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You are very dissatisfied with the medical service you have experienced during your last visit to your local hospital. Talk to a journalist of the local radio station describing the ordeal and complaining about the bad service.
I'm absolutely disgusted with the service I have received at one hospital in Kyiv. The night before my visit was terrible. I couldn’t sleep well so I cannot go to university one day. I had the measles, a gash, a rash and purple bums. My mouth was wet, my throat ws dry. I was going blind in my write eye. My tonsils were as big as rocks. I had a headache and I could hardly breathe. What is more, I suffered from vomiting nausea|ˈnɔːsɪə|. Futhermore, when I measured me body’s temperature, it was very high – about 40 degrees C[ˈsɛlsɪəs]. So, I seemed to have a fever. As a result, I felt weakness and even couldn’t stop to cough. As you can imagine, I feel more dead than alive. So, in the morning I decided to go to hospital.
And when I came to hospital the bad moments begun. First of all, I'd been waiting for a doctor for two hours and during this time no one even came to ask how I felt and let me know how long I should wait.
When I was waiting I saw an old woman who hardly walked in the corridor and a nurse approached her with a wheelchair. When she reached the woman she didn’t have the decency ([ˈdiːs(ə)n(t)sɪ] –порядочность) to help her to sit on the chair. What is more, she didn’t even ask if the old woman needed help and she spoke to the woman quite rudely and so the old woman had to walk on her own to the chair. I understand that doctors and nurses get tired due to long hours of work but that doesn’t mean they have to do such things. I know it must be hard for the doctors and nurses to be polite all the time, but imagine how the patients feel, because such behavious can cause the patient’s nervous breakdown and even lead to heart attack.
And as for me, no one came and asked if its something serious with me. So I left the hospital very disappointed with a high headache. As you can imagine, I am very dissatisfied with such a medical service. And I think that the local government has to take some actions.
11. You are the member of the students’ board. Prepare a small speech for the students’ meeting about the harmful effect of stress on human health and give recommendations on how to reduce vulnerability [vʌlnərəˈbɪlɪtɪ]уязвимость to stress and overcome seasonal depression.
Stress is a normal physical response(ответ)to events that make you feel threatened [θretnd]под угрозой or upset your balance in some way. The stress response is the body’s way of protecting you. Working properly, it helps you stay focused, energetic, and alert [əˈlɜːt]тревога. In emergency(чрезвычайных) situations, stress can save your life—giving you extra strength to defend yourself. Stress becomes negative when a person faces continuous challenges without relief or relaxation between challenges. As a result, the person becomes overworked and stress-related tension(напряжение) builds.
Stress that continues without relief can lead to a condition called distress - a negative stress reaction. Distress can lead to physical symptoms including headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure [ˈelɪveɪtɪd blʌd ˈpreʃə]давление, chest pain(боль в груди), and problems sleeping,diabetes, skin conditions, asthma [ˈæsmə], arthritis [ɑːˈθraɪtɪs], depression, and anxiety [æŋˈzaɪətɪ]тревога.Stress also becomes harmful when people use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs to try to relieve their stress.
Stress Makes It Difficult to Control Your Emotions.Stress Can Bring Out Disease. When you're feeling anxious or stressed, there are some strategies that will help you to cope: Take a time-out. Practice yoga, listen to music, meditate, read books. Stepping back from the problem helps clear your head. Eat well-balanced meals. Limit alcohol and caffeine [ˈkæfiːn], which can increase anxiety [æŋˈzaɪətɪ]тревога and cause panic attacks. Get enough sleep. When stressed, your body needs additional sleep and rest. Exercise daily to help you feel good and maintain your health. Do your best. Instead of aiming for perfection, which isn't possible, be proud of however close you get. Learn what triggers [ˈtrɪgə]курок your anxiety. Is it work, family, school, or something else you can identify. Talk to someone. Tell friends and family you’re feeling overwhelmed [əʊvəˈwelm]перегружены, and let them know how they can help you. Talk to a physician or therapist[ˈθerəpɪst] for professional help.
12. You’ve been taking a strong medicine to treat one of your health problems which had a number of side effects on you body. Talk to your doctor, complain and describe the problems in detail.
Medical treatment is important and useful when it is given at the right time. Failure to provide adequate medical care oftentimes leads to the aggravation ([ˌæɡrəˈveɪʃ(ə)n] погіршення) of health conditions, can lead to irreversible and permanent damages to the human body and even death.
Strong medicine can have a number of side effects on your body which course a great harm to your health. Not so long ago I had a terrible stomach ache. Firstly, I decide to take simple analgesic [æn(ə)lˈdʒiːzɪk], but it just mutes pain and some hours later the pain returned. My further decision was to take stronger medicine, but I didn’t take into account side effects of it and as a result I did an irrecoverable(необратимый) harm to my health. Finally I was necessary to go to the doctor.
As a result of these strong drugs I was suffering from insomnia, acute(гостра) stomach ache, awful headache and permanent nausea. Moreover I had indigestion(нетравлення шлунку) and some signs of gastritis [ɡæˈstraɪtɪs]. As my doctor said later I was just allergic to some components which contain these drugs. I was shocked how my imprudence ([ɪmˈpruːd(ə)ns]нерозважливість) can cause such terrible effects. The doctor said that is a light form of gastritis and I have to take care of my health immediately to prevent worse results.
After that I had a long rehabilitation [riː(h)əbɪlɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n] which included severe diet: it was forbidden for me to eat fried and smoked food, bread, many of dairy(молочні продукти) products and even my favorite chocolate and coffee. It lasts during 2 months and it was extremely hard for me.
In conclusion I want to say that if you have any kind of pain it is better to go to the doctor than to resort to self-medication because you don’t know all the side effects of the medication as good as pharmacologist [fɑːməˈkɒlədʒɪst]. Just remember that: “Good health is above wealth”. So before taking drugs think a bit whether it worth your health.
As a school teacher of the 10th form, give your pupils a speech concerning the harm of smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs.
Smoking has become very common and fashionable, especially among young boys. This habit usually begins at school when boys try to experiment with every new thing that they can lay their hands on. Despite the warnings given by doctors about the ill-effects of smoking, people continue to smoke. The reason why people get addicted to any type of tobacco product is because all tobacco products have nicotine in them, which also cause cancer. Smoking cigarettes leads to the use of other drugs that are more harmful to the person than cigarettes. Over four hundred thousand people die each year from smoking in America. On the average, cigarette smokers die ten years sooner than otherwise comparable non-smokers. In addition it causes lung cancer, heart disease and hypertension [haɪpəˈtɛnʃ(ə)n]. The risk of developing lung cancer is 10 times as great in an elderly moderate smoker, as that of a non-smoker. Nicotine [ˈnɪkətiːn] causes increases in the blood pressure, heart rate. Symptoms may include headaches, sweating, insomnia, nervousness, and drowsiness.
Drinking alcohol is like taking a drug. The effects that a person will get are all based on certain factors like, how much and how often alcohol is consumed(споживати), the age of the person, when the person started and how long they have been drinking for, and gender. More than 50% of all automobile deaths in the United States involve excessive ([ɪkˈsesɪv]надмірне) drinking. Alcohol use is also very often associated with physical illness, mental illness, family conflicts, other social problems, poverty, and crime. Once you start to become addicted to alcohol you are considered an alcoholic. Drinking alcohol like this will damage your organs, like the brain, liver, stomach, intestines[ɪnˈtestɪn]внутрішній, and heart. The brain is affected, because brain cells(клітини) die which leads to memory loss, confusion, learning difficulties, problems with attention, and brain disorders. The liver [ˈlɪvə](печінка) is effected, because cancer can develop there, and also in the mouth and throat. The stomach may acquire ulcers([ˈʌlsə] виразка). From prolonged drinking you can have a stroke, or have heart failure. The nervous system can also get damaged, and when this happens the person will get physical and behavioral problems. Some other less serious effects of prolonged([prəˈlɒŋd] тривалий) drinking are vomiting, profuse sweating, hallucinations [həˌluːsɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n], tremors [ˈtrеmə] тремтіння, and sleep disturbances[dɪsˈtɜːb(ə)ns](порушення ріноваги). If you are addicted to alcohol or drink a lot of alcohol for a long period of time you will shorten your life by about 12 years, and get a lot of serious side-effects.
Drug addiction is a problem that has been increasing immensely among our society today. Drug addictions can only restrain us from accomplishing [əˈkʌmplɪʃɪŋ] goals or dreams in life. Addiction can trap [træp] anyone. Malnutrition [ˈmælnjuːˈtrɪʃn]недоедание, memory loss, deterioration [dɪtɪərɪəˈreɪʃn], psychotic behavior, aggression, brain damages.Apart from this, the drug addict indulges in criminal activities like burglary [ˈbɜːglərɪ] to get money for drugs. If a pregnant [ˈpregnənt]беременная woman is alcoholic then the child will have many diseases. The over of drugs may even cause death.
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