Читайте также:
I. Transcribe, read, translate the following words and restore the context from the chapters.
1) accord; 2) admirable; 3) heir; 4) income; 5) contribute; 6) industrious; 7) innumerable; 8) shrewd; 9) fault; 10) prosperous; 11) succeed; 12) dejection.
II. Give the three forms of the following verbs.
Bear, beat, break, choose, dream, fall, feel, fill, fling, grow, learn, lie, seek, set, throw.
III. Match the words with their definitions and restore the context from the book. ONE WORD IS EXTRA!
1) admirable 2) aim 3) blame 4) bring up 5) contribute 6) dejection 7) deny 8) income 9) inherit smth 10) mercy 11) on some account 12) prominent (cheeks) 13) prominent (person) 14) shrewd 15) small talk 16) sneer 17) submit | a) admit defeat; b) an expression of low feeling, sadness or disappointment; c) consider smb or smth responsible for smth bad; d) declare untrue, refuse to accept as a fact; e) direct one’s efforts towards doing or obtaining smth; f) educate and care for a child until grown-up; g) for some reason; h) help in causing a situation, event or condition; i) light conversation on unimportant or non-serious subjects; j) money which one receives regularly as payment for work or interest from investments; k) of great importance, fame, etc.; l) receive property, title, etc., left by smb who has died; m) showing good practical judgment; n) sticking or stretching out beyond the surface; o) willingness to forgive, not to punish; p) worthy of respect; causing pleasure. |
IV. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb and explain what the marked expressions mean.
1. … a quite unreasonable account Peter refused to join us for the party.
2. … my own part I promise to do everything I can to help you.
3. After his parents’ death John became the only heir … the title and fortune.
4. Anyone would jump … a chance to improve his financial position without much effort.
5. Bringing the case to court I am aiming … asserting my innocence.
6. His speech contributed much … the success of the meeting.
7. I guess apologizing is the least you can do to make … … the trouble you have caused them.
8. I just can’t think where we will manage to find the necessary money; I am quite... a loss.
9. It bored Kitty to submit … her husband’s caresses.
10. It’s a hard job to bring … three children single-handed.
11. Jack is very irritable: he is ready to kick … a row whatever small the reason is.
12. Kitty had always been accustomed … flattery and admiration.
13. Mrs. Garstin set all her hopes to improve her social status … Kitty.
14. Nobody would accuse Mary … neglecting her duties.
15. You can’t blame John … your own mistakes.
16. You should be grateful to a person who provides … you … food and lodging.
V. Substitute the marked expressions with their synonyms from the chapters (the number in brackets denotes the number of the page). Make all the necessary changes.
1. A starting entrepreneur has to pay various taxes which are hard to count. (18)
2. After a month of tiring negotiations Liza managed to persuade the customer to sign the contract. (16)
3. Children often think it quite natural that their parents should take care of them even after they grow up. (19)
4. I am saving money for a new car, so I usually have rather modest meals. (18)
5. Don’t think this proposal unworthy: a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. (23)
6. His decision to leave his job well agrees with his character. (20)
7. Hugh’s failure at the exam can be only explained by his poor emotional condition after his father’s death. (23)
8. I’m afraid you will have to pay a compensationfor the broken dishes. (20)
9. It’s not my mistake that the job hasn’t been done in time. (15)
10. Mike has always been a hard-working student. (17)
11. Mrs. Garstin had a very high opinion about people with money and position. (17)
12. My brother is in the habit of getting up early every day. (19)
13. The Browns are a rather wealthy family. (23)
14. Tom seems to be doing nothing but ask Kate to marry him. (22)
15. Vera never hesitates to express her opinion in the words she considers suitable. (22)
16. Young ladies spend enormous sums of money on different, mainly useless, things. (18)
VI. Substitute the marked expressions with their antonyms from the chapters (the number in brackets denotes the number of the page). Make all the necessary changes.
1. His behaviour contradicts all his principles. (20)
2. In the court the suspect acknowledged his guilt. (15)
3. I have always been struck by his cruelty towards his enemies. (17)
4. His face was marked with joy and happiness. (16)
5. I don’t pay much attention to people who are constantly complaining about hard life. (17)
6. Nancy treated her guest to a luxurious meal. (18)
7. Bertha opposedto all our demands. (15)
8. Tom missed his chance to get a well-paid job. (23)
VII. Translate the phrases into English, paying special attention to the marked words. Make your own sentences with these phrases.
1) не смягчать выражений; 2) обвинять в убийстве; 3) винить во всех несчастьях; 4) унаследовать состояние; 5) предлагать руку и сердце; 6) обеспечивать всем необходимым; 7) всякая всячина; 8) co своей стороны; 9) приписать провал неудачным обстоятельствам; 10) выдающийся человек; 11) возложить надежды на кого-либо; 12) уметь вести светскую беседу; 13) смотреть с презрением на кого-либо/что-либо; 14) примириться с обстоятельствами; 15) воспринимать как должное; 16) бережливая хозяйка; 17) быть в растерянности.
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