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Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України

Національний технічний університет України

«Київський політехнічний інститут»







для практичних занять

для студентів 2 курсу інженерно-фізичного факультету



Київ 2012

Англійська мова технічного спрямування: Метод. вказівки до самостійної роботи для студ. 2 курсу інженерно-фізичного ф-ту ЧАСТИНА I / Уклад. Леонова О. М., Дубініна О.С. - К.:НТУУ «КПІ», 2010.- 52 с.



Навчальне видання





до самостійної роботи


для студентів 2 курсу інженерно-фізичного факультету


Укладачі: Леонова Олена Миколаївна Дубініна Олена Сергіївна  
Відповідальний редактор:     Корсун Ганна Олексіївна

Методичні вказівки до самостійної роботи для студентів другого курсу інженерно-фізичного факультету укладені відповідно до існуючої програми.

Методичні вказівки складаються з 10 розділів. Кожен розділ містить сучасний текст, який супроводжуються лексичними вправами, спрямованими на розширення лексичного запасу за даними темами.

За змістом методичні вказівки призначені для практичних занять студентів другого курсу, що спеціалізуються у вивченні матеріалознавства, металознавства, металургії.




UNIT 1 Physical Engineering Faculty………….………….….……...…..  
UNIT 2 My Future Speciality…,.……………………………….…….…..  
UNIT 3 Fundamentals of Casting Practice………………...……………..  
UNIT 4 Casting as a Method of Blank Production......................................  
UNIT 5 Basic Factors in Casting……………………………..……….…..  
UNIT 6 The Future of Electrometallurgy. Priciples of ESC…………….  
UNIT 7 Equipment for ESC………………………………………...……  
UNIT 8 Materials for ESC……………………………….……………….  
UNIT 9 Tapping and Pouring the Steel……………………………………    
UNIT 10 Gating Methods and Gating Systems…………………………….  
Appendix 1.……………….. ………….…………………………………..…  
Appendix 2.…………………………………………………………………..  




The KPI of today is a large training-and-research center, a leader of the Ukraine's technical higher education and Physical Engineering Faculty is one of its leading faculties. Physical Engineering (former Metallurgical, Mechanical-technological, Physical-technological) Faculty was organised in December 1944 when KPI came back to Kyiv from Taschkent. But the training of the metallurgists has been started in KPI since the time of its foundation in 1898 at the Chemical Faculty. There were well-known scientists among the organizers of KPI Metallurgical School - V.P. Feschenko-Chopivskiy, M.M. Dobrohotov, V.E. Vasiliev, K. I. Vashchenko, G. V. Samsonov, V. M. Gridnev, I. P. Bardin, V. I. Yavoyskiy, V. N. Svechnikov, and others.

PEF was founded in the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in order to improve training of Bachelors of Science in Engineering for metallurgy and to provide numerous Institutes of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences with highly skilled specialists. The Honoured worker of Science and Technique of Ukraine, Prof. K.I.Washchenko was the organizer and the first dean of the Faculty during 15 years. After him at the head of the Faculty were: assistant Prof. A.F. Chigskiy (1959-1974), the Honoured worker of the High School of Ukraine, Prof. D.F. Chernega (1974-1988), Doctor of Technics, Prof. A.P. Syomik (1988-2000). Nowadays the PEF is headed by Prof. P.I. Loboda.

The Faculty trains Bachelors, Specialists and Masters in the field of metallurgy and materials physics. For the time of its existence PEF has trained more than 6000 highly skilled specialists, 15 Members and Corresponding Members of Ukrainian AS, 65 State Prize Laureates, more than 100 Doctors and 500 Candidates of Science. The number of graduates of PEF constitutes 4 % of all graduates of the KPI.

A characteristic of any institution of higher education is its graduates. And the more famous scientists, production managers or just prominent persons among them, the higher its prestige. In this sense our university has something to be proud of. Their metallurgy-related professions at the KPI acquired:

• well-known scientist - academician of the USSR's Academy of Sciences, specialist in coke chemistry N. P. Chizhevsky;

• vice-president of the USSR's Academy of Sciences, constructor and director of the Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Works, founder and director of the Metals Institute of the USSR's Academy of Sciences and the Central Ferrous Metals Research Institute, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, Hero of Socialist Labour I. P. Bardin;

• directors of the institutes of the NAS: for Material Science Problems – academician V.I. Trefilov; Physics of Metals - academician V. V. Nemoshkalenko, Physics and Technology Institute of Metals and Alloys - academician V. L. Naidek, Gas - academician I. N. Karp;

• former directors of the Ukraine's Institute of Metals L. N. Kushnir, I. V. Ostapchuk;

• former minister of higher and specialized secondary education of Ukraine - V. A. Koval;

• academicians P. S. Kisly, Y. V. Naidich, V. V. Skorokhod;

• corresponding members of the NAS - V. P. Bondarenko, G. P. Borisov, G.G. Gnesin, Y.V. Milman, S. P. Oshkaderov, L. A. Loznyak, V. A. Pereloma, S. A. Firstov, V. T. Cherepin;

• the General Director of the well-known firm "KamAz" N. I. Bekh,

G. V. Plyushch (JSC "Ukrainskiye Yuveliry")

R. V. Belan (Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Works),

• Dr. Eng., Prof. N. A. Budagyants (Lutugino Roll Production Association),

A. Gerasimenko (Iron and Steel Works "Zaporozhstal"),

A.A. Shokul (Iron and Steel Works "Azovstal"),

S. A. Donskoi (Yermakovsky Ferroalloys Plant),

P. Romanenko (JSC "Uralgidromash"),

V. G. Udovenko (Nizhni-Tagil Iron and Steel Works),

V. F. Polyanichko (K.Liebknecht Production Association, St.Petersburg) and others.

It's no secret that the quality of specialist training is determined by the skills of teachers, their scientific and pedagogical potential. And the metallurgy-related disciplines at the KPI were always taught by outstanding scientists.

The organizer of the preparation of the metallurgy-related disciplines at the University and the first head of the Metallurgy Department was the famous scientist Vasiliy Petrovich Izhevsky who had been invited to teach at the KPI upon graduation from the Physics-and-Mathematics Faculty of the Moscow State University. The Department's graduates include such renowned scientists as corresponding member of Academy of Sciences V. Y. Vasilyev, professors I. A. Feshchenko-Chopivsky, K. I. Vashchenko, S. N. Karamzin, V. P. Mashkovets, M. F. Olexeyenko, F. M. Shamrai, and others.

It is hard to overestimate the contribution into the coming-to-be and further development of the metallurgical education at the KPI and in the Ukraine as a whole by the Honored Scientist and Engineer of Ukraine, Dr Eng., Prof. Konstantin Illyich Vashchenko, (1901-1992), known all over the world as a specialist in the field of high-strength iron. It was K. I. Vashchenko on whose initiative the Metallurgy Faculty was created at the KPI. Of course, he became the first dean of the faculty.

When the faculty was organized its departments were headed by: Corresponding Member of the AS V. Y. Vasiliyev - Metallurgy of Cast Iron; academician N. N. Dobrokhotov – Steel Metallurgy and Industrial Furnaces,academician V. N. Svechninov - Metal Science and Heat Treatment; K. I. Vashchenko - Ferrous and Nonferrous Metalcasting; (K. I. Vashchenko headed the Department from 1944 to 1974). And further on the leading scientists were drawn to the work on organizing new departments and disciplines: the Metal Heat Treatment Department was headed by Prof. V. N. Gridnev (later on Rector of the KPI, Director of the Institute of Physics of Metals of the Ukraine's NAS, Member of the Ukraine's NAS); the training of specialists at the Powder Metallurgy and Rare MetalsDepartment was headed by: academician I. M. Fedorchenko and Corresponding Member of the Ukraine's NAS, Honored Scientist and Engineer of Ukraine, laureate of Ukraine's State Prize G. V. Samsonov.

For extending the students' knowledge in the field of metallurgy the following facilities were created at the faculty: the Research Laboratory for New Technologies in Metallurgy headed by Corresponding Member of the NAS, laureate of the State Prize G.G.Yefimenko, and the Department of Physical-and-Chemical Fundamentals of Metals Technology headed by the Ukraine's Honored Educator, Prof. D. F. Chernega.

Besides the above listed famous scientists and specialists, the faculty's departments were headed by: laureate of the USSR's State Prize, Prof. A. A. Sigov; Honored Scientist and Engineer of Russia, laureate of Russia's and the Ukraine's State Prizes, Prof. V. I. Yavoisky; Honored Educators of Ukraine O. M. Byalik, A. V. Belotsky, Prof. V. G. Permyakov, V. S. Kocho, V. G. Gorbach, S. I. Sidorenko, V. Y. Shmoko, S. P. Doroshenko and others.

The teachers and other personnel of the faculty have high scientific potential. Practically one fourth of the teachers (23%) are professors, doctors of engineering. The total of the faculty's teachers holding degrees and titles amounts to about 80%. The Faculty has never received any claims for replacement of our graduates. Apart from the aforesaid, it is explained by the fact that the traditions initiated by the faculty's founders have always been maintained.

It's already for more than 25 years that each department of the faculty has its own branch at one of the institutes of the Ukraine's National Academy of Sciences:

the Department of Ferrous and Nonferrous Metals Foundry - at the Physics and Technology Institute of Metals and Alloys (PTIMA);

the Department of Physics of Metals -at the Institute of Physics of Metals;

the Department of High-Temperature Materials and Powder Metallurgy - at two institutes: the Institute of Material Science Problems and the Bakul Institute of Superhard Metals;

• the Department of the Physical and Chemical Fundamentals of Metal Technology - at the Y.O. Paton Institute of Electric Welding;

• the Department of Metal Science, Equipment and Technology of Thermal Treatment of Metals - at the Institute of Material Science Problems.

Lectures are delivered by academicians - V. V. Nemoshkalenko, V. V. Skorokhod, V. L. Naidek, I. N. Karp, B. I. Medovar, Corresponding Members of the Ukraine's NAS - G. P. Borisov, V. P. Bondarenko, G. G. Yefimenko, S. G. Yushchenko.

A few years ago three new disciplines were opened at the faculty: Physical Material Science, Powder Metallurgy, Special Metallurgy. New specializations include: Art and Jewelry Casting, Technology of Producing Dentures and Orthopedic Prosthetic Appliances, International Certification and Standardization of Metallurgy Industry. The first two are especially much in demand, proving to be more popular than the others.

Our faculty is located in a very good training and laboratory building with sufficiently modern equipment. We have created an all-faculty Computer Laboratory with a local network. Practically all of the faculty's students use computers in doing their year's and graduation designs and other works.

There are 5 Departments and 6 research Laboratories at the Faculty.

The Department of Ferrous and Nonferrous Metals Foundry
The Department of Physical and Chemical Fundamentals of the Metal Technology
The Department of Physics of Metals
The Department of Metal Science, Equipment and Technology of Thermal Treatment of Metals
The Department of High Temperature Materials and Powder Metallurgy

Physical Engineering Faculty of the KPI which is a key Faculty in the field of metallurgy and materials physics both in our country and abroad has contributed much in acceleration of the scientific progress of Ukraine.


Task 1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

провідні факультети, навчально-дослідницький центр, вища технічна освіта, заснування, високопрофесійні спеціалісти, видатний працівник, перший декан, бакалаври і магістри, очолювати факультет, випускники, вклад у розвиток металургійної освіти.



Task 2. Match the following words and word combinations:
1. заслужений вчений a. metal science
2. сталева металургія b. leading scientists
3. металознавство c. up-to-date equipment
4. порошкова металургія d. honoured sientist
5. провідні вчені e. ferrous metals
6. засновники факультету f. heat treatment
7. дослідницька лабораторія g. steel metallurgy
8. лауреат державної премії h. powder metallurgy
9. науковий потенціал i. faculty’s founders
10. кольорові метали j. research laboratory
11. термообробка k. laureate of state prize
12. сучасне обладнання l. non-ferrous metals
13. чорні метали m. scientific potential


Task 3. Fill in the gaps with the verbs given below in proper tense form:

to determine, to start, to locate, to found, to receive

1. The training of the metallurgists _____ in KPI since the time of its foundation in 1898 at the chemical Faculty.

2. PEF _____ in the Kiev Polytechnic Institute in order to improve training of Bachelors of Science in Engineering for metallurgy and to provide numerous Institutes of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences with highly skilled specialists.

3. The quality of specialists training _____ by the skills of teachers, their scientific and pedagogical potential.

4. The Faculty _____ never any claims for replacement of our graduates.

5. Our faculty _____ in a very good training and laboratory building with sufficiently modern equipment


Task 4. Make up word combinations and translate them into Ukrainian:
1. training-and-research a. scientists
2. higher b. members
3. well-known c. designs
4. highly skilled d. treatment
5. metallurgy-related e. potential
6. corresponding f. center
7. scientific g. iron
8. high-strength h. equipment
9. high-temperature i. specialists
10. powder j. professions
11. thermal k. metallurgy
12. modern l. education
13. graduation m. materials
Task 5. Translate next sentences into English:

1. Наш факультет було засновано з метою навчання професіональних металургів.

2. Протягом 15 років факультет очолював видатний професор Ващенко.

3. Випускники Інженерно-Фізичного Факультету працюють в багатьох напрямках інженерії.

4. На факультеті працює багато видатних науковців.

5. Для покращення навчання було створено дослідницькі лабораторії та комп’ютерні кабінети.

6. Викладацький штат факультету складається з висококваліфікованих працівників.

7. Факультет зберігає свої найкращі традиції з часів його заснування.

Task 6. Answer the following questions:

1. When was the Physical Engineering Faculty organized?

2. When did the training of the metallurgists start?

3. What were the reasons of the Faculty organization?

4. Who was the organizer of the Faculty and the first dean during 15 years?

5. Who was the head of the Faculty after the first dean?

6. What well-known people working at the PEF can you mention?

7. Can you say a few words about graduates of the PEF?

8. How many departments are there at the PEF? What are they?

9. Where is the faculty located? What facilities are at the faculty?


Task 7. Make a report about Physical Engineering Faculty including the following:

organization of the faculty, graduates, teaching staff, departments, facilities, etc.



I am a student of the Kiev Polytechnical Institute. I study at the Physical Engineering Faculty. Our faculty trains specialists for different fields of metallurgy.

Metallurgy is a very important branch of national economy. Therate of the development of almost all branches of economy and the speed of scientific and technological progress largely depend on the quantity and quality of metals and alloys of metals. Metallurgy embraces a wide range of subdivisions and scientists conduct research in different directions.

Metallurgy is one of the oldest of arts but one of the youngest of sciences. Many of our metals were known in ancient times, but it is only within the last century that the knowledge of the properties of the metals has made it possible to apply them in any extended way for industrial purposes.

With the development of physics of metals, metallography, theory of heat treatment, and other phases of the science of metals, the field of metallurgy has broadened.

Metallurgy in this broader sense falls into three divisions: chemical, physical and mechanical. Chemical metallurgy includes the metallurgical processes involving chemical change and the methods of production and refining. Physical metallurgy deals with the nature, structure, and physical properties of metals and alloys. Mechanical metallurgy includes the processes of working and shaping metals - processes which do not involve chemical changes.

Our faculty trains engineers and research workers for such branches of metallurgy as foundry production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, heat-treatment of metals, physics of metals and powder metallurgy. It is very essential that the engineer who is to be concerned with the selection of metals and alloys in industry should have fundamental knowledge in chemistry, physics, thermodynamics, dynamics and mechanics. He should know the nature of the physical and mechanical properties and characteristics of metals and alloys. The study of microstructure of metals by means of the electron microscope is very important. It is also necessary to study the techniques and processes of changing the physical properties of metals.

Our Institute has all necessary facilities to train good specialists. We have a lot of laboratories with the most up-to-date equipment. There we conduct our laboratory and practical works under the guidance of highly qualified teachers. We attend lectures delivered by the best professors and have practical training at industrial enterprises and research institutions. We also devote much time to independent study and reading: many students are members of student scientific society.

After graduation we'll have an opportunity to apply our knowledge at metallurgical enterprises to contribute to further growth of metal production in our country or we'll conduct research in metal science to improve quality of metals and alloys and to raise the efficiency of metal production. Many of us will combine their practical work with theoretical study and experimental investigations.

Task 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

to train specialists, important branch of national economy, the rate of the development, the speed of scientific and technological progress, to depend on, quantity and quality, alloys, to embrace, to conduct research, ancient times, properties of the metals, to apply, industrial purposes, to broaden, to involve chemical change, to deal with, research workers, foundry production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, heat-treatment of metals, physics of metals, powder metallurgy, to be concerned with, selection, fundamental knowledge, microstructure of metals, by means of, up-to-date equipment, laboratory and practical works, under the guidance, to attend, industrial enterprises, to devote, scientific society, graduation, opportunity, to contribute, growth of metal production, to improve, to raise the efficiency of metal production, to combine, investigations.

Task 2. Match the following words with their translations:

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 89 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Task 10. Retell the text “My Future Speciality”. | Casting Terminology | Think of your own sentences according to this pattern. | Task 8. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian, paying attention to the modal words. | Task 4. Fill in the gaps with the verbs given below in proper tense form. | GATING SYSTEMS | METAL SCIENCE, METALS THERMAL TREATMENT EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT | Зносостійкість, термообробка, задані властивості, металознавство, імпульсний нагрів, терміст, електронний промінь, науково-дослідний інститут, якість виробу. | HEAT TREATMENT OF IRON AND STEEL | HEAT TREATING FURNACES |

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