Читайте также:
I. Transcribe, read, translate the following words and restore the context from the chapters.
1) curtly; 3) destination; 4) disagreeable; 5) encouraging; 6) enormous; 7) linger; 8) triumph; 9) malicious; 10) scrupulous
II. Give the three forms of the following verbs.
Alight, bear, bet, break, drive, feel, fill, grow, seek, shut, strike, swear, think, upset.
III. Match the words with their definitions and restore the context from the book. ONE WORD IS EXTRA!
1) buoyant 2) catching 3) confidence 4) contempt 5) encouraging 6) humiliating 7) malicious 8) mean 9) reach one’s destination 10) sulk 11) sullen 12) washed out | a) a calm unworried manner based on a strong belief in one’s abilities; b) be given to, marked by, or arising from desire to cause pain, injury or distress to another; c) be silently bad-tempered, esp. for an unimportant reason; d) causing feeling of courage, hope and confidence; e) extremely destructive to one’s self-respect or dignity; f) full of good spirits, cheerful; g) get to or to arrive; h) hard to resist; i) showing dislike or bad temper; j) an act of despising; k) very tired, exhausted. |
IV. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb and explain what the marked expressions mean.
1. Her shining eyes betrayed her triumph … her rivals.
2. His halting manner of speech was much affected … his emotional state.
3. I didn’t mean to oppose you. … the contrary, I am all for your proposal.
4. I don’t see any reason to sulk … such a trifle.
5. I’m afraid I have to insist … your giving the answer … once.
6. Kitty was sure that Charlie … all events wouldn’t let her ….
7. The brothers always stood … each other in all street fights.
8. The child’s confidence … the people around was very moving.
9. The provocative questions of the journalists put Prime-minister’s back ….
10. Walter’s eyes lingered for some time … Kitty’s face.
11. We will have a chance to rest only after we have reached … our destination.
12. You can’t understand a person unless you put yourself … his shoes.
V. Substitute the marked expressions with their synonyms from the chapters (the number in brackets denotes the number of the page). Make all the necessary changes.
1. After a sleepless night at the bedside of the sick child the young mother looked exhausted. (54)
2. After a two-hour walk we came to the place we needed. (60)
3. His gloomy look at the party spoilt other people’s mood. (54)
4. His strangely restrained voice aroused my apprehensions. (59)
5. His unpleasant words about the dinner caused another scandal in the family. (55)
6. I don’t think you would be pleased to accept the conditions they offer. (61)
7. John is sure to support you in any circumstances. (58), (57)
8. My decision to apply for this job was very much influencedby my mother’s advice. (57)
9. The doctor examined the patient thoroughly but couldn’t diagnose the case. (55)
10. There is a huge amount of work awaiting me in the office. (60)
11. Unwilling to support the conversation, Walter answered Kitty’s questions abruptly. (59)
12. Why not imagine yourself in his place to understand how much hurt he is? (56)
VI. Substitute the marked expressions with their antonyms from the chapters (the number in brackets denotes the number of the page). Make all the necessary changes.
1. After the accident at the party he was treated with unanimous respect. (58)
2. Do you happen to know the reason for his gloomy look? (56)
3. His shyness jumps to the eye. (56)
4. I am always full of energy after a long day’s work. (54)
5. I have never seen him rejoice over any events of his life. (59)
6. Never think about defeat before the end of the competition. (59)
7. Nobody has ever expected him to be such a noble person. (61)
8. The pupils seemed to have done everything to calm down the teacher. (61)
9. Your words really sound frustrating. (56)
VII. Translate the phrases into English, paying special attention to the marked words. Make your own sentences with these phrases.
1) дутьсяпо пустякам; 2) жизнерадостная натура; 3) замешкаться на пороге; 4) заразительный смех; 5) коварная усмешка; 6) напротив, наоборот; 7) напряженные жесты; 8) настаивать на принятии решения; 9) подчеркнуто вежливый; 10) покинуть друга в беде; 11) поставить себя на чьё-либо место; 12) посредственные способности; 13) при любых обстоятельствах;14) согласиться дать развод; 15) угрюмый вид; 16) унизительное положение
Recall the Contents of the Story.
1. Who was the first to meet Kitty in the curio shop?
2. Did she have to wait for Townsend for a long time?
3. What was their talk about?
4. What was Kitty doing when her husband came home from his Club the following evening?
5. What kind of a party did the Fanes attend?
6. What was Kitty’s table-talk about?
7. What was Kitty thinking about at table?
Questions and Tasks for Analytical Reading.
1. What made Kitty think that her husband knew about her infidelity? What changes had she noticed in his behaviour the previous evening?
2. Why was Charlie so sure that Walter wouldn’t make a row? What possible reasons for Dr Fane’s silence did he bring?
3. How did Charlie’s principle “to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes” (p. 56) work? Was he really a good psychologist or did he just expect other people to feel and act the same way he would under similar circumstances? Does his analysis of Walter’s way of thinking sound accurate? Why did he try to convince Kitty that she exaggerated her husband’s love for her?
4. Did Kitty share Charlie’s opinion about the reasons which made her husband keep silent? What judgments about her husband did she make while listening to Charlie? What did she feel for Walter and why?
5. Did Charlie manage to comfort Kitty? What did she still regret and why?
6. Why did Kitty feel fairly sure of herself waiting for her husband that evening? What manner did she adopt towards him? Why?
7. How did Dr Fane behave that evening? Why didn’t he enter Kitty’s room before going out? What other details betrayed his state of mind? How did he treat his wife during the party? Was it his usual way?
8. What kind of a psychological portrait did Kitty make analysing Walter’s behaviour at the party? What traits of character, in her opinion, made him avoid a scandal? How did her attitude towards him change while she regarded different possible variants? What did she finally feel for him?
9. What can we say about Kitty’s personality judging by her way of thinking about her husband?
10. Make a monologue based on chapters 20-21 and the information you’ve learnt from the previous chapters. Speak about Walter’s behaviour, summarize and compare Charlie’s and Kitty’s points of view concerning it.
(Chapters XXII-XXIII)
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