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Читайте также:
  1. Balance of Nature
  2. Consolidated Goods and Services Balance
  3. It ran with a gliding ballet step, far too poised and balanced for its ten tons. It moved into a sunlit area warily, its beautifully reptilian hands feeling the air.
  4. It ran with a gliding ballet step, far too poised and balanced for its ten tons. It moved into a sunlit area warily, its beautifully reptilian hands feeling the air.
  5. Table 1. Goods and Services Trade Balance, mln.USD
  6. Table 1. Services Trade Balance
  7. The balance sheet
  8. The Separation of Powers Checks and Balances

Exercise #1. Table below represents information from the balance of payments of the country. Please, define and fill in the table the following data: 1. Trade balance (goods and services balance); 2. Current account balance; 3. Capital and financial account balance; 4. Changing R eserves Assetst.

Goods and services (balance)  
Exports of goods and services  
Imports of goods and services  
Goods (balance)  
Exports of goods +40
Imports of goods -30
Services (balance)  
Exports ofservices +15
Imports ofservices -10
Income (balance) -5
Current transfers (balance) +10



Exercise #2. UKRAINE: BALANCE OF PAYMENTS, USD mln (analytical form)

National Bank of Ukraine, Ukraine: Balance of Payments and External Debt

1. CURRENT ACCOUNT                  
2. BALANCE OF GOODS AND SERVICES                  
3. EXPORT OF GOODS AND SERVICES                  
4. IMPORT OF GOODS AND SERVICES                  
5. BALANCE OF GOODS                  
6. Export of goods 35 024 38 949 49 840 67 717 40 394 52 191 69 418 70 236 64 984
7. Imports of goods -36 159 -44 143 -60 412 -83 808 -44 701 -60 579 -85 670 -89714 -84 582
8. BALANCE OF SERVICES                  
9. Export of services 9 354 11 290 14 161 17 895 13 859 17 064 19 426 19 799 20 328
10. Import of services -7 548 -9 164 -11 741 -16 154 -11 505 -12 660 -13 331 -14647 -16 214
11. INCOME (balance) -985 -1 722 -659 -1 540 -2 440 -2 009 -3 796 -2 965 -3 020
12. CURRENT TRANSFERS (balance) 2 845 3 173 3 539 3 127 2 661 2 975 3 708 2 976 2 149
14. CAPITAL ACCOUNT                  
15. Capital transfers -8     -1          
16. Acquisition/disposal of nonproduced nonfinancial assets -57               -84
17. FINANCIAL ACCOUNT                  
18. DIRECT INVESTMENT (balance) 7 533 5 737 9 218 9 903 4 654 5 759 7 015 6 627 3 351
19. PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT                 1 191
20. LOANS AND BONDS 7 563 12 527 23 105 12 397 -9 137 6 762 2 598 6 035 7 349
21. OTHER CAPITAL -6 927 -14 562 -18 327 -13 003 -8 205 -4 953 -2 432 -3 053 6 570
22. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE                  
24. Financing                  
25. Reserve assets (“minus”: increase) -10 425 -1 999 -8 980 -1 080 5 654 -8 460 2 455 7 594 3 552
26. IMF loan to the NBU (minus: repayment) -296 -409 -441   1 228 1 401   -2 631 -3 062
27. IMF loan to Ukraine’s government (minus: repayment)         4 798 2 028   -788 -2 513
  Special drawing rights         2 046        


Analysis of the Balance of Payments of Ukraine, 20___:

In 20___ the balance of payments ______________ (deficit, surplus) totaled USD _________ million. This result was caused by _______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Financing: The balance of payments __________ (deficit, surplus) was counterbalanced with ____________ (increasing, decreasing) in Reserve assets by USD________ million as well as IMF loan _______________ (repayment, borrowing) by USD _________ million.




I. Please, answer the questions below.

1. Which indicators of foreign trade of the country do you know?

2. What is the source of indicators of volumes of foreign trade?

3. Please, describe the content of the statistical report Foreign Trade Balance of Ukraine. What kind of data does it include?

4. What is balance index? What does it mean? What is the economic meaning of balance index?

5. Which indicators describe the structure of international trade?

6. Please, describe the indicators of dynamics of international trade.

7. Please, describe the of international trade of Ukraine in recent years.

8. What is the trend of ukrainian exports?

9. What is the trend of ukrainian imports?

10. What is the trend of trade balance of Ukraine?

11. In what year did the trade balance get its maximum (minimum)?

12. What is your forecast as to international trade of Ukraine?

13. Who are main trade partners of Ukraine both in export and import?

14. What are ukrainian main products exported?

15. What are ukrainian main products imported?


II. Please, fill in the blank below.

1. ________________________ is statistical report regarding volumes of exports and imports of the country during a year.

2. To ensure the comparability of statistics in the Trade Balance the value of goods is determined by prices INCOTERMS: - for the exported goods – ___________________________________

3. To ensure the comparability of statistics in the Trade Balance the value of goods is determined by prices INCOTERMS: - for the imported goods – ___________________________________

4. Balance index is calculated as_____________________________

5. Economic meaning of Balance index:_____________________________

6. Geographical structure of goods imported (exported): _______________________

7. Product structure of goods imported (exported): _________________________

8. Growth rate of exports (imports) is calculated as _____________________________

9. Rate of increase of exports (imports) is calculated as _________________________

10. Growth rate of imports is 15%. It means that volume of imports has _____________ (rise, fall, remain steady)

11. Rate of increase of exports is 15%. It means that volume of exports has __________________ (rise, fall, remain steady)

12. The trend of imports in Ukraine in recent years: ___________________________ (rise, fall, remain steady)

13. The trend of exports from Ukraine in recent years: ___________________________ (rise, fall, remain steady)

14. The trend of trade balance in Ukraine in recent years: _____________________ (rise, fall, remain steady)

15. Ukraine’s main trade partners as for the exports of goods: ___________________________________________________________

16. Ukraine’s main trade partners as for the imports of goods: ___________________________________________________________

17 Most exported products of Ukraine: ____________________________________

18 Most imported products of Ukraine: ____________________________________

19._____________________________ – a statistical report which contains summary data of all monetary transactions between the country and the rest of the world for the certain period of time.

20. ______________________ are at disposal of central bank and used to balance the Balance of Payments.

21. ________________________________ – the values ​​that are invested by foreign investors into objects of investment activity with the purpose of obtaining profit or achieving social effect.

22. The structure of the balance of payments:______________________________

23. The section of the balance of payments which includes trade in goods and services, income receipts and payments on foreign investments, and unilateral transfers ____________________________________.

24. An economic transaction that leads to the receipt of payment from foreigners: ___________________________ (credit transaction, debit transaction).

25. An economic transaction that leads to a payment to foreigners: ___________________________ (credit transaction, debit transaction).

26. Positive trade balance is called ___________________

27. Negative trade balance is called ___________________


Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 87 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

BY M. PORTER | Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry | THE THEORIES OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE | The Form and Content of International Contract | Documentation in International Trade | Efficiency of Exports | Calculating the cost of imports | Consolidated Goods and Services Balance | Table 1. Goods and Services Trade Balance, mln.USD | Table 1. Services Trade Balance |

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