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4.1 About Business – Career choices - 4.1

1. in pursuit of a career when someone tries to get a job in a determined way В погоне за карьерой
2. to do self-exploration To try to understand yourself better Заниматься самоизучением
3. to incorporate smth into your life to include something as part of your life Включить что-то в свою жизнь
4. to get insights To collect other people’s views on a particular problem Узнать чье-то видение ситуации
5. to take baby steps To start doing something slowly/ step by step двигаться постепенно
6. to identify the obstacles To find out what makes it difficult to achieve what you want Определить преграды
7. fear and self-doubt the feeling you get when you are afraid or worried and the feeling that you and your abilities are not good enough Страх и самосомнение
8. to acknowledge to admit or accept that something is true or that a situation exists Признать
9. a source of support and inspiration A place or thing from which you can get help/advise and new ideas Источник поддержки и вдохновения
10. to start the ball rolling To start something (work, conversation, meeting) положить начало


4.2 Vocabulary – Careers, personal skills and qualities - 4.2

1. to apply for a job to make a formal request, usually written, for a job Подавать заявку на работу
2. to be short-listed for an interview To be chosen for an interview among other candidates Быть отобранным для прохождения интервью
3. to be made redundant To be fired when your job is no longer required Быть уволенным по сокращению
4. to take a sabbatical To have a period when someone, especially someone in a university job, stops doing their usual work in order to study or travel or write books… Взять академический/творческий отпуск
5. to resign from to officially announce that you have decided to leave your job or an organization Уволиться по собственному желанию
6. to make a commitment to To promise somebody that you will do something Принять Взять на себя обязательство
7. to make a valuable contribution to To give or do something in order to help business be successful Делать ценное вложение
8. to take on ownership To take the rights to own something Принять права владения
9. to possess negotiating skills To have negotiating skills Владеть навыками ведения переговоров


4.4 Speaking – Job interviews - 4.4

1. to do your best to try as hard as you can to do something Делать все возможное
2. strengths and weaknesses a particular quality or ability that gives someone or something an advantage and a quality which makes a person worse than somebody else Сильные и слабые стороны
3. to cope with stress to deal with stress successfully Справляться со стрессом
4. to emphasize a positive quality to make positive quality more noticeable Делать акцент на позитивном качестве
5. to give concrete examples to give definite and specific examples Давать конкретные примеры
6. a top performing employee an employee who has the best results Самый результативный сотрудник
7. a leading company The best, the most important, or the most successful company Ведущая компания
8. to gain experience to get experience Получать опыт
9. to be essential to be extremely important and necessary Быть важным, необходимым, основным
10. significant important Важный, показательный, существенный


4.5 Writing – A CV - 4.5

1. curriculum vitae / resume A short written document that lists your education and previous jobs, which you send to employers when you are looking for a job Резюме
2. references Information about you that is written by someone who knows you well given to your new employer Характеристики
3. personal details Such information as gender, date and place of birth, and marital status личные данные
4. voluntary roles Roles and responsibilities that you have taken voluntary/without getting money for it Волонтерская работа
5. positions of responsibility Non-business related positions where you were responsible for anything like (e.g captain of football team etc.) ответственная должность(не на прямую связанная с опытом работы)
6. general / additional skills General skills include time management, teamwork and leadership, self motivation – they characterize the way you work Additional skills include computer skills, knowing foreign languages etc. – they are not obligatory to have, but could be a plus for you Общие/дополнительные навыки
7. current / permanent address Current address is place where you live temporary (for some period of time) and permanent address is a place where you registered Временный /постоянный адрес
8. advanced computer literacy Able to use a computer Высокая компьютерная грамотность
9. clean driving license Driving license without any fines or accidents on it «Чистые» водительские права (без штрафов,)
10. bilingual Able to speak two languages equally well Двуязычный


4.6 Case Study – Gap years and career breaks - 4.6

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