves and storms, clouds and mists with a great skill. Turner was a great colourist. During his life Turner created some hundreds of paintings and some thousands of water-colors and drawings. After his death his own entire collection of paintings and drawings was willed to the nation.

John Constable (1776-1837) was an English landscape painter who created many well-known works. He was fond of the place where he was born and spent his childhood on the river Stour. Constable saw very beautiful woods, greens in nature and depicted them in his own realistic way. It was the cloudy, rainy days that Constable painted. He is said to be the first landscape painter in England.

George Romney (1734-1802) was the most fashionable portrait painter of his day, painting many leading society figures - including his artistic muse, Emma Hamilton, mistress of Lord Nelson In his paintings line rather than colour dominates.

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Answer the following questions:

1. Who was the artist to reject foreign influence? 2. Whom did William Hogarth portray? 3. Who was the first creator of landscape painting? 4. Who was the first president of the Royal Academy? 5. What did Gainsborough try to express in his paintings? 6. What was Constable’s approach to art? 7. How did Constable paint nature? 8. What did Turner like to paint?


История зарубежной фотографии.


1)Божак, история фотографии: возникновение изображения.

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