Читайте также:
I. Transcribe, read, translate the following words and restore the context from the chapters.
1) anguish; 2) cholera; 3) frivolous; 4) ignorant; 5) indignant; 6) obliged; 7) outrageous; 8) epidemic; 9) treacherous; 10) vindictive; 11) wander; 12) welfare; 13) wound; 14) wrath; 15) seize.
II. Give the three forms of the following verbs.
Arise, arouse, beat, begin, burst, flow, know, lean, learn, lie, light, mean, rise, set, shine, show, swell, throw, wake, weep, welcome.
III. Match the words with their definitions and restore the context from the book. ONE WORD IS EXTRA!
1) anguish 2) average 3) compassion 4) derisive 5) disdain 6) falter 7) frivolous 8) gravely 9) hatred 10) ignorant 11) impassive 12) mock smb 13) restless 14) treacherous 15) welfare 16) wrath | a) a feeling of contempt for what or who is beneath one; b) extreme pain, distress or anxiety; c) health, comfort and happiness; d) lacking knowledge, education, esp. of smth one ought to know about; e) laugh at, esp. unkindly or unfairly; f) not taking important matters seriously or sensibly; g) of the usual or ordinary kind; h) say in a weak and broken manner; i) seriously or solemnly in manner; j) showing great disloyalty and deceit; k) showing low opinion of smth/smb; l) showing or seeming to have no feelings; m) strong fierce anger, esp. based on the desire to punish smb for harm done to oneself; n) sympathy for the suffering of others; o) unwilling or unable to stay still, esp. or anxiety or lack of interest. |
IV. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb and explain what the marked expressions mean.
1. … concern John watched his house being pulled down.
2. Can I be … some use … you?
3. Do you happen to know what the old man has died …?
4. Don’t stare … people, it’s rude.
5. Driving after drinking alcohol is really asking … trouble.
6. Hillary is unaccustomed … being disobeyed.
7. I absolutely cannot stand … heat.
8. I would never taste this food … my own free will.
9. It’s a shame to behave like that! Are you completely ignorant … the simplest rules of politeness?
10. Kitty married Walter … convenience.
11. Stop mocking … the poor child!
12. Strangely enough, they were good friends though they didn’t have much … common.
13. The sight was so amusing that the children couldn’t help bursting … laughter.
14. They spent all days wandering … the countryside.
15. You don’t seem to have pluck … coping … this task.
V. Substitute the marked expressions with their synonyms from the chapters (the number in brackets denotes the number of the page). Make all the necessary changes.
1. Are you courageous enough to enter a house which is said to be haunted? (66)
2. His mocking smile does get on my nerves! (64)
3. I can’t watch indifferently how you are ruining your life. (67)
4. I don’t think he would agree to take such a risk. (72)
5. I witnessed a hateful scene yesterday. (66)
6. Peter is hard to deal with: he gets annoyed very easily. (67)
7. John was seized with fury and could hardly control himself. (70)
8. Kate just can’t get over her dog’s death. Can’t you show a little sympathy for her? (69)
9. Kitty was tired of being idle and wanted to do something useful. (66)
10. Mary couldn’t bear people’s unreasonable cruelty. (65)
11. Please, watch your tongue: your careless remarks can hurt people badly! (64)
12. The audience started laughing now and then. (72)
13. The young man’s confusion didn’t let him say to his girl all those beautiful words he had rehearsed during the sleepless night. (64)
VI. Substitute the marked expressions with their antonyms from the chapters (the number in brackets denotes the number of the page). Make all the necessary changes.
1. It is Cathy’s strong believe that people shouldn’t marry for love. (69)
2. Charles preferred to deal with first-class women. (69)
3. I am sure Greg was made to steal the money! (64)
4. I have never met such a serious and educated person as Berth. (69), (69)
5. Kate was puzzled to discern a look of admiration of Tom’s face. (67)
6. Mike glancedat Helen sheepishly. (63)
7. Nat’s heart was rent with love. (66)
8. Nick always speaks smoothly when standing in front of an audience. (64)
9. Rick and his brother are absolutely different. (69)
10. Sue smiled happily. (63)
11. What makes you think he will fail the task? (71)
VII. Translate the phrases into English, paying special attention to the marked words. Make your own sentences with these phrases.
1) беспокойный характер; 2) бесстрастное выражение лица; 3) быть в панике; 4) быть вынужденнымобратиться в суд; 5) легкомысленное поведение; 6) мстительная натура; 7) напрашиваться на неприятности; 8) насмехаться над чьими-либо чувствами; 9) небрежное замечание; 10) насмешливый тон; 11) низкосортная шутка; 12) печально улыбнуться; 13) покраснеть от смущения; 14) предательский шаг; 15) согласиться дать развод; 16) средний уровень способностей; 17) умереть от холеры; 18) эпидемия гриппа
Recall the Contents of the Story.
1. When did Walter start a conversation with Kitty? Where did he find her?
2. What did Kitty do before joining her husband?
3. What kind of place was Mei-tan-fu?
4. What details of the situation in that place did Walter tell Kitty? Was he to be the only European there?
5. What position did Walter intend to take in Mei-tan-fu? Did it fit his qualification?
6. Who was to accompany him?
7. What alternative to her going to Mei-tan-fu did Walter offer Kitty?
8. What were the conditions on which Walter was ready to let Kitty divorce him?
9. Where did Kitty go after the talk with her husband?
Questions and Tasks for Analytical Reading.
1. Analyse Kitty’s inner state at the moment her husband asked her for a talk. What did she do to conceal her uneasiness from him?
2. Why do you think Walter started the conversation with Kitty with telling her about his going to Mei-tan-fu but not with mentioning their family problems?
3. Reproduce Kitty’s chain of thoughts up to the moment she realised that her husband meant her to accompany him (p. 64). Did she believe he was going to Mei-tan-fu to maintain his research work? What was her primary opinion about the real aim of his going to Mei-tan-fu? Why did she try to stop Walter though his absence would be a relief for her? What traits of character did she reveal in that situation?
4. Why was Walter speaking mockingly, almost flippantly, though the matter was unpleasant and serious? What was his mockery aimed at?
5. What for did Walter want Kitty to go with him as he put it into words? as she understood it?
6. Why, in your opinion, didn’t Walter state Kitty’s going to Mei-tan-fu as the only alternative to his divorcing her from the very beginning but firstly presented it as a suggestion his wife could accept deliberately? Did he really hope she would follow him of her own free will?
7. What did Walter mean saying he wouldn’t let Kitty divorce him for her own welfare? Why didn’t Dr Fane share Kitty’s confidence in her future happiness with Charlie in case of her divorce?
8. Why was Kitty at a loss when Walter told her he knew about her adultery though she had rehearsed the scene many times in her mind? Did she try to lie to Walter or to justify herself? Why (not)? How does it characterise her? What did she mean by saying she was proud to be Charlie’s mistress?
9. Did it give Walter a shock to hear the whole truth about Kitty’s attitude to him (p. 69)? Did he realize the reasons she had to marry him when he proposed to her? Why did he still marry her? What was his idea of love?
10. Render Walter and Kitty’s conversation and present it in the form of a monologue. Start with a general description of the situation. In the conclusion summarize what new details you’ve learnt about the characters’ personalities.
(Chapters XXIV-XXV)
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