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Related Decoding Fiction - Science of Meaning | As Above So Below (Fractal) Symbolism in Once Upon A Time TV Series

Читайте также:
  1. A look through the descriptions of things you can do with music and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type.
  2. A) Complete the table with personal and professional abilities. Use the list below. Give the reasons.
  3. A. Read the paragraph below and choose the most appropriate words/ phrases in bold. Where could you read this extract?
  4. ACT 1. Preview (with sound on). Watch the preview to complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the Word Box. Write the correct word on each blank line.
  5. Affect the Development of Science?
  6. As mentioned above ASHA will arrange pick-ups/drop-off from Gloucester City to The ASHA Centre.
  7. As you listen to the extract, for each question 1-4 choose the answer that fits the meaning best.
  8. B) translate the phrases below in order to better understand Text A underneath
  9. B) Use the word combinations from the box given below.
  10. Before you listen do the vocabulary activity below. Match the words and phrases to the definitions.

My comment on Corey's website about this post:

Amazing. when i was watching the GaiamTV episode with this image, i felt a pang of rememberance, like i recognized the image from somewhere. Idk if thats just the impulse of my subjective desire to identify with the inspiring aspects of this narrative or if it reflects some level of 'soul memory' in relation to these beings. Im curious to know what other peoples reactions were.

A response to my comment:

I had the same pangs but more so when he talked about being trained as an I.E. And the LOC. but trust it man. pangs as you call them do not lie. And nothing happens for no reason. So with that said I would say that you should pursue the thought even more if you so choose. That's what the goal is afterall. The pursuit of knowledge of self via the expansion of conciousness. As long as that's your goal I can assure you that you won't find any irrelevant information from any pangs you ever get

And my follow up response:

Indeed. I used to dismiss my thought stream as 'mind chatter' but the more aware I become and better able to reconcile the information I am receiving via all sources, the more I realize there is way more correlation going on. Lately, I've been having quasi precognitive experiences so often its become common place, especially when in the 'trance like' state which normal comes from watching/listening to videos.

Question about Density vs Dimension terminology:

Corey you mentioned they are from 6-9 density and we are in 3-4 density aren't you referring to dimensions rather than Density There are 3 dimensions in each Density...


Corey's Response:

Sphere Being Alliance We will be going into the differences between Dimensions and Densities. They are NOT interchangeable terms as many think. They are not two terms that mean the same thing. This is something that has needed to be defined for some time as many make the mistake of using these terms incorrectly.


TY, Corey/GoodETxSG


[These terms are interchanged in various places on the internet but within physics there is a definitive difference.


Dimension is defined as:

a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height.

Whereas Density is defined as:

the degree of compactness of a substance.
a degree of consistency measured by the quantity of mass per unit volume.

The Law of One Material similarly defines density as the concentration of organization within a volume, but instead of mass per unit volume its consciousness per unit volume.

Dewey B. Larson who deduced the Reciprocal Systems Theory, definitively explaining the principles which organize the physical universe defines density as energetic expression organized in degree's of compactness within a given space.

Without getting too complicated there are some basic examples we can think about that provide an understanding.

Dimensions we experience in life as up and down, left and right, forward and back - these are spacial dimensions, of which there are 3. These same spacial dimensions operate in all the seven densities described by the Law of One. The forward progression of time, within the space-time region of the universe is often labeled a 'dimension' but is more accurately described as a condition of frequency, that motion progresses as events in time. Since this progression happens at all points in space, it is a scalar or non directional quantity; not a dimension in a conventional sense. Conversely, speed has direction - you can move forward from one place to another along a directional line defined as a 3 dimensional vector quantity; inclination and declination.

Material Density, in everyday life can be found in concentrations of substances. For example, a beer has less alcohol then a shot of whiskey, per unit volume and therefore has more alcoholic density. Consciousness is what defines the so called densities of existence described in the Law of One and as it relates to where races like the Sphere Beings hail from. Here we would need to redefine life as a system of self organized motion, the body vehicle.

Using that definition, all things in the universe are alive, and fall into degree's of consciousness density, increasing in complexity using additive principles. For example, the first density is composed of atomic and molecular orders of life. The second density is composed of unicellular and multicellular life, which uses first density life to make up the body vehicle. Therefore in second density there are 2 layers or fields of consciousness operating in the same system of motion: 1st density molecules, which are organized in their own right, and 2nd density cells further organizing the whole system. Finally in third density life, there is yet another layer of consciousness organizing the body vehicle; human consciousness. Again, 1st density molecules make up the bodies of the second density cells and tissue, which makes up the 3rd density body of a human being; 3 discrete fields of consciousness animating the system of motion known as the body.

Going one step further into 4th density, the Social Memory Complex of Earth, what we can probably think of as the spiritual and mindal presence of Gaia, infuses the 'cells' of her body, 4th density humans. The Law of One describes 4th density planets as containing all the preceding densities of life, yet organized differently. Using this additive model, it stands to reason that as density levels increase, more of the macrocosm directly influences the microcosm. Possibly 5th density life incorporates a star's consciousness into the planet, and in turn the life on it. At every density there are more consciousness fields influencing the body vehicles or systems of motion enveloped by them.]

It has been proven that our consciousness can have a direct effect on the vibratory state of our shared realities.

By doing the inner work mentioned above in the Blue Avian Message, we who are on a path of awakening can prepare ourselves now.

Those who are firmly asleep will have to be jostled awake in an uncomfortable way. There will be the need for financial collapses and revelations of crimes against humanity committed by the very “Elite” that they now trust. They will have to be angered to a point that they will open their minds to the information most of us take for granted. They will look to those of us who are awakened during this time for guidance and stability.


These high-energy waves have been flowing through our solar system for decades already. The signs are all around us. The planets have all showed remarkable changes in their weather, the Sun has gone through major changes, and most of all we are witnessing the people on our planet having problems adjusting to this higher density and vibratory energy. Positive people are behaving more so. Sadly, the lost and negative polarity people are behaving more so, as we see and hear on the news every day.

We have not been told if this will culminate into a sudden event that will cascade throughout the solar system and change everyone at once, or if it will continue to be a gradual process as we have witnessed for some time. We do know that it is happening. Some are fighting the new energies, and others are going with the flow.


There were 22 programs listed in just one ET Federation Group. Each group was convinced that they were doing positive work. Many of us would classify some of these groups as negative and others as positive. It all comes down to a point of view.

They have been taking part in this “Grand Experiment” for many tens of thousands of years. They, too, are participating in this Genetic, Sociological and Spiritual Experiment.

The Blue Avians have stated that no matter how positive some of these groups are, they are still considered “Service to Self” because they are agenda oriented.

They have mixed their genetics with our own as well as mixed their souls with our societies through incarnation programs. This experiment is vast and complicated in nature. It will take most of us some time to begin to wrap our minds around the basics of it.


We will touch on information about:

· The Ancient Builder Race that was a part of our solar system history many millions of years ago

· The different ET groups that have fought for dominion over our solar system resources (of which we are considered one)

· The history of Ancient Civilizations that moved underground and into space, forming their own “Ancient Earth Break Away Civilizations” who then pretended to be gods and ETs to the humans on Earth

· The present era of how the current Secret Space Programs were started in the late 1930s and 1940s and how they have developed into the breakaway civilization that we have now

· We will also cover the dozens of ET groups that have been interacting with our civilizations from the beginning in order to manipulate them for a certain outcome.

We have quite a lot of content to cover that is all based on my direct experiences working in the SSP, as well as my access to the “Smart Glass Pads” that are similar to tablet devices and connect to both ET and SSP databases that were full of information.




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Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 71 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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