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Russian Move towards Bologna Process

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A. Russia is in the process of migrating from its traditional tertiary education mode l, incompatible with existing Western academic degrees, to a modernized degree structure in line with Bologna Process model. (Russia co-signed the Bologna Declaration in 2003.)

The move has been criticized for its merely formal approach: instead of reshaping their curriculum, universities would simply insert a BSc/BA accreditation in the middle of their standard five or six-year programs. The job market is generally unaware of the change and critics predict that a stand-alone BSc/BA diplomas will not be recognized as "real" university education in the foreseeable future, rendering the degree unnecessary and undesirable without further specialization. Institutions like MFTI or MIFI have practiced two-tier breakdown of their specialist programs for decades and switched to Bologna process designations well in advance of the 2007 law, but an absolute majority of their students complete all six years of MSc/MA (formerly specialist) curriculum, regarding BSc/BA stage as useless in real life.

Student mobility among universities has been traditionally discouraged and thus kept at very low level; there are no signs that formal acceptance of Bologna process will help students seeking better education. Finally, while the five-year specialist training was previously free to all students, the new MSc/MA stage is not. The shift forces students to pay for what was free to the previous class; the cost is unavoidable because the BSc/BA degree alone is considered useless. Defenders of Bologna process argue that the final years of the specialist program were formal and useless: academic schedules were relaxed and undemanding, allowing students to work elsewhere. Cutting the five-year specialist program to a four-year BSc/BA will not decrease the actual academic content of most of these programs [1:45-46].

B. If we admit that Russia is a European country, it would be strange during the period when the new system of higher education is being formed in Europe, to stay away from this process.

Not only the country as a whole has serious reasons for joining the Bologna process; each higher education establishment will be able shortly to test the advantages of the participation in it. If we approach the question pragmatically, competitiveness of such higher education establishment will increase, it will become much more attractive, in the first place, for the Russian students. The Bologna process in a gentle way will push higher education establishments towards modernisation of education, benchmarking of the curricula and programmes against the leading single-profile European higher education establishments, and real use in educational process of latest European achievements, especially in the field of humanities, social science and economics.

The academic mobility of the faculty becomes the most effective form of improvement of professional skill of the teaching corps of our higher education establishments.

Finally, the boom of studying foreign languages will start in the Russian higher schools, which will affect not only the ones with a humanitarian or socio-economic, but also natural-science and engineering profile. The tacit Europe-wide rule is that an educated person has a fluent command of two foreign languages will promptly begin to take root in Russia.

Certainly, the student is expected to gain from a Bologna process more than anyone else. His study at higher education establishment will become more democratic, previously unknown opportunities will open before him. In the course study on each of level of higher education (Bachelor degree, Magistracy, Doctoral studies) he (she) would be able to designate his own educational development path (for example, through planning study abroad at the universities that are most interesting for him from the professional point of view), while upon graduation from each of the two first cycles (Bachelor and Master degrees) the student would be able to change the chosen specialisation if he (she) finds that the wrong choice had been made at some point.

The students will start to receive the uniform European appendix to the diploma, many of them becoming the holders of double diplomas (base higher education establishment and the foreign partner). It will open before them wider cross-border opportunities for postgraduate employments, which will even further advance the democracy in the Russian society and will lead to increased salaries also in Russia as national employers will be compelled to struggle for graduates of our higher education establishments with the European competitors [1:62-63].


Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 81 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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