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Ex. 1. Put the verbs into the correct form.

Читайте также:
  1. A). Form abstract nouns from these verbs
  2. A). Form abstract nouns from these verbs
  3. ACT 1. Preview (with sound on). Watch the preview to complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the Word Box. Write the correct word on each blank line.
  4. Adjectives and adverbs
  5. Adjectives and adverbs
  6. Adjectives and adverbs coinciding in form
  7. Adjectives and adverbs coinciding in form
  8. Adjectives or adverbs (1)
  9. Adverbs and adjectives with the same form.
  10. Adverbs may function either as adverbials or as modifiers.

1. My husband usually … on the computer every evening. (work).

2. I … breakfast at home (have).

3. They … to the country every week (go).

4. His sister always … him with his homework (help).

5. Jane … French very well (speak).

6. Mr. Brown often … to work by taxi. (go).

7. I … what he … (understand, to mean).

8. It often … in Moscow in winter. (snow).

9. Jim … to the radio in the morning. (listen).

10. She … opera and ballet (like).

Ex. 2. Make the sentences negative and interrogative (yes/no questions)..

1. They want to buy a car.

2. She likes to speak English to her friends.

3. He always sleeps with the window open.

4. I do a lot of travelling.

5. A lot of people come here to see the races.

6. Ann sometimes brings flowers when she comes home.

7. My parents watch the news in the evenings.

8. My sister starts work at 9 o’clock.

9. Mary usually goes to the cinema once a week.

10. She comes from France.

11. I like ice-cream.

12. We want to go to Italy for our holidays.

Ex. 3. Supply the following sentences with one of the given adverbs: usually, never, often, always, generally, sometimes, occasionally.

1. I am at work on weekdays.

2. She goes to the country alone.

3. My friend plays tennis on Sundays.

4. The weather is fine in autumn.

5. My mother goes shopping in the evening.

6. We meet at the University.

7. It snows in spring.

8. She works in the evening.

9. They see each other every weekend.

10. I cook a meal for my friends.

Ex. 4. Ask questions to which the given sentences are the answers:

1. My friends go abroad every year. Where …? How often …?

2. His sister always walks with her children in the park. How often …?

Where …? Who … with?

3. I come to the University at 8 o’clock in the morning. Where…? When …?

4. We write tests once a month. What …? How often …?

5. He learns English to read books in the original. What language …? Why…?

6. His brother has got a new car. What…? What kind…?

7. He wants to buy a new bookcase. What…?

8. This computer costs a lot. How much …?

9. I check my e-mail in the evening. What …? When …?

10. She goes to visit her cousin in the country every month. Where …? How often …? Why…?

Ex. 5. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Он знает два иностранных языка: английский и немецкий.

2. Я часто помогаю маме готовить обед.

3. Иногда она уходит из дома в 7 часов утра и возвращается в 7 часов вечера.

4. Где ты обычно обедаешь? – Я обычно обедаю дома, но два раза в месяц я обедаю в ресторане.

5. Каждое воскресенье он встречается с друзьями.

6. Откуда она родом? – Из Франции.

7. Зимой Джеймс обычно ходит в бассейн раз или два в месяц.

8. Почему вы всегда приходите поздно?

9. Когда она приезжает в Лондон, она никогда не останавливается в отеле.

10. Я хожу к стоматологу два раза в год.

Present Simple vs. Present Continuous.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 277 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Abbreviation List | Ex. 5. Ask questions to which the given sentences are the answers. | Present Perfect Simple | Ex. 1. Complete the following irregular verb table with the correct forms. Notice the similarities between the verb forms. | Be going to (do) | Ex. 2. Put the verbs into the correct form. | Modal verbs (basic rules). | Present. | Ex. 9. Underline the correct verb form. | Special questions. |

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