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  2. Customer choice and role of the regulator
  3. Customer Marketing Executive
  4. Families who do not send their children to government-financed schools should not be required to pay taxes that support universal education.
  5. New rules come into force on Sunday when the Financial Services Authority (FSA) takes over regulation of the way banks treat their customers.
  6. Price stability supports higher living standards by helping to reduce uncertainty about general price developments and thereby improve the transparency of relative prices.
  7. Sniffy customers
  8. The Case Concerning Operation Support Democracy
  9. The Customer puts the shoe box on the stall.

2.1 About Business – Call centres - 2.1

1. cost cutting A process of reducing the amount of money somebody spends on something соккоращение расходов
2. to earn attractive wages To receive good salary получать хорошую зарплату
3. to send services overseas / abroad To send the department which deals with providing service to another country отсылать услуги заграницу
4. to reduce an overall costs To reduce all the costs сокращать общие расходы
5. a members of the trade union A person who belong to an organization, that represents workers, especially in meetings with employers члены профсоюза
6. to vote for strike actions To show by marking a paper, raising your hand etc that you support strike actions голосовать за забастовку
7. serious concerns A feeling of worry about something serious серьёзное беспокойство
8. unreasonable workload Not fair amount of work that you have to do at work; too much work to do непомерная нагрузка на работе
9. highly desirable work A work, which you really want/desire to do очень желаемая работа
10. to improve poor working conditions To make somebody’s working conditions better улучшать условия работы


2.2 Vocabulary – Customer service and telephoning - 2.2

1. to identify the symptoms to recognize signs that show that a serious problem exists определить признаки
2. to diagnose the fault to find out what has caused a problem выявлять ошибки
3. to sort out a problem to deal with a problem or difficult situation successfully разобраться в проблеме
4. to talk the customer through the process to tell the customer about a particular process, explaining him/her everything from the beginning to the end тщательно объяснить покупателю весь процесс
5. to escalate the problem to the supervisor to ask your supervisor to help you deal with a problem, when you understand that a problem is very serious эскалировать / передать проблему руководителю после того как она стала более серьёзной
6. to exchange the product to give a product back and to receive the other one обменять продукт
7. to give a full refund to get back all the money that you paid for a product back, after returning it полностью вернуть
8. to take down the details to write down information записывать детали
9. to hang up to finish a telephone conversation положить трубку
10. to fasten to attach something firmly to something else прикрепить


2.4 Speaking – Dealing with problems by telephone - 2.4

1. to hold the line to wait until the person you have telephoned is ready to answer не вешать трубку
2. the number is engaged The number is busy, a situation when a person you’re calling at the moment is talking to someonebody else on the phone Номер занят
3. not at all used to be polite when someone has thanked you or asked you to do something: не стоит (благодарности)
4. to have a trouble To have a problem or difficulty Иметь проблему
5. nothing happens When something you have expected doesn’t occur Ничего не происходит
6. to work properly To work well, the way it is supposed to Работать правильно
7. to try hitting the button To try pressing a button Попытаться нажать кнопку
8. to look like it seems likely that Похоже на то, что
9. to quit the program to stop using a program Выходить из программы


2.5 Writing – Formal and informal correspondence - 2.5

1. to write with regard to a problem To write about something relating to a particular problem Писать касательно проблемы
2. yours sincerely / faithfully Yours sincerely - an expression used to end a formal letter, especially one that you have begun by using someone's name Yours faithfully - the usual polite way of ending a formal letter, which you have begun with Dear Sir or Dear Madam Искренне Ваш,.. С почтением…  
3. to be under guarantee A product for which you have a formal written promise to repair or replace it if it breaks within a specific period of time С гарантией
4. an authorized repair centre A repair centre which has an official permission to provide repairing services Авторизованный ремонтный пункт
5. don’t hesitate to get back Please contact me if you need Не стесняйтесь связаться со мной снова
6. to look forward to seeing you to be excited and pleased about seeing someone in the future С нетерпением ждать встречи
7. to attach a leaflet to join a leaflet to an email so that you can send them together Прикладывать листовку
8. to accept my apology To accept something that you say or write to show that you are sorry for doing something wrong Примите мои извинения
9. to confuse smb with smb to think wrongly that a person is someone else Перепутать кого-то с кем-то другим
10. I was wondering to think about something that you are not sure about and try to guess what is true, what will happen etc Я раздумывал/сомневался


2.6 Case Study – Cybertartan Software - 2.6

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