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Table 1. Goods and Services Trade Balance, mln.USD

Читайте также:
  1. A) Complete the table with personal and professional abilities. Use the list below. Give the reasons.
  2. A) The first acceptable interpretation is the only acceptable interpretation
  4. APPENDIX. Use the table to tell about the four major geophysical methods used in oil exploration.
  5. Brokers and dealers earn commissions for their services.
  6. CHAPTER 60 Leland-Hawkins Turns The Tables On Slade-Dion; Smiddy-Lindquist Proposes The Occupation Of Shu.
  7. Choose the most suitable word for each space.
  8. Choose the right engineering abilities below for each category in the Table. The number of abilities is in brackets.
  9. Classification of goods
  10. Complete the sentences with a suitable word.
1. Exports                
2. Imports                
3. Balance index                



Table 2. Exports:

1. Growth rate, %                
2. Structure: goods (%) and services (%)                



Table 3. Imports:

1. Growth rate, %                
2. Structure: goods (%) and services (%)                



Table 4. Geographical structure of exports and imports in 201__:

Exports, %    





Зовнішньоторговельний баланс України (млн.дол. США)

  Експорт Імпорт Сальдо
Усього (товари і послуги) 82408,9 76126,51 91394,2 84602,31 –8985,3 –8475,81
Країни СНД 31331,6 27926,7 35703,8 29439,4 –4372,2 –1512,7
Інші країни світу 51077,3 48199,8 55690,4 55162,9 –4613,1 –6963,1
у т.ч. країни ЄС (28) 20968,2 20361,2 29935,5 31198,8 –8967,3 –10837,6
Товари2 68809,8 63312,0 84658,1 76964,0 –15848,3 –13652,0
Країни СНД 25302,6 22063,6 34452,6 27931,2 –9150,0 –5867,6
Інші країни світу 43507,2 41248,4 50205,5 49032,8 –6698,3 –7784,4
у т.ч. країни ЄС (28) 17121,5 16758,8 26225,7 27037,8 –9104,2 –10279,0
Послуги 13599,1 14509,23 6736,1 7649,33 6863,0 6859,93
Країни СНД 6029,0 5985,5 1251,2 1508,9 4777,8 4476,6
Інші країни світу 7570,1 8523,7 5484,9 6140,4 2085,2 2383,3
у т.ч. країни ЄС (28) 3846,7 4203,4 3709,8 4170,2 136,9 33,2

Trade in Goods Balance




Trade Balance

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 81 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Subject Matter of International Business | FUNDAMENTALS OF MERCANTILISM | N THE LAW OF COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE | BY M. PORTER | Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry | THE THEORIES OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE | The Form and Content of International Contract | Documentation in International Trade | Efficiency of Exports | Calculating the cost of imports |

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