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Questions to the text

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  1. Add your sentence and your questions, please (5 questions at least)
  2. Answer the following questions and do the given assignment.
  3. Answer the following questions.
  4. Answer the following questions.
  5. Answer the following questions.
  6. Answer the following questions. Work in groups of four.
  7. Answer the questions
  8. Answer the questions
  9. Answer the questions
  10. Answer the questions about passages III and IV.

1. Is PR a form of advertising?

2. Does PR relate to all the communications of the organization?

3. Is PR an 'unpaid-for advertising'?

4. Why is PR not free?

5. What is said about an editorial space?

6. May an organization not use advertising?

7. Why is PR more extensive than advertising?

8. Can PR use advertising?

9. How is the budget spent in advertising?

10. What is the money spent on in PR?

Exercise A. True or False:

1. PR is a form of public relations.

2. PR relates to all the communications of the organization.


3. Advertising is mainly not limited to the marketing function.

4. There is nothing free about public relations.

5. PR is time consuming and 'unpaid-for advertising'.

6. PR is not free because the money is spent on staff salaries or consultancy fees.

7. If a story appears in the news column its value can be counted by advertisement rates.

8. Fire brigades have relations with many publics.

9. PR is more extensive than advertising.

10. Advertising agencies receive their income from the media on the space or air time which they buy.

Exercise B/ Fill in the gaps:

1. PR... to all the communications of the organisation.

2. Advertising is mainly limited to the... function

3. Public Relations is netither... nor....

4. If a story appears in the news column its... cannot be counted by advertisement rates for space.

5. Editorial space and radio or television programme time is....

6.... may not be used by an organization, but every organization is involved in...

7.... works with everyone and everything and advertising is lim­ited to special selling and buying tasks.

8. There are several ways in which advertising agencies receive their...

9. The PR consultancy can sell only its... and...

10. In PR most of the money goes on...

Exercise С Form the adjective from the noun. Example: price — priceless

job—... meaning—... penny—... time—... use—... worth—...

E x am p 1 e: limit — unlimited paid—...

said—... spoken—... sold—...

Exercise D. Translate into English:

1. PR не является видом (формой) рекламы.

2. PR— это не бесплатная, не «неоплаченная» реклама.

3. Ничего бесплатного в PR нет — он занимает много време­ни, а время стоит денег.

4. Если материал появляется в редакционном разделе — он бес­ценен.

5. Каждая организация вовлечена в PR.

6. PR занимается (срабатывает) всегда и везде, а реклама огра­ничена задачами продаж и закупок.

7. Связи с общественностью посвящены всем видам коммуни­каций организации, они охватывают большие сферы деятель­ности, чем реклама.

8. Реклама ограничена специальными заданиями продаж или покупки товаров, например, продвижением товаров и услуг или набором персонала.


9. Существует несколько способов, при помощи которых рек­ламные агентства получают доход.

10. Более того, в рекламной деятельности (рекламе) большая часть бюджета расходуется на СМИ и производственные за­траты.

Exercise E. Translate into Russian.

Confusion with marketing (from Effective Public Relations, Scott M. Cutlip at al.)

Marketing is the management function most often confused with public relations. Advertised openings for «public relations representatives» turn out to be positions as door-to-door sales representatives or telephone solicitors. In many small organizations, you might see the same person doing both functions. After observing this situation, some have concluded that there is no difference between the two.

Probably the greatest confusion occurs in nonprofit organizations and government when «nonprofit marketing» and «social marketing» refer to building and maintaining relationships with members, donors,


and other constituents. In one such case, a practitioner in a major hospital found a new «Marketing Communication Department» sign on her door. Much to her surprise, management had changed the title of the «Public Relations Department» without telling her!

Those in the practice add to the confusion. Many public relations practitioners' business cards identify them as doing «marketing communications» or «marketing support programs.» Some public relations firms have «marketing communications» or «marketing public relations» in their titles and on their letterheads. The principal of one such firm wrote a book describing «public relations that supports the marketing of goods and services,» calling the practice «marketing public relations.»4 Many of those hired into public relations find themselves doing marketing work simply because both they and their managers confuse the two functions. Others do marketing support publicity because that is what their firm or agency gets paid to do. Given the widespread confusion, it is understandable when people assume that public relations work entails promotion and sales of goods and services. After considering the public relations-marketing distinction, a principal in a public relations firm observed that if sales is not the mission of public relations, then «75 percent of public relations people are really in marketing.»

Text В

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 80 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Text A Definitions of Public Relations | Exercise B. True of false? | Vocabulary | Text A History of PR | Vocabulary | Vocabulary | Public Relations Specialist in the USA | Vocabulary | Vocabulary | Text В PR Manager and the Management |

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