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  1. Примечания.
  2. Примечания.
  3. Примечания.

1. При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную, если слова автора стоят в прошедшем времени, меняются некоторые слова, относящиеся к лицам, месту и времени:

this ® that tomorrow ® the next day, the following day

these ® those the day after tomorrow ® in two days

here ® there yesterday ® the day before

now ® then the day before yesterday ® two days before

ago ® before, earlier last week ® the week before, the previous


today ® that day next year ® the next year, the following


2. Правило последовательности времен не соблюдается, если в придаточном дополнительном предложении утверждается общеизвестная истина.

After Copernicus and Galileo everybody could know that the Earth turns round the Sun.

После Коперника и Галилея все узнали, что Земля вертится вокруг Солнца.

В силу этого положения в современном английском языке, особенно в языке научной и технической литературы, наблюдается значительное отступление от правила последовательности времен, и всё, что в какой-то степени может восприниматься как общеизвестная истина, очень часто ставится в Present Indefinite и Future Indefinite.

Kelner discovered that visible light has the remarkable ability of restoring viability.

Келнер обнаружил, что видимый свет имеет замечательную способность восстанавливать жизнеспособность.


Ex. 1. Translate into Russian.

1. There appeared some reports that we had technical means to use much more channels on a TV set and we should be able to see many sports and news programmes from all parts of the world soon.

2. It was announced that the cryogenic cable had been invented in Russia.

3. This experiment showed that satellite television programmes had been a success with school children, their knowledge level had increased considerably.

4. Specialists did not know if it was possible to continue modernizing the electronic equipment of this kind – the costs were too high.

5. The University of Chicago announced that R.Garusto, a physicist, had discovered in one of Newton's calculations an error that had been undetected for three centuries.

6. It was found that proton and neutron have almost the same weight.

7. In 1883 Tsiolkovsky wrote that a rocket would be the only means able to reach outer space.

8. After the Challenger tragedy the military experts insisted that a new Shuttle should be built.

9. In this theory A.Einstein proved that very massive or dense objects distort space and time around them.

10. The evidence suggested that the acid was essential.

11. The ancient Greek philosophers reasoned that matter was made up of infinitely small particles.

12. Aristotle considered that his theory would best agree with his general views on nature.

13. It was noticed that some water distilled at the beginning of the distillation.

14. As early as 1869, Gore reported that filter paper was readily attacked by liquid hydrofluoric acid.

15. Rappe found that carbonyl iron and electrolytic iron were very suitable catalysts for partial hydrogenation.

16. It was found that other derivatives did not result in higher yields.

17. We knew that if everything functioned perfectly we would at best be able to photograph about 1 percent of the planet's entire surface.

18. We concluded that the best scan paths were those that crossed the largest number of light and dark regions.

19. There was never any expectation that these photographs, with their coarse one-kilometer resolution, would settle the question of whether or not life exists on Mars.

20. The followers of Pythagoras had made a guess that the Earth was one of the planets.

21. Kepler knew perfectly well that there was no air between the Earth and the Moon, although he thought that the Moon itself might have an atmosphere and inhabitants.

Ex. 2. Choose the best verb underlined in the direct speech sentence.

1. Helen asked me if I liked visiting old buildings.

"Do you like/Did you like visitings?" asked Helen.

2. Bill asked Mary if she had done anything the previous weekend.

"Have you done anything/Did you do anything last weekend?" asked Bill.

3. The policeman asked me if the car belonged to me.

"Does this car belong/Did this car belong to you?" asked the policeman.

4. Fiona asked me if I had seen her umbrella anywhere.

"Did you see/Have you seen my umbrella anywhere?" asked Fiona.

5. Joe asked Tina when she would get back.

"When will you get/have you got back?" asked Joe.

6. Eddie asked Steve who he had been to the cinema with.

"Who did you go/had you been to the cinema with?" asked Eddie.

7. My parents asked me what time I had got home the night before.

"What time did you get/have you got home last night?" my parents asked.

8. David asked a passerby if it was the right road for Hastings.

"Is this/Was this the right road for Hastings?" asked David.

9. I asked what the boss wanted.

"What does the boss want? What did the boss want?" I asked.

10. Al told me the repairs could cost £5.000.

"The repairs cost/will cost £5.000," said Al.

11. I bet George £5 yesterday that he wouldn't pass his exam.

"You don't pass/won't pass your exam," I said.

Ex. 3. Change the following statements and questions into complex sentences referring to the present.

M o d e l: Do you know that the scope of the work is going to be limited? (He asked me)

He asked me if I knew that the scope of the work was going to be limited.

1. Does the speaker know what can be done to avoid the discrepancy? (The man asked)

2. Are you quite sure there is a mistake? (The professor asked the student)

3. What are the changes due to? (He said he didn't know)

4. Do you understand how grave the situation is? (He wondered)

5. Do you realize what you are in for? (He said he was not sure)

6. Are you fully aware of the responsibility you're going to assume? (He said he rather doubted)

7. The agenda is rather crowded. (The chairman said)

8. The scope of the book is much narrower than its title suggests. (He had the impression)

9. They don't know the answer and are working hard to get it. (It was told)

10. The man knows a lot more on the subject yet is rather unwilling to go into the details. (He was sure)

11. He is in possession of most remarkable information on the subject (It was quite obvious)

12. I have a few things here which, I'm sure, will attract everybody's attention. (He said he)

13. The situation calls for immediate steps, something has to be done. (Everybody realized)

14. She doesn't know if there is any difference of opinion on the above matter. (I thought)


Ex. 4. Change the following statements and questions into complex sentences referring to the past

M o d e l: The author did not succeed in bearing out the assumption. (We knew)

We knew that the author had not succeeded in bearing out the assumption.

1. You brought him over to your point. (We thought)

2. There has been no obvious improvement in the procedure. (He stressed the fact that)

3. The speaker gave a comprehensive account of the studies performed in recent years. (We were told)

4. Has any work been done to that effect? (They also asked him)

5. Did you see the newly-developed technique in your recent experiments? (The author was asked)

6. What did you tell him of the coming event? (I said I had no idea)

7. The experiment to be carried on was described in this article. (She said)

8. The new properties of magnetized water were used for practical purposes. (He said)

9. He missed the last train. (He realized)

10. With the invention of chips, computer manufacture has become much simpler. (He said)


Ex. 5. Change the following statements and questions into complex sentences referring to the future.

M o d e l: The professor will make a brilliant speech. (Everyone expected)

Everyone expected the professor would make a brilliant speech.

1. Andrew will present the material in a clear and concise way. (No one doubted)

2. He will show a remarkable grasp of the situation. (It was quite obvious)

3. The newly published book will be a great success. (Everyone expected)

4. We shall take steps to improve the situation. (Everyone hoped)

5. We shall get things done as soon as we possibly can. (We thought)

6. The difficulty, if any, will soon be overcome. (I was sure)

7. Will the study be completed in two years? (I wondered if)

8. Will John succeed in doing the work all alone? (I was not sure if)

9. Will the committee take any steps to help him? (I was not sure whether or not)

10. What will they do under the circumstances? (I didn't know)

11. Who will present the results? (I really had no idea)



Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 27 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Примечания. | Past now | Conference Report | Примечание. | Примечание. | Примечание. | Now future | Past now future | PASSIVE VOICE | Примечание. |

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