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Action Research and Reflective Practice
Dr. Stuart English
Literature Review
Action Research
McNiff (2002) reports that Lewin developed a theory of action research as a spiral of steps involving planning, fact-finding (or reconnaissance) and execution (Lewin, 1946), and which later came generally to be understood as an action–reflection cycle of planning, acting, observing and reflecting.
Figure 1.1 Lewin’s Action–reflection model
This cycle would then go on to the next cycle of replanning, acting, observing and reflecting, and perhaps produce a new cycle.
Figure 1.2 Sequences of action–reflection cycles
McKernan () In the mid-1940s, Kurt Lewin discussed action research as a form of experimental inquiry based upon the study of groups experiencing problems. Lewin argued that social problems should serve as the locus of social science research.
(McKernan, James, Curriculum Action research)
McNiff and Whitehead (2002) explain that action research is a specific method of investigating practitioner’s study. It is a functional approach that helps to understand if practitioner’s study is going in the direction he thinks it should go.
(Jean McNiff and Jack Whitehead, Action Research: Principles and Practice 2nd edition, published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2002)
Cal Swann (2001) describesAction research as a constructive research technique that needs three terms at the same time. Firstly, a social practice, where study typically placed, that requires modifications. Secondly, researchers that will impartially work together in cooperation. Lastly, recorded and organized research that will progress towards a helix of series of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.
(Action Research and the Practice of Design Cal Swann 12/4/01, Design Issues: Volume 18, Number 1 Winter 2002)
Carr and Kemmis (2004) confirm that Action research is a type of self-reflective study that practitioners use to progress fairness and coherence of the research, comprehend ing of their study and the circumstances where the research is executed in cooperative conditions.
In terms of method, a self-reflective spiral of cycles of planning, acting, observing and reflecting is central to the action research approach.
Lewin documented the effects of group decision in facilitating and sustaining changes in social conduct, and emphasized the value of involving participants in every phase of the action research process. He also saw action research as based on principles which could lead (Carr and Kemmis, 2004).
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