Читайте также:
Recall the Contents of the Story.
1. Where does the action of the story take place?
2. Who are the characters involved and mentioned in the 1st chapter? What are their names and professions? Are they natives of that place?
3. Why did Kitty and Charles have to meet secretly? Where did they normally arrange their dates? Where did they meet on that day?
4. In what manner was the intimate meeting of Kitty and Charles interrupted?
5. What suppositions did Kitty and Charles make concerning their mysterious visitor’s probable identity?
6. What reasons did Charles bring to convince Kitty it couldn’t be her husband who had tried the door?
7. What was the result of Kitty’s quick examination of the house?
8. What measures did Charles and Kitty take to find out whether Walter Fane had been home that day?
9. How were Kitty and Walter received when they arrived in Hong Kong?
Questions and Tasks for Analytical Reading.
1. What was especially striking in the behaviour of the mysterious visitor? Why didn’t Kitty and Charles dare to look out and make sure who it was? How does the author create the atmosphere of tension?
2. Write out words and expressions describing the emotional state of the characters on pages 3-4. What differed Charles’s feelings from Kitty’s? Why did he feel angry with Kitty? Was it fair of him?
3. How do you characterize the general tone Charlie adopts in his speech? What traits of his personality does it reveal? What gives him confidence in this strange situation? Do you think he is absolutely frank answering Kitty’s question about his “lot of experience” in the negative?
4. Speak about Charles’s portrait. What features are emphasized and why?
5. Speak about Dorothy Townsend. What are the merits and demerits of her appearance and personality? Is Dorothy’s description given on pp. 10-11 objective or influenced by some character’s personal view?
6. What can we say about Kitty judging by the way she regards Dorothy? What is implied in the characteristics of Kitty’s and Dorothy’s parents by mentioning their living places in London?
7. Speak about the Fanes’ position in Hong Kong society. What did Walter mean by saying “From a social standpoint the man of science does not exist”? What did Kitty feel about it? Did Walter share or understand his wife’s feelings?
8. Make a monologue based on the events preceding Kitty’s retrospection. Introduce the characters, speak about the interrupted meeting and its nearest consequences. Pay attention to the emotional state of the personages.
(Chapters V-VIII)
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