7.1 About business – Risks and opportunities in M&A - 7.1
1. to merge / merger | to join together to form one company | сливаться / слияние |
2. to acquire / acquisition | to take another company under control after buying it | поглощать/поглощение |
3. to take over / takeover | to acquire a company | поглощать / поглощение |
4. due diligence | investigation of company’s activities and finances before investment or acquisition | полная юридическая проверка |
5. to launch a takeover bid | to make an offer to buy shares in a company and take control | выдвигать предложение о поглощении |
6. synergy | the extra benefit companies get when combine their efforts | синергия |
7. economy of scale | the financial advantages of producing something in very large quantities | экономия за счёт роста производства |
8. cross-selling | when one company helps to sell another company's products by, for example, advertising the second company's products at the same time as its own | перекрёстные продажи |
9. diversification | increasing the range of goods or services that company produces | многообразие |
10. poison pill | something in a company's financial or legal structure that is deliberately intended to make it difficult for another company to take control of it | тактика защиты от нежелательного поглощения |
7.2 Vocabulary – Business performance - 7.2
1. in the black / in the red | to have money, to be profitable / to have debts, to owe money to somebody | быть в плюсе (не иметь долгов) / быть должником |
2. to cover costs | to have enough money to pay for something | покрывать расходы |
3. to go to the wall | to fail to get or achieve what you wanted | потерпеть неудачу |
4. to break even / break even point | To clear one's expenses the level of business activity at which a company is making neither a profit nor a loss | покрыть свои расходы / точка безубыточности |
5. to go bankrupt / bankruptcy | to lose all the money and not even have money to pay debts | обанкротиться / банкротство |
6. to sink to rock-bottom | to become as unhappy, unpleasant, or unsuccessful as it is possible to be | опуститься на дно |
7. to soar | to increase very quickly | резко подниматься, взлетать |
8. to fluctuate | to keep changing and becoming higher and lower | Варьироваться/колебаться |
9. to deteriorate | to decrease, to become worse | ухудшаться, портиться |
10. a sudden surge | an unexpected increase | резкий подъем |
7.4 Speaking – Presentations – visuals - 7.4
1. a laser pointer | A small piece of equipment that produces a line of light, used by teachers and people who are giving talks in order to point at things on a map, board etc | Лазерный указатель |
2. a flip chart | A set of large pieces of paper that are connected at the top so that you can turn the pages over to present information to people | Презентационный / леккеционный блокнот |
3. a blackboard / a whiteboard | A board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for writing on with chalk A large board with a white smooth surface that you can write on, used, for example, in rooms where classes are taught | Доска / магнитно-маркерная доска |
4. an overhead projector | A piece of electrical equipment used when giving a talk, which shows words or pictures on a wall or large screen so that many people can see them | Проектор верхнего расположения |
5. to interpret | To explain the meaning of something | Толковать, интерпретировать |
6. in contrast to | A phrase used to compare some ideas or things | В отличие от |
7. to seem to do something | Used to make what you are saying less strong or certain, and more polite | Казаться, создавать впечатление |
8. due to a perceived drop | Because of a decrease that we have got | В связи с выявленным спадом |
9. a pie-chart | A circle divided into parts by lines coming from the centre to show how big the different parts of a total amount are | Круговая диаграмма |
10. a bar-chart | A picture of boxes of different heights, in which each box represents a different amount ofr quantity | Гистограмма |
7.5 Writing – Presentation slides - 7.5
1. different fonts | A set of letters of a different size and style, used for printing books, newspapers etc or on a computer screen | Разные шрифты |
2. italics | A type of printed letters that lean to the right, often used to emphasize particular words | Курсив |
3. bullet points | The main points in your speech or presentation | Ключевые моменты |
4. footnote | A note at the bottom of the page in a book, which gives more information about something | Сноска |
5. background | The area that is behind the main thing that you are looking at, especially in a picture | Фон |
6. bold text | Printed in letters that are darker and thicker than ordinary printed letters | Жирный текст |
7. individual points | Separate points, which are highlighted in a presentation or speech | Отдельные пункты |
8. guidelines for | Rules or instructions about the best way to do something | Руководство для |
9. keywords and phrases | The main words and word-combinations that you use in your presentation | Ключевые слова и выражения |
10. per line / per minute / per paragraph | A preposition used to say how many e.g. Words is there for one line /words said in one minute /sentences written in one paragraph | На одну линию / в одну минуту / за параграф |
7.6 Case Study – Calisto - 7.6
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