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C) between the classmates

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  2. C. Relationship between culture and language.
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  5. Ex. 1. Complete the following irregular verb table with the correct forms. Notice the similarities between the verb forms.
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  7. Iv) Non-inter-State arbitration agreements between States and private parties
  9. Then as though they had but one terrified mind between them they scrambled away over the rocks and fled.

A. - Why such a long face? What’s wrong? Got a two again, I suppose?

B. - Yes, in history. That’s my weak point. The names, dates and events

are all a mess (путаница, каша) in my head. I can’t remember them. Now, geography, that’s different, but history...

A. - Is that why you were kept in?

B. - Of course! But the teacher didn’t scold me - that was quite a surprise

to me. She offered to help after school hours.

A. - Let’s do history together tonight. There is no use failing in the

subject, is there?

B. - Oh, no! I’ll come at any time you say.


Ex. 10. Translate into English using proper expressions from the dialogues and the texts:


1. Я сегодня получил пятёрку по физике. 2. Когда ты будешь делать математику? 3. Мне надо составить две “методички”. 4. У неё большая нагрузка - 25 часов в неделю. 5. У тебя есть в расписании “форточки”? 6. Директор ругал вас? 7. Летом я буду посещать лекции в институте усовершенствования учителей. 8. Учитель оставил их после уроков. 9. Ты очень невнимателен в классе. 10. У неё в голове “каша”. 11. Тебе надо больше бывать на свежем воздухе. 12. Уже был звонок? 13. Положите книги в сумки. 14. Артикли - моё слабое место. 15. Уже был звонок. 16. Директор и завуч сейчас в учительской.

Ex. 11. Insert prepositions where necessary:


1. Why did the headmaster keep you...? 2. She has got a two... biology. 3. I worked at this method aid... week. 4. I want to see the teacher... my daughter. 5. We have two double periods of chemistry... a week. 6. Next... the library is a canteen. 7. What is there... the school premises? 8.... general she is a good student.


Ex. 12. Make up your own dialogues:


a) between a regular teacher and a student teacher (probationer - стажёр);

b) between two pupils about their new teacher (new school);

c) between a teacher from Belarus and an English teacher.


Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:

1) What is the main aim of the school? What is more important: to give

knowledge to the children or to develop qualities of mind, body, feeling and imagination? Why?

2) Whom can we call an understanding teacher?

3) Should academic and non-academic children be taught together or should they be given an opportunity to set their own speed?

4) What is your attitude to the elite school? Do you think we should have

them in our republic?

5) The tutorial system at Eton allows pupils to choose their own academic

tutors (teacher) to supervise their work. Would you mind to have such an pportunity here at the University? Would you mind to teach at such a


6) What do you think of the school uniform? Should children wear the same type of clothes or should they be allowed to dress in the manner in which they feel comfortable?

7) Do you agree that the staff of a school must contain people of different

kinds, “an element of mixture”, and the more diversity there is the richer the life of the school can be?


Ex. 14. Speak on the topic “The School I’d like to Teach at”.



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