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  1. Примечания.
  2. Примечания.
  3. Примечания.

1. С глаголами состояния Past Continuous употребляется только тогда, когда подчеркивают, что это состояние временное.

He was staying in the hotel at that time.

Он останавливался в то время в отеле.

2. Выражение I was going to (do smth.) означает намерение совер­шить действие в прошлом (но действие не было выполнено).

That is what I was going to say.

Это как раз то, что я собирался сказать.

3. Past Continuous употребляется для выражения более вежливой просьбы, чем с Past Indefinite.

I was wondering if you could give me that book.

Не могли бы вы дать мне ту книгу?


Ex. 1. Explain the use of the Past Continuous in the following sentences.

1. The front door of the house stood open. The maid was polishing the windows.

2. He informed me that John was doing a translation of an article from Spanish.

3. I knew Harry was coming sometime on Monday.

4. You remember how he was always writing verses.

5. He glanced my way to see if I was listening.

6. By the time the month was up, Bric realized he was fighting a losing battle.

7. She stopped beside Tommy who was in a particularly scornful mood. He was leaving in the morning.

8. She said it very calmly but her face had gone the curious colour which meant that she wasn't liking it very much.

9. "What were you doing in New York, Mr Brown?" "I was trying to find someone to buy my hotel," he replied truthfully.

10. It was raining when I left.

11. I looked into my father's study. He was no longer working.

12. John, turning from the door, noticed that he was standing upon a letter which lay on the mat.


Ex. 2. Translate into Russian.

1. I was expecting to see a huge gender salary gap in engineering, but data from Abt shows there is not.

2. Since we were looking only at engineers, the other scientists dropped out and that left 20 000 respondents.

3. We looked at whether the women were working fewer hours.

4. I was still planning to stop at a bachelor's degree.

5. My husband and I were looking for positions in the same geographic area and speciality.

6. Their fathers were saving money for their brothers to study
engineering but were discouraging their daughters from going into engineering by threatening not to pay for their education.

7. The government reportedly was encouraging competition in the nuclear fuels industry.

8. Yet, electricity demand was growing as California's economy recovered from its lull in the early '90s.

9. A few companies were building local-area networks, but the networks were incompatible.

10. In the meantime, some folks, mainly those involved with high-end audio, were wondering why stereo and even surround sound, fell short of sounding like the real thing.

11. Many countries were successfully cooperating on a program called Intercosmos.

12. Тhat firm was carrying on negotiation for the purchase of gas.

13. He was forever asking questions with a keen desire for an intelligent reply.

14. The inventor was demonstrating his new device, with the workers watching its operation attentively.

15. They were starting a new set of experiments.

16. He was saying something I couldn't quite catch, either. I think he was laying emphasis on the responsibility of science for the future of mankind.

17. When I was looking through the recent publications on the problem, I came across an article that seemed to me most fascinating.

18. When they were considering all the pros and cons of the suggestion, they overlooked one essential point.

19. May 16, 1940, when Nazi troops were marching on Paris, two French scientists from the Joliot-Curie laboratory were making their way to the south of France.


Ex. 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous to complete the sentences below.

1. He was driving at over 100 kilometres an hour when the accident happened. (drive) (happen)

2. I ______ in the supermarket when I ______ my purse. (shop) (lose)

3. He ______ tennis and he ______ his leg. (play) (break)

4. I first ______ my wife when we ______ in London. (meet) (work)

5. I ______ the newspaper, when suddenly I ______ a loud knock on the door. (read) (hear)

6. I ______ George an hour ago. He ______ his thesis. (phone) (write)

7. I ______ Mary a couple of years ago. She ______ at the Royal Observatory at the time. (meet) (work)

8. We ______ Peter to come with us, but he ______ the football on TV. (ask) (watch)

9. When we ______ the shopping last week, we ______ a nice place to have coffee. (do) (find)


Ex. 4. Make these sentences less direct.

1. How many days do you intend to stay? (Past Simple)

2. I hope you can lend me £10. (Past Progressive and Past Modal)

3. I wonder if you have two single rooms. (Past Progressive and Past Simple)

4. Are you looking for anything special? (Past Progressive)

5. I look forward to seeing you again. (Present Progressive)

6. I think I'll borrow your bike for the afternoon, if that's OK. (Past Progressive and Past Modal)

7. I wonder if I can ask you a small favour. (Past Progressive and Past Modal)


Ex. 5. What were you doing at the following times?

1. at 8 o'clock yesterday evening,

2. at 5 o'clock last Saturday,

3. from 4 p.m. till 6 p.m.,

4. at 4.30 this morning,

5. at 10.15 yesterday morning,

6. half an hour ago,

7. at noon,

8. while I was phoning,

9. when the teacher came.

Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Мы работали в лаборатории, когда вошел декан.

2. Он спросил преподавателя, какие испытания проводятся студентами.

3. Мы испытывали новый тип запальной свечи.

4. Студенты все время внимательно наблюдали за давлением в цилиндре.

5. Они следили, как поршень опускается и всасывает газ через открытый впускной клапан.

6. Затем поршень опускался, а газ сжимался.

7. Чем вы занимались, когда я вошла?

8. Мы прибыли, когда поезд приближался к платформе.

9. Там мы увидели автомобиль. Водитель исследовал мотор.

10. Ученые долго искали пути разрешения проблемы.

11. Мы обсуждали этот вопрос, когда прозвенел звонок.

12. Мой друг записывал новые слова, в то время как я писал упражнение.



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