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Knowledge is the most valuable wealth of our age. Since ancient times the people were dreaming of making their life easier and happier. We have the outstanding examples of scientific thinking proving the fact that humanity was always trying to reach the boundaries of science and philosophy. In fact the process was endless: the entire is the knowledge, the further are its boundaries.

The mankind passed the long way from the Seven Wonders to launching the spacecraft into the outer space.

It goes without saying that science is developing with growing rapidity. In fact, the TV, radio, tape and video recording, computers - all this things were invented in our century and they make our life more interesting and diverse. As for me I always read the reports on scientific research in the magazines and I'd like to tell you about the most fascinating articles.

At present, it is difficult to enumerate all branches of national economy, science and technology where the computers are used. It's no mistake therefore to compare the invention of the computer to such great achievements of the mankind as the discovery of fire or the use of wheel and a sail. The computers help to raise the industrial automation, radically change the management of the huge economical organisations. Computers are tools, powerful tools. They have tremendous speed of processing different data and information, immense capacity of memory and the outstanding performance. Computer is a good assistant not only in the productive sphere, but at home too. Modern computers help people in housekeeping and planning of the family budget, in their jobs. They teach little kids not only to add and multiply, but even to speak foreign languages. Computer can function as a librarian or entertainer. I think that the further development of the computers leads to such a situation when the entire knowledge of the mankind will be stored on the floppies and Winchesters.

Unfortunately, we have a frightening scarcity of the personal computers and in addition, they are very expensive. Of course, communication with a computer will not replace the creative abilities of a man, but extend them. It's natural that the invention of the minicomputers with extensive memories and possibilities will lead to a new and higher level of the informative culture.

So far, I was sure that the mechanical translation is impossible, but recently, I've read the advertisement saying that German firm "TKD" invented a computer-translator storing in its memory up to 14 languages. It's lodged with more than 84 000 words and 7000 phrases. It looks like a notebook and helps students, businessmen, and other people in communication with foreig­ners. To my mind, mechanical translation is a necessary and perspective thing, but we should use it for translation of technical documents only, because any computer is a machine and it cannot reproduce the author's style, shades of meanings of the words, pan, the most bright metaphors etc.

In many developed countries the people now use the cable TV, which is more comfortable. The CIS scientists worked out the concept and the system of the cable TV. This system consists of the two basic blocks: transmitter and a receiver. The system allows to pass about 6 channels simultaneously with the high quality of vision. Instead of the programmes broadcast from the TV centre the input of the TV transmitter can be loaded for the example with the signals from a videotape recorder or video camera.

And one more thing which can be interesting to everybody. The scientists from Berlin University worked out the sun bicycle which can move at a speed of 45 km per hour. And even when the sun sets, the powerful sun batteries allow riding this bicycle for three hours.

You see, we can speak about the meaning of science and technical revolution endlessly, because we can find its traces everywhere: at home, in the street, at our school, really everywhere. Today we are, to my mind, standing on the threshold of a new technological era. The scientists sometimes call it "the informational society". I think it'll certainly bring a lot of changes into our life and these changes are sure to make the progress of the humanity irreversible.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 69 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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