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Choose the correct word or phrase.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Choose a job that you would like to do.
  2. A. Read the paragraph below and choose the most appropriate words/ phrases in bold. Where could you read this extract?
  3. ACT 1. Preview (with sound on). Watch the preview to complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the Word Box. Write the correct word on each blank line.
  4. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
  5. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
  6. As you listen to the extract, for each question 1-4 choose the answer that fits the meaning best.
  7. B) Choose any picture you like and prepare the description of this picture for your group-mates to guess.
  8. B. Put the verb into the correct form, Past Continuous or Past Simple.
  9. Check the comprehension of the text by listening to each question and choosing the answer, which you think, is correct.
  10. Check the comprehension of the text by listening to each question and choosing the answer, which you think, is correct.

Section 1




Look at the sentences about a band. Read the text and decide if each sentence is correct. If it is correct, write A. If it is incorrect, write B.

1 There are four people in the band. _________

2 They are going to go to university. _________

3 They play other peoples’ songs. _________

4 They don’t have a bus. _________

5 They won’t forget the little places. _________


My band

I’m in a band with my friends Ron, Paul and Bingo. We think we’re the next big thing. That’s why we called our band The Next Big Thing! We’re going to be famous – and in the near future, too! We practise all the time, and when we finish school, we aren’t going to go to university. We want to spend a lot of time playing music together. We have big plans, and there won’t be time for university!


We have a CD and we wrote all the songs ourselves. We’re going to sell the CD at our concerts. We’re playing tomorrow in our town, and after that there’s going to be a tour. We’re travelling in our bus, but we’ll visit a lot of places. We’re going to show everyone what we can do. We’re getting ready tonight. It’s going to be great!


When we’re famous, we’ll play big concerts. On this tour, we’re playing in small places, but you can be sure we won’t forget the little places. So come to our concert tomorrow, and one day, you’ll say ‘I knew them before they were famous!’


Section 2




Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

What will the future bring for all of us? Who will be (0) c in the future? For example, look at the people in my class at school. Who do you think will be rich and (1) _____ one day?

Maybe it will be Pete. Pete wants to go to (2) _____ school and study to become an (3) _____ in the theatre. Later, he wants to go on (4) _____ to show everyone what he can do. That’s in the (5) _____ future though, when he finishes his training. Tonight he’s (6) _____ in a play at the (7) _____ theatre. Almost (8) _____ of our class will go and see him – we all want to encourage him and to wish him good (9) _____. Maybe he won’t become a famous star and maybe he will – nobody can know for (10) _____.



0 a succeed b success c successful

1 a star b famous c local

2 a actor b drama c tour

3 a act b acting c actor

4 a play b local c tour

5 a distant b recent c most

6 a playing b going c appearing

7 a near b distant c local

8 a all b quarter c none

9 a show b luck c time

10 a sure b half c real


3 Circle the word that doesn’t belong.


0 quarter third all

1 recent near distant

2 famous almost successful

3 guess half predict

4 worried nervous famous

5 business band company

6 third half first

7 none most almost

8 practise future get ready

9 whizz play actor

10 success grow develop


Choose the correct word or phrase.

0 What do you want to study at future / university?

1 He wants to write a bestseller / tour. He loves writing stories, so maybe he’ll succeed.

2 After they make their new CD, they’re going to tour / use Europe.

3 When Josh passes his exams, he’s going to drama / fortune teller school.

4 I hope something good happens to me in the near / close future.

5 When I was young, I was a real whizz kid / actor with computers.

6 Don’t worry / guess – everything will be alright.

7 She works for a successful computer program / company.

8 Nobody knows for sure / right if they will pass the exams.

9 I like reading stories about the distant / far past.

10 Have you seen that new circle / app for mobile phones?




Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 115 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Введение | Сознательное и бессознательное в структуре личности. | Бессознательное в психике человека. | История возникновения представления о бессознательном и его изучения. | Read the dialogue and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap. | Section 3 | Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap. | Read the advert and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap. | Write the opposites of these adjectives. | Read the following dialogues, put stress-tone marks on them using different types of scales and practice reading them. |

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