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Наряду с Future Indefinite будущее запланированное действие, как указано выше, выражается также посредством Present Continuous и Present Indefinite.Употребляется также выражение to be going to do smth. Shall, will используется, когда мы решаем сделать что-то в то время, когда говорим. To be going to используется, когда мы уже раньше решили делать что-то.

She is going to retire in two years' time.

Она собирается уйти в отставку через два года.

Кроме того, мы можем выразить будущее действие с помощью:

- to be to для советов, обязанностей, инструкций;

OPEC representatives are to meet in Geneva next Tuesday.

Представители ОПЕК встречаются в Женеве в следующий вторник,

- to be about to и to be on the point of для немедленного будущего;

He is about to leave / on the point of leaving.

Он вскоре уедет.

- to be due to для расписаний.

The next train is due to leave at 4.17.

Следующий поезд отправится в 4.17.


Ex. 1. Translate into Russian.

1. In this section, we will consider a theoretical model.

2. With the development of quantum computers, these codes will be obsolete.

3. Strategically placed cameras will collect pitch data during the game.

4. "We will see how far we can push this technology," said Rоd.

5. For the long term, Canon's strong suit will continue to be digital-imaging technology.

6. If a semiconductor material is heated to an atmosphere containing impurities, they will diffuse into it.

7. The application of best engineering practices will reduce the likelihood of large power failures.

8. Users also will have access to high-speed Internet service whenever they are on campus.

9. In all probability, these effects will grow in the next decades.

10. Some observers feel that the ongoing reforms will help to increase confidence among private investors.

11. There will be little margin for error in the next three years.

12. Have you already some idea about what you will specialize in?

13. This kind of software will become still more useful, even indispensable.

14. We shall discuss this point further in the following section.

15. Who will fund and construct transmission reinforcements?

16. Hence, the junction capacitance will be low.

17. I am sure you will join me in extending a particular welcome to our colleagues from other countries.

18. It is our hope that the Symposium will show the current state of things in this rapidly developing area and stimulate new ideas.

19. We expect that everyone here will have a chance to participate in the discussion.

20. I hope the presentation of his paper will provide the ground for interesting and stimulating discussion.


Ex. 2. Here are some sentences taken from recorded conversations. Can you put the beginnings and ends together?


Beginnings Ends
Buy the cat food here. about you.
Don't give her your keys. He'll fix it.
Get John to have a look at TV. and then your kids will laugh at you.
"He'll grow up one day." he'll be dead in five years.
He'll need somebody he'll drink it.
"How's Jane?" he'll get hit on the nose with a ball.
I must get back to work, "I hope you're right."
If he doesn't stop drinking, It'll be cheaper.
If we give her a shout, on May 12th.
If you put lemon in it, otherwise I'll get the sack.
Knowing his luck, if he plays golf "She'll be OK."
No good sending her a bill, is it? She'll just refuse to pay.
One day you'll be old. She'll only lose them.
She'll be fourteen she'll come and help.
She'll forget to help him.

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with your own predictions.

1. It will/will not rain next week. (rain)

2. England ______ the next football World Cup. (win)

3. The weather ______ much warmer in the next few years. (get)

4. There ______ a world government before the year 2050. (be)

5. There ______ a world war before the year 2050. (be)

6. Private cars ______ before the year 2100. (disappear)

7. English ______ the world language in the year 2100. (be)

8. Everybody / Not everybody ______ a computer in 2100. (have)

9. Everybody / Not everybody ______ enough to eat in the year 2100. (have)

10. Clothes ______ very different in the year 2100. (be)

11. In 2100, people ______ the same things as they do now. (eat)

12. (Write your own prediction.)


Ex. 4. Put in the correct verb form (the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous or Will…).

1. If you ______ there first, keep a seat for me. (get)

2. I'll see you again when I ______ next in London. (be)

3. I don't know when I ______ a job. (find)

4. Give her some more chocolate if it ______ her quiet. (keep)

5. I'll open the window when it ______ raining. (stop)

6. You can borrow my coat if you ______ it back. (bring)

7. If you ______ a seat, I'll see if the doctor's free. (take)

8. All right. I'll apologize if it ______ you feel better. (make)

9. Can you tell me when Mr Ellis ______ here next? (be)

10. Come back again soon if you ______ a chance. (get)

11. The plane ______ at 10.00. (arrive)

12. We ______ to Spain sometime soon. (go)

13. How ______ I this on? (switch)

14. The exams ______ in June. (be)

15. I ______ a lecture at 9.00 tomorrow. (have)

16. The train not ______ at Oxford. (stop)

17. Where ______ I for my interview? (go)

18. I ______ football tomorrow. (play)


Ex.5. Which form do you feel is best?

1. Alice will have/is going to have a baby.

2. The baby will have/is going to have Alice's eyes.

3. I will play/I'm playing tennis with Stan on Sunday.

4. He'll win/He's winning. He always does.

5. Don't tell her She'll tell/She's going to tell everybody else.

6. What's happening? The train won't stop/isn't going to stop!

7. One day everybody will have/is going to have proper housing.

8. "Did you phone Ruth?" "I forgot. I phone/I'll phone her now."

9. "I meet/I'll meet you outside the hotel in half an hour, OK?" "Yes, that's fine."

10. "I need some money." "OK, I'm lending/I'll lend you some. How much do you need?"

11. I'm having/I'll have a party next Saturday. I hope you can come.

12. "Remember to buy a newspaper when you go out." "OK, I don't forget/I won't forget."

13. What time does your train leave/will your train leave tomorrow?

14. I asked Sue what happened but she doesn't tell/won't tell me.

15. "Are you doing/Will you do anything tomorrow evening?" "No, I'm free. Why?"

16. I don't want to go alone. Do you come/Will you come with me?

17. "Where do you think you're going?" "I'm leaving/I leave because I have a French lesson now."

18. Although the test is starting/starts at nine o'clock, you should get here fifteen minutes earlier.


Ex. 6. Joe and Phil went camping in Portugal last year. Now they are planning their next holiday. Write questions with Shall we…? Look at the answers first.

Joe: It's time to start planning this summer's holiday. Where shall we go?

Phil: Let's go to Portugal again. I enjoyed it last year.

Joe: ______ in the same hotel?

Phil: No, let's try something different. How about camping?

Joe: Great! I bought a new tent last year. ______ that?

Phil: Yes, let's. ______ or fly?

Joe: Oh, drive I think because we'll have a lot of luggage.

Phil: When ______?

Joe: The middle of July is best for me. How about you?

Phil: July is fine for me, too. ______ Tony come with us?

Joe: No. The tent is only big enough for two people.


Ex. 7. Complete the sentences using will('ll) or going to.

1. A: Why are you turning on the television?

B: I'm going to watch the news. (I/watch)

2. A: Oh, I've just realized. I haven't got any money.

B: Haven't you? Well, don't worry. ______ you some.(I/lend)

3. A: I've got a headache.

B: Have you? Wait there and ______ an aspirin for you. (I/get)

4. A: Why are you filling that bucket of water?

B: ______ the car. (I/wash)

5. A: I've decided to repaint this room.

B: Oh, have you? What colour ______ it? (you/paint)

6. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?

B: Yes, ______ something for dinner. (I/buy)

7. A: I don't know how to use this camera.

B: It's quite easy. ______ you. (I/show)

8. A: What would you like to eat?

B: ______ a sandwich, please. (I/have)

9. A: Did you post that letter for me?

B: Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. ______ it now. (I/do)

10. A: The ceiling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it?

B: No, it looks as if ______ down. (it/fall)

11. A: Has George decided what to do when he leaves school?

B: Oh, yes. Everything is planned. ______ a holiday for a few weeks and then ______ a computer programming course. (he/have, he/do)

12. A: Hello. Can I speak to Jim, please?

B: Just a moment. ______ him. (I/get)

13. A: The weather's too nice to stay indoors. ______ in the garden. (I/sit)

B: That's a good idea. I think ______ you. (I/join)

14. A: Have you decided what to do about that job that was advertised?

B: Yes, ______ for it. (I/not/apply)

15. A: I need somebody to take me to the airport tomorrow morning.

B: That's no problem. ______ you. (I/take) What time is your flight?


Ex. 8. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense. All sentences refer to future time.

1. When I (see) you tomorrow, I (tell) you my news.

2. As soon as we (get) there, we (phone) for a taxi.

3. I (go) to the library before I (do) the shopping.

4. We (wait) here until the rain (stop).

5. I (get) some money from the bank when it (open).

6. After you (take) the medicine, you (feel) better.

7. You have to stay until you (finish) your work.

8. I (let) you know the minute I (hear) the results.

9. Before we (paint) the wall, we (have) a cup of tea.

10. We (climb) over the wall as soon as it (get) dark.


Ex. 9. Translate into English using the Future Indefinite or the Present Indefinite.

1. Вы достигнете лучшего результата, если будете упорно работать в следующем семестре.

2. Мы обсудим дело, когда встретимся наедине.

3. Они дадут полный отчет о работе, проделанной в лаборатории за последнее время, когда они закончат фундаментальное исследование.

4. Новый метод будет использоваться, когда новые приспособления и приборы будут в наличии.

5. Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать о результатах ваших экспериментов, как только вы закончите их.

6. Доктор Свентон пришлет нам свой обзор, как только он его опубликует.

7. Я уйду, как только лекция закончится.

8. Доктор Райт надеется, что он получит твою статью до того, как он уедет в Стокгольм.

9. Мы все обсудим после того, как каждый будет знать, какова ситуация на самом деле.

10. Мы уверены, что мы подготовим все для эксперимента, до того как закончится семинар.

11. Останется еще очень много работы, которую необходимо сделать, прежде чем мы полностью поймем вышеуказанные механизмы.

12. Я боюсь, что он не получит стипендию, если не будет усердно заниматься по всем предметам в следующем семестре.

13. Будет нелегко дать ответы на такие специфические вопросы, если мы не найдем другой подход к исследованию и не будем использовать другую технику.

14. Я думаю, что он не представит материалы в скором времени, если для него не будет срочной необходимости сделать это.

15. Что ты будешь делать, когда защитишь диссертацию?

16. Окончательная оценка включит также оценку моей курсовой работы.

17. Система порекомендует оптимальный вариант решения.

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