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Читайте также:
  1. B. Make a Power Point presentation which can be used as a manual for foreign students that wish to spend a gap year in our country.
  3. Customs and traditions of an English-speaking country
  4. Each country takes pride in its own achievements and success. What makes you feel proud of your country?
  5. Every country is special. What comes to your mind, when you think of the UK and its people?
  6. LIFE in the COUNTRY or in the CITY
  7. Ordinary people in country and town
  8. Organic farming takes root in countryside as people seek healthier food alternatives
  9. Problems of city and country life


Presenter: Standard English

Curtis Allemond: Cajun accent

Tony Latiolais: Cajun accent

David Barry: Standard American

James Dorton: Standard American

♫ Music: Quand J’etais Pauvre by Dewey Balfa, from “La Musique Chez Mulate’s, Le Restaurant Cajun”.


BL. 1. Have you ever heard of the Cajun country and its people? What do you know about them?

What do you expect to learn about them from the story:

history, cuisine, traditions, language?

BL. 2. As the Cajuns are Francophones, you’ll come across a few phrases in French. Here they are:

joie de vivre joy of life;

le Grand Dérangement great rearrangement;

américain American;

fils de putain anglais the damn English;

laissez les bons temps rouler literally: let the good time rule.

BL. 3. Here is the list of words associated with the Cajun way of life and history. Find out the meaning and learn how to pronounce them correctly:

Cajun eerie swampland insular habitant Francophone Creoles Nova Scotia Acadia sanctuary Louisiana blackened redfish jambalaya gourmet chank-a-chank endearing qualities the Atchafalaya Basin

L. 1. Listen to the story. Were your predictions right ( BL. 1 .)?

L. 2. Listen again and check if you do pronounce the keywords ( BL. 3 ) correctly.

L. 3. Answer the following, using the given hints:

- Who are the Cajuns?

Francophone/ Louisiana/ white/ former/ Nova Scotia/ 17th century;

- What are the two fundamental aspects of life in Louisiana?

Visible element of culture/ preserving the language/ to celebrate love of life;

- What are those qualities that set the Cajuns apart (according to Tony Latiolais)?

Sense/ honesty/ word/ country people/ to like changes/ to keep the things the same way.

L. 4. What is meant by:

Acadia Acadians coon ass CODOFIL Acadiana the damn English?

L. 5. Listen again and fill in the Cajun’s History Fact File.

when where what
……….….. from France to …………….…… immigration
18th c. Acadia The British ………………………….and these French Catholics were …..…………………………………..
18th c. Louisiana which was then a ……….. and later …………. colony looking for sanctuary
1920s Louisiana The arrival of ……………... industry; English school became ………………………………….…..
1950s USA The Cajuns would go out of state, like ………..…….. and …………..……...; the Anglophones would be ………..……on the Cajuns and make …………….….… of them
1960s Louisiana The negative perception of the Cajuns has undergone ……………………………….; an offshoot of the ……….……… rights
  ……………….. CODOFIL was founded; the Cajun language has been …………………..…………………
The end of the 20th c. The Cajun country (Acadiana) In spite of the cultural ……………. the younger generation don’t speak …………..….; Acadiana is also at …………….for considerable ecological ………………. to the area

L. 6. A). Read this piece of article and render it in English:

Каджуны изначально именовались аккадийцами или кадийцами. Правомерность термина каджуны вызывает некоторые споры. Аккадийцы и кадийцы приняты как адекватные самими носителями диалекта.

По истечении войны с французами и индейцами (1756–63 гг.) каджуны были высланы с ранее занимаемых территорий в Канаде. Языковая ситуация и демократичность французского режима в Луизиане (США) способствовали тому, что значительная часть аккадийцев мигрировала на юг.

За более чем двухвековую историю язык каджунов претерпел значительные трансформации, которые привели к формированию бидиалектной ситуации в Луизиане: каджуны владеют и оперируют диалектом французского языка, а также определенной разновидностью американского варианта английского языка.

Диалект каджунов имеет ряд фонетических особенностей: личное местоимение I произносится как [ah] “ Ah like you’; звук [d]- на месте сочетания th (d e car, d ose apples); дифтонгизация отдельных звуков, например [ō]>[oi] (c a ll [c oi l], a ll [ oi l]).

Основная часть лексики французского происхождения в каджунском диалекте тематически охватывает названия социально-бытовых явлений (элементы интерьера, одежду, профессиональные занятия). Английские единицы используются для наименования объектов флоры, фауны, ландшафта, а также некоторых реалий повседневной жизни (see the examples in LANGUAGE CORNER).

SOURCE: Medvedev.

L. 6. B). Curtis Allemond and Tony Latiolais are Cajun accent speakers. Find some evidence for the peculiarities of Cajun accent.

R. 1. Make up a list of key-words and phrases to cover the story about Cajuns. Prepare a report on the Cajun country (10 min) focusing on:

- history; - prejudice; - cultural values; - language





Cajun ['ka:j∂n], also Cajan is the alteration of Acadian. The word meaning “a Louisianan descended from French-speaking immigrants from Acadia” was first registered in 1868. A Cajun is adescendant of French Canadians whom the British, in the 18th century, drove from the captured French colony of Acadia (now Nova Scotia and adjacent areas) and who settled in the fertile bayou lands of southern Louisiana. The Cajuns today form small, compact, self-contained communities and speak their own patois, a combination of archaic French forms with idioms taken from their English, Spanish, German, American Indian, and black

neighbours. They variously raise cattle, corn (maize), yams, sugarcane, and cotton, and a few still perform much of their own spinning, weaving, and other home crafts. Their separateness, though often their own preference, is also the result of the prejudice of the non-Cajuns against them.

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